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Lang Yuan just finished his library work and walked out from the building. Holding a few stacks of papers, the youth skillfully scanned the lessons that he finished reviewing today and piled them on a paper envelope. The wind outside the building is a bit strong, slightly flipping a few papers away. A few papers fell down to the ground as Lang Yuan accidentally tripped a student.

"Sorry," Lang Yuan said with a lowered head, picking up the papers one by one.

"Oh, it's you Ah Yuan. You're still going out?"

The familiar voice made Lang Yuan look up. A smile creeps out from his face as he stood up to greet his senior. He forgot that his hands are full so the moment he stood up more papers fell down.

"Look, you're really clumsy," the senior chuckles then crouches down to help him pick up the papers.

"Sorry, I was just scanning the papers before passing it."

Lang Yuan was not able to pick the papers up because the senior finished picking them up. The senior carefully straightened each piece before handing it to the youth. He helped Lang Yuan place all the files inside the paper envelope before continuing their conversation.

"Thank you very much," Lang Yuan showed his full gratitude.

"No beggie. Aren't you the one who helped me with my reviewer?" The senior smiled, two deep dimples appearing on his cheeks. "I am really busy with my thesis and can't have time for the exams. Thanks to you that I managed to receive full marks."

"No, no! Senior Wei, I only helped you with the reviewer. You are the one who took the test. Senior Wei is really very hard working!" Lang Yuan quickly denied. Senior Wei laughed and ruffled Lang Yuan's hair.

"Okay, okay, I am the one who took the test and passed but you played a role too. How about I invite you for hotpot at my place? Mom was ecstatic when he saw my grade and learned that the school's best student helped me earn the grade. She told me to invite you over dinner some time," Senior Wei said.

"Eh? But..."

"Just agree, okay? It's my and mom's gratitude."

Lang Yuan could only nod. Senior Wei is a student from his previous school. Due to all the bullying that he received in High School, Lang Yuan chose a school that is far from that place but also have a good rate. This university is not widely known yet the entrance exams are as hard as the capital exams for University A and University B from City C. Lang Yuan passing the top rank got him the scholarship and the privilege to study free.

Senior Wei, or fully known as Dong Wei, is a senior who belonged to the same department. He is one of the few people that helped him on his high school days, even protecting him against the bullies. Without his help, Lang Yuan wondered if he could survive High School at all. So his gratitude is really great when it comes to this person.

Dong Wei is a year older to Lang Yuan but he advanced a year. When he graduated, Lang Yuan no longer meets with him but occasionally he heard some news about this senior receiving some famous awards nationally. He even texted him once wanting to invite him over and to ask if he is doing fine with his studies. Lang Yuan tried his best to agree with those invitations but he was busy so all were rejected.

Maybe he can let Senior Wei have his way now.

Though, he still did not believe that he will be able to meet Senior Wei again. He was really surprised when he saw the older guy on the library. At first, he was wondering why the person seems familiar. Senior Wei caught him looking and approached him. They could have chatted for a while if only Yan JiaYi did not arrive on that time and disturb them.

Thinking of which, where is that bastard anyway? It has been a few days since they last talk. Well, they are still meeting because they are attending the same classes but most of the time they could only spare a few glances before both of their faces blushes in red. Yan JiaYi who is known to be very chatty around him was not able to utter a single word while Lang Yuan who never really starts a conversation is more unable to talk.

Why did that guy suddenly kissed him? It wasn't only once, but thrice! Lang Yuan already know that Yan JiaYi said that he was interested with him. But the bastard did not totally explained the 'interest' that he has. Was his interest is like or just a past time? Poor Yan JiaYi. He was showing any affectionate action but Lang Yuan is so slow to realize it.

Senior Wei is playing with his phone but actually, he was closely watching the person beside him. Lang Yuan is currently hugging his things while staring ahead, his cheeks slightly flushed in red. Dong Wei smirked as he kept his phone down to step ahead.

"Well, then I go ahead first. I'll just text you the time and place," and Dong Wei left the youth.

Lang Yuan watched the retreating figure of the senior and thought, 'Senior did not have my number. How will he text me?" Well, the ignorant Lang Yuan only shrugged his shoulders and headed towards the basketball field.

To why he was heading to the basketball field, he heard that a certain someone is playing a game. Well, he's not going there to meet that someone, okay? He just wanted to take a peek and see if the game is getting heated.

Lang Yuan just reached the net fence when he heard someone calling him. He looked around to see who just spoke and found a person dangling on the net fence. The net fence is only short that anyone with Yan JiaYi's height could jump pass over. Though, Yan JiaYi just only leaned on the fence's railing afraid that if he would go over Lang Yuan will run away.

Lang Yuan found Yan JiaYi wearing the school's basketball uniform. Yan JiaYi is already sweaty and his shoes are a bit dirty. It seems that he has been playing since earlier and is only taking a breath now. He was even slightly breathing heavily.

"Um... hey," Yan JiaYi called.

"Mnn." Lang Yuan responded.

The two of them did not speak and only stared at each other. Yan JiaYi scratched the back of his head, slightly blushing. He called Lang Yuan out of whim, like how he always does, but now he can no longer talk. Lang Yuan will never talk unless he started talking.

"Well, how are you? You're here watching the game?" Yan JiaYi wanted to curse. Ah, why did he ask two questions at a time? Lang Yuan will surely think that he is weird.

"I'm fine. I'm just passing by," Lang Yuan answered clearly.

"Just passing by?" Yan JiaYi suddenly smirked. "But Yuan-er, the exit is on the other way. How can you simply pass by?"

Lang Yuan knows that he was caught so he only evaded his eyes. Yan JiaYi could not help but to laugh out aloud. The people around watched the prince charming. Eh, why does it seem that the prince charming is having a good time? Whom is he talking with now?

"So you are here to see me, right?" Yan JiaYi asked.

"Well... I am just really passing by. Why would I want to see you?" Lang Yuan denied.

"Mensao," Yan JiaYi commented.

Lang Yuan glared at him. Who is mensao? He is mensao? You're the one who is mensao! Your family is mensao!

"I have to go. I still have a part time work to do," Lang Yuan said as he turned around to head towards the entrance.

"Yuan-er, just wait for a while!" Yan JiaYi tried to climb over the fence.

His teammates are watching him go and already found a substitute. They are all aware of Yan JiaYi's infatuation towards the top student so they are not surprised if that person will leave the middle of the game just to chase the youth. Yan JiaYi was just about to hop over when suddenly the person suddenly fell to the ground. The number of people watched as Yan JiaYi collapsed to the ground.


YAY! I updated! 

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