17.1 The True Hero

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Lang Yuan is in a dark space.

Mother? Mother? Are you fine? Are you cold?

Mother, come here. I found something for you.

Mother, you see, the other day I...

No! Imperial Father is no good. Uncle is also no good. Just bring me instead!

He he he, Imperial Father said that I could have brothers...

Yawns, Mother won't leave me alone, right?

- There's a way for you to return to your world -

- The Rules states that only those who belonged in this world could stay -

- Would you like to stay here forever? -

- That's impossible though. Because you will never belong here -


Lang Yuan woke up when he heard somebody calling his name. Though, when he opened his eyes, he noticed the world is so blurry. He could still see objects but what he could recognize is the hazy outlines of bright colors. He squinted to wet his eyes but the blur remained. His hand subconsciously reached out for an object then wore it right just above his nose.

The first thing that he saw is flowers planted in square plots. It has a good combination of red and violet that seems to be vivid for just a plant. Beside the red-tinted flowers are some small yellow-petal flowers. Different from the latter, this flower seems to be huddled in a single bundle creating a bouquet of the same kind. It somehow showed an innocent picture that urges someone to look at it.

A few more flowers surrounded the background. Each of them has its characteristics - one is short while the other is long. Some flowers have pointy leaves while some have round and stubby. The variation of colors and shapes created a beautiful mural that anyone watching would want to praise it. Lang Yuan, on his daze state, thought that he wanted to share this scenery with...

With whom?

"Xiao Yuan?"

A figure who woke Lang Yuan up noticed the dazed expression of the youth. He was just cleaning the last batch of the flowers that will be put up in delivery when he found the boy sleeping on the corner. Giving the washed flower to the other worker, he motioned beside the youth as he slightly called him. He ruffled the bird's nest hair of his younger brother as he slightly massaged the neck of Lang Yuan.

"What's the matter?" Lang JunJie asked.

[A/N: For goodness sake, I've been looking for the names of LY brothers because I forgot to record them. There are only two Lang sibling that was introduced. Lang JunJie, which is the eldest, and Lang Lan Zhan the second... Yes, folks, the great me named him LANG LAN ZHAN. Ugh, back to the story]

Lang Yuan felt the familiar touch and leaned back to his brother. He removed his eyeglasses and rubbed his eyes slightly. JunJie found the yawning action of his little brother cute and let Lang Yuan lean unto him for a while. Lang Yuan restored his glasses and looked up to Lang JunJie.

"Are you done?" He asked.

"Almost," JunJie kept on ruffling the young man's hair. "Why are you thinking? You seem to be in a daze?"

"I just got a dream," Lang Yuan replied, yawning again. Small tears appeared on the corners of his eyes. He squinted to stop the water drop from falling.

"A dream? Was it good or bad?" Junjie probed further. Lang Yuan rarely shows this kind of character so he is ecstatic whenever this little brother opens up. Lang Yuan tilted his head slightly as if thinking, then he shook his head.

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