13.4 The Service, Fluff, and Steam

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He was very embarrassed ah!

Yu XueQin openly carried Lang Yuan in bridal style all over the way causing Lang Yuan to hide his face from embarrassment. He dug his own nest on the emperor's chest and dare not to look up to avoid seeing the proud smug of the emperor. The people who witnessed such event whistled and cheered for the older man as they threw in some words of blessings and compliments.

It only took a while for the couple to arrive on the destination. Lang Yuan was released from the embarrassing position the moment they arrived at the doorstep. He wanted to erase the smirk coming from the older man's face by bravely scolding but he was distracted by the familiarity of the place. He could only open his mouth before he was overwhelmed by a series of emotions.

The place where Yu XueQin brought Lang Yuan is the place where JiDan was born.

Not a very long time ago, Lang Yuan entered the walls of Qian. He was still a bit lost from the sudden transmigration added by the fact that he was carrying a large conscious egg. His very form, despite all his misgivings, brought malice to the people who wanted to take advantage to him. Yet, he was lucky enough to land on some few good people who honestly showed him the right way.

One of these people is that little servant names Shen Qi. That little guy has a look of being poor with his shabby clothes and blemished skin. However, the little guy showed a rather intelligent glint that made Lang Yuan trust the young man. He was guided all throughout the town, was given information about the common commodities especially the places where things are bought or where to go should emergency comes.

At the end, Lang Yuan was brought to a simple restaurant that accepts guests over the night. Shen Qi told Lang Yuan that the restaurant cooks the 'bestest' food in the whole town, and the rooms for the guests are cheap. He accepted the suggestion and was utterly satisfied to receive such service.

Even though he only stayed in the place for a while, it still left a good deep impression on him. That's why despite all the changes that happened after his many years of absence from the human realm, Lang Yuan will always recognize the place. Yu XueQin found the nostalgic face of Lang Yuan cute so he stole a short kiss from the youth's lips.

"You can tell?" Yu XueQin asked.

"En," Lang Yuan nodded. Even though it's already eighteen years later, for Lang Yuan, it just happened a few months ago. Therefore, his memory is still very clear.

The couple entered the establishment. Since eighteen years has passed, the former appearance of the restaurant has already faded to the background changing the whole interior to a fresh new look. Before, the first thing the guests would see after entering the door is the mess hall with its prominent circular tables and chairs. The bustle of people would come next with the waiters running back and forth to get orders and to hand the served food. Lang Yuan once saw the noisy yet comfortable scene and thought that the business is really booming.

Now, Lang Yuan did not meet the usual mess hall. Instead, a counter would be found on the very center that hinders the view of the inside. On the counter would be a few ladies holding log books and pens receiving guests as well as orders. Lang Yuan walked towards the counter greeting the ladies with a smile.

The ladies are the daughters of the owner of the restaurant. It was already night and the restaurant is already full with people eating their dinners. Seeing the pure looking soul somehow filled their energy gauze. This person is so pretty ah! His voice is also so gentle! What a refreshing sight for a busy night like this!

It was the oldest among the ladies who responded. "Good evening gentlemen."

Yu XueQin walked beside Lang Yuan. "We have reservations."

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