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Your eyes opened as you heard the doors open and you turned your head towards the TARDIS. The hestic walked out first, with the doctor and the others following suit.

"Told you id come back (y/n)" was the first thing the doctor said.

The doctor stared at you on the floor, slightly concerned. She walked over to you, as to make sure everything was okay and nothing bad happened while she was gone.

"You okay?" She asked you.

You looked up to her face, shrugging your shoulders. She sighed, holding out her hand to help you up. You stared at it, your heart rate going up a little. You dismissed it, sitting up yourself, brushing off the dust and standing up with a cough.

"Ew, you were down here for the last few hours" Yaz said, covering her mouth as she looked around the tunnel, disgusted at the state of the place.

"Yeah" The doctor said, clearly annoyed about the fact.

you cleared your throat, not looking at the doctor and moving away from her angry figure. You walked nearer to the TARDIS, glad to finally be back.

"How will we all fit inside your small ship Doctor?" One of the creatures asked.

"It's bigger on the inside" you smiled at them.

"It's true! It's an incredible, magical...... impossible ship!" The hestic that went with the doctor said excitedly.

You smiled brightly at his reaction. It was definitely all those things.

"Well, we should get going" the doctor said, walking towards the TARDIS.

You didn't even want to be in her presence knowing that she was in a bad mood with you. It was strange, a few minutes without her and you ended up getting lightheaded from holding your breath for too long....three times! But every time she was pissed with you, you just wanted to stay the heck away from her, and knowing 'the talk' was coming up real soon spurred on your actions of staying away from her.

You walked inside the TARDIS before the doctor came anywhere near it, making sure to stay away from her. You walked quite far down, past the controls and considered just going down the corridors and hiding somewhere but before you could do that you saw a lot of hestics walking into the TARDIS.

You made sure to stay well away from any of them, practically hiding behind one of the golden shards. You heard a lot of mumbling and gasps of wonder coming from them all. You smiled, knowing that your first reaction to the TARDIS was similar. You slowly made your way out from the shard, still standing a good distance away from all the aliens and making sure you weren't in the doctor's line of view.

"Right, is everyone in?" The doctor shouted out.

"Everyone is present" one of them called.

"Right then! Hold on to something! It's a bumpy ride!" The doctor smiled happily as she ran around the console.

She pulled the leaver, making you go flying through the time space vortex. You held on to the shard, taking in and admiring everything about the ride. The rough ride where you're nearly thrown off your feet and the humming of the TARDIS under your fingers, to the beautiful whoozing noise. You never wanted to be left behind again. You just wanted to stay here, on the TARDIS. Where you belonged.

The TARDIS came to a halt, stopping all movements. The doctor walked towards the doors, past several hestics and opened them.

"There we go. A planet that's all to yourselves" the doctor smiled, stepping out.

The hestics followed her, audible gasps and chattering coming from them all. You followed out to the doors, staring at the planet. It had a deep purple sky and several plots of clear, empty land, and other spots with forests and vegetation thriving.

"There we go! Home sweet home!" The doctor announced brightly.

You saw loads of the hestics going up to her and thanking her, while others were heading out into their new world, exploring. You smiled at the sight, but couldn't help but wonder how the doctor was still so kind to these creatures even after everything they did. And it wasn't just one species she did this with, every alien race that was good or bad, the doctor helped. She was always so kind. Well, that was until you kept on pissing her off and she snapped. She was bound to have a shout at you.

You sighed, turning around and walking back towards the TARDIS. You honestly just wanted to stay out of sight from the doctor as though that would somehow magically make her forget she was angry with you and hopefully not shout at you or even worse, have the serious talk with her. You were an adult and there was no need for her to be having words with you as though you were still a child.

The doors behind you opened and you saw Yaz and the doctor walking in with Graham and Ryan waving goodbye as they stepped inside too. They walked past you and towards the controls as you stayed by the doors. You stood awkwardly, trying not to make eye contact with the doctor. You hoped that the fact that Yaz, Graham and Ryan were present meant she wouldn't have a screaming shouting go at you right now in front of everyone.

To your surprise the doctor actually took off the TARDIS somewhere. You quickly held onto the nearest thing before you lost your footing.

"Where are we going?" Ryan asked.

You silently thanked the stars that he asked and you didn't.

"We need to make sure the celebratory planet hasn't been affected by any of this" The doctor explained, rushing around the controls to get you back to that planet.

It landed pretty quickly. And the doctor looked at the screens in the TARDIS, making sure all the readings were normal.

Once the doctor was happy with them all, she turned towards you with a tint of anger in her eyes. You gulped, knowing she was about to have a go.

"What in all of the universe and all of the stars makes you think that wandering off ever does any good!" She shouted at you.

You could see that the others were a little taken aback by her outburst towards you and even Yaz took a small step back.

"Do you know the consequences of just walking off on your own!" She shouted at you, her hard gaze not leaving your body.

"I'm sorry" you said quietly.

"Sorry doesn't fix anything (y/n)!" She shouted.

You sighed, looking down, knowing she was going to get everything out.

"And then you go and break your hand! Not like your usual self harm techniques! And who's left to always deal with your mess when you hurt yourself?! ME!" She screamed.

You didn't dare look up, feeling her death stare on you. You shut your eyes, your head bowed.

"I wasn't self harming doctor I was getting out of those chains" you retorted.

"Chains which you wouldn't have been in if you'd not wandered off!" She shouted, pacing as her gaze finally left you "I was going to sort it out with you all but what do you go and do, get yourself kidnapped! I'm sick of this! I do hope breaking your hand hurt because that may actually teach you something for once!" She shouted.

You sighed, listening on to her shouting and screaming at you in front of all the other who were simply stood in silence, watching the doctor in shock.

You turned around quietly and walked out of the doors, out of the TARDIS and away from all the emotional and verbal abuse. You already knew you deserved everything you got but it didn't need the doctor to tell you herself and make it ten million times worse.

You walked away from the TARDIS, allowing yourself to get engulfed by the planet.

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