I Got You - C.E.

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What Chris didn't expect was to find you, his best friend in the whole wide world (the one he's in love with), in the bathroom hiding from the noises of the fireworks. Years before, you'd always love seeing and even hearing the pop or the roar that was let off by fireworks. It made you laugh in excitement and giddiness that gave Chris joy. But ever since you came back from Iraq and Afghanistan, you can't handle it. It's like bombs or IEDs that have been let off to you.

He's quick to sit right beside you and then pull you in between his legs. You're crying with your hands over your ears and you're trembling trying to make yourself as small as possible. His arms wrapped around you tightly and his heart just breaks especially since he hadn't noticed that you're suffering. Chris was even just outside with his family (which had become yours) sitting in lawn chairs and blankets watching the fireworks. His mom had asked him to go check on you knowing that you and Chris always shared a blanket or chair together when watching the colors burst into the sky.

"I've got you, Y/n," Chris said close to your covered ear. "It's alright. I'm right here. I'm right here."

You choked on a sob and then there's a loud pop followed by many. You yelped and screamed. Kids are screaming excitedly outside and you're drowned out. Only Chris can hear you.

You spun around and pushed yourself against him trying to get away from the noise. You just cried out keeping your hands covering your ears and Chris got tears in his eyes. He's never seen you like this. It pains him. You were always so happy and there for him. You'd cheer him up and help him out with his anxieties whenever you weren't deployed. He literally had a panic attack in front of you when visiting a military base and you pulled him away from having men and women he deems stronger than himself. You saved the at the time 30 year old from embarrassing himself while you were just 19.

"I've got you," Chris said holding tighter.

You cried harder and you're trembling in his arms. He gets up deciding that the bathroom isn't the place for you to hide from the thunderous pops of fireworks. You beg him not to leave you and he scoops you up in his arms. You hide your face into his chest. He takes you out of the bathroom and out of Shanna's old room. Chris brings you down the hallway and catches his mother's eyes as she stands on the stairs hearing you cry into her son's. He takes you to his bedroom shutting the door. He carefully places you on the bed and puts a blanket around you.

"I'm not leaving. I'm right here, honey," Chris said moving away from the bed.

He locks the door and goes to Dodger's crate where he whimpers. Chris opens up the crate and the dog rushes out and goes to you. Chris follows over getting his shoes off and climbing into the bed while his pooch replaces the tears on your cheeks with his saliva. He brings you under the covers and wraps his arms around you holding you tightly while Dodger places himself on top of Chris and puts his snout in your face.

"It's okay, sweetheart. You're safe. You got me and Dodger right here," Chris reassures. "I got you."

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