Souls Collide - B.B.

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You and Carol fly through the sky. She's late for a mission debrief. She actually recruited you a few months back even though she doesn't really do partners. But she changed her mind once the two of you managed to be kidnapped together and put in a cell together. You told her how you're a human and that you were kidnapped by an alien. You were an experiment that was supposed to cause mass destruction but you got free for a brief time and decided to be good but then you ended up back in a cell with the same alien that used you.

It's your first time back on earth. You completely forgot about the soulmate thing actually you have never learned about it. You have the name James Buchanan Barnes on your left collarbone and under it is his birthday, March 10, 1917. Carol calls you Jay since she briefly say your collarbone at one point. You don't remember much since you were taken when you were only 4 but finally having a name other than 'Subject' felt amazing and managed to up lift your spirits a bit. Carol has no clue how positive you can be after everything that's happened to you. It amazes her.

The two of you land carefully onto the landing pad and you tap the button behind your ear. Your helmet retracts into the device that lets you breath in space and other planets. Your braid falls down to rest on your shoulder and you follow Carol into the compound.

Bucky's breath hitched watching you walk past him. These dark almost black boots that come up to the knee —definitely made for combat- are worn by you. The boots are a lot like Carol's. A dark deep blue leather like pants that fit you perfectly with silver accents. The same blue as the pants for the jacket with a hood -perfect for stealth. Silver designs and accents are in the jacket. Strands of your hair perfectly frame your face whilst the rest is in a side braid that's held together with a silvery metal. He wonders how it's holding it together.

Carol opens both glass doors as walks into the conference room as if she owns the place and if she's right on time. You walk in but not as cocky as her.

"What the fuck?! I waited 45 minutes, your royal highness!" Tony exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, there's just other galaxies and planets that don't have the Avengers," Carol said. "It's only us and the Guardians and sometimes Thor."

"Ummm, who's she?" Clint asked.

"Jay, my partner in crime," Carol said pointing to you with her thumb.

The room bursted out laughing and the slam of a fist on the table silences them.

"You don't do partners," Rhodey said.

"Yeah, you do things alone," Tony said. "THIS IS OUT OF THE ORDINARY!"

"That's great," you said.

"Can we just do the meeting?" Carol asked glaring at the others.


You twirled a small screwdriver in between your fingers as Tony and Bruce are trying to figure out your identity —more like who you were before you were kidnapped. Carol had asked Bruce but Tony got involved. Friday had scanned your face minutes ago and is now searching for missing children reports. A screen shows faces of lost kids between 2000-2008 since you're about 20-24.

Funny thing is, Bucky had Natasha help him search for you. Charlotte Josie Beck is on his right collarbone with January 23rd, 2002 below your name. Yes, it's scarred and kinda clawed off from his HYDRA days but it seems to be darkening in color as years past now that he's free. Nat was there to tell him that his soulmate was a missing child at the age of four. She was there when she told him that you're presumed dead. She was there when he broke down crying. She went with him to meet your parents (she waited in the car as his getaway driver) and they welcomed him with open arms. Their hearts broke for him.

"Charlie just loved the stars," your mother said as the three of them stood out on the back porch.

"She would always have me come with her out onto the roof just so she could see them," your dad, Mike, said. "She was definitely determined to be an astronaut or a superhero."

"What happened?" Bucky asked with his heartbreaking.

He loves the stars and everything that had to do with space. Especially as a kid. Sam even got him a telescope for his birthday and put in a card happy birthday, you fuck face. Bucky was very thankful for that day and he still looks through it.

"Her window was open when we were coming to get her ready for her first day of preschool," your mom, Janet, said.

"W-we looked everywhere for her," Mike said.

Tears streamed down Bucky's cheeks that day.

Natasha walked into the room as Bruce said to you, "you're Charlotte Josie Beck. Welcome back home to Earth."

You grinned widely. Carol was definitely happy for you and she placed a hand on your shoulder. She's become your mentor and older sister which has been pretty great for the both of you. Natasha was taken aback. She left and immediately went off to find her best friend Bucky.

"BUCK NASTY!" Natasha yelled sliding across the polished wooden floor in the kitchen.

"I don't like that name," Bucky mumbled spinning around on his heels to look at her.

"Your soulmate is alive," Natasha said.

Bucky laughed but soon enough he saw you in the lab being showed your parents pictures and your family. You were grinning and damn he fucking loves your smile. However, he doesn't have the guts to interact with you and you're already gone with Carol due to a distress signal from some planet.

What if you aren't his soulmate? What if his name isn't on your collarbone or even on any part of your body? What if it's someone else's name and birthday? What if you reject him cause of everything he's done? Do you even know? Those thoughts clouded his mind with doubt.

To be continued?

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