Goddess of Thunder - B.B.

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"I have a twin sister too," Thor said looking at Pietro and Wanda. "But I'm older by 30 minutes instead of your 12."

"Oh god, is she the evil one?" Tony asked plopping down in his favorite chair.

"No, she isn't evil. That's Hela. My twin is like a plush rabbit that can kill," Thor said. "She was a Valkyrie like Brunhilde."

"Sounds fun," Natasha said.

"Oh, it is," Brunhilde said sipping out of the vodka bottle.

"Where is she?" Clint asked.

"We do not know," Loki said coming over with a can of orange soda.

Everyone is gathered around the couches in the big common room. They're mostly talking about their families and mainly Asgard. Bucky isn't there due to him being out on a date with you, his fiancé. Most have yet to even meet you. Sam is the only one who has. Some have seen pictures but everyone is just glad that Bucky has a life away from the compound.

"What kind of god is she?" Bruce asked.

"The Goddess of Thunder, Banner," Thor said.

"So there's another you out there this whole time?" Clint clarified.

"No, Y/n is the Goddess of Thunder not the God of Thunder— I have that title," Thor said.

"Does she have a hammer?" Sam asked.

"No, she has swords," Thor exclaimed. "I wanted them but Odin wouldn't let me have them."

Loki just takes sighs and keeps his mouth shut. Meanwhile, Bucky twirls you around on the sidewalk and you laughed. You collide into his chest and he just grins at you. He leans down and presses his lips against yours. A streetlamp shines down onto the two of you. His arms wrap around your waist and your hands find the nape of his neck. Both of your eyes are closed as the two of you melt into each other.

However, when you both part, you're in the New York Sanctum. You both looked at Dr. Strange.

"Please separate," Strange said.

"What do you want, Strange?" Bucky asked as you got out of Bucky's arms even though he wants to hold you closer.

"I want her," Strange said.

You backed away from Bucky and Bucky is looking at you confused and hurt. He wonders if you're cheating on him with Strange and if Strange just wants you. Strange creates a portal and slides it down onto Bucky before he can fight for you. Bucky falls out of the portal and onto the glass coffee table which breaks. He growls looking up at the ceiling and the Avengers are in shock.

"Strange took her from me!" Bucky said looking at Sam with pleading eyes.

He can't lose you without a fight. You're the love of his life. You're the reason he's alive. You yourself are pained by the look betrayal on his face. You feel bad but you know you're needed for something.

"Was that really necessary, you witch?" You asked looking at Strange.

Strange gave you an annoyed look and said, "Y/n Odinson, the Goddess of Thunder, Thor's twin sister, this is Jane Foster and she needs your help."

"Pleasure to meet you," Jane Foster said shaking your hand.

"The pleasure is all mine. I do believe you are with my brother, Thor," you said falling back into your Asgardian mannerisms and the two of you walked up the stairs with Strange following behind with Darcy.

"Do have a hammer?" Darcy asked.

"No, I have swords but I really don't need them and they're in my closet," you said.

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