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~This is a Hakukai one~
~I do not own DC/MK~

It was cold as he walked down the street. He wanted to blame himself for not bringing a coat but he couldn't careless at this point. He was just tired. He was tired of feeling un-accepted around his loved ones. He was tired of going after something that may not even exist. He was tired of being looked at like a criminal. He was tired of being misunderstood. Sure he had a lot of fans and people that look up to him, but it didn't really matter to him. He just wants to be understood and accepted, by someone other than his assistant or his mother. He needs it.
Stopping dead in his tracks, he shivered and hugged himself as a blow of strong wind hit him.

'Cold... '

Thinking to himself that it could've been much worse, he brushed off the cold with a few scraches against his arm and continued his way.
He didn't know where he was going, he just knew he couldn't stay alone in his cold, empty, lonely house this night. He just couldn't.
He started to hum to an unfamiliar song, thinking it would help him forget about the cold wind hitting his face repeatedly. His voice and breath were shaky and his walking pattern was overall unsteady. He felt like he was ready to collapse at any second and never wake up. His lips curved into a small, pathetic smile, the feeling of self-sympathy slowly making it's way to his chest.
He wanted to cry. He really did, but he knew if he started crying now, he would never stop. Blinked the tears away and continued walking to his unknown destination.

'I just wanna be normal, is that too much to ask for...?'

He closed his eyes and imagined how great life would be if he was normal, but sadly, reality had to come in and rub the painful truth in his face. He's not normal and will not be, at least for his current life situation.
To anyone who saw him, the boy looked like he was sleepwalking, but what nobody knew was that he felt everything. He felt all the weird looks people gave him, he felt and heard people talking about a weird sleepwalking kid, he felt the small nudge some random person gave him to try and ''wake him up'', but most importantly, he felt... Warmth...?
Indigos shot open, only to be met with complete darkness. He tensed up and felt something wet slide down from his eye and down his cheek. He was crying, and seemingly, for a long while.


Kaito snapped his head up, immediately recognizing the voice. His indigo eyes met the person's golden brown ones.


Saguru tilted his head in confusion.

'Does he not remember what happened..?'

"Yes, it's me.." The half-brit said slowly, not wanting to startle the fragile creature that was shaking with sobs and crys in his embrace a few moments ago.


Kaito looked around in confusion. He knew this place. It's Saguru's ridiculously fancy and expensive living room. He was in Saguru's house.
He looked back up at the detective and realized.. He was clinging titely onto the blonde's brown turtle-neck top, which seemed to have a big wet spot in its chest area. Saguru had both of his arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders, as if he was hugging him, then let go, but not completely.

'What the...?!'

Saguru gasped as his classmate fell off his lap and landed hard on the ground.


He immediately crouched down next to him and wrapped his arm back around Kaito's shoulders.
Kaito slowly sat up and rubbed his lower back. His gaze switched up to Saguro's golden brown eyes. He seemed genuinely concerned. Kaito felt bad for making people worry about him but he internally smiled.

'He cares...'

Saguru huffed in a mixture of annoyance and concern.

"Ah, seriously..?"

Kaito looked up confused.

"Excuse me..?"

The blonde flicked his forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

Kaito rubbed his forehead, pouting.

"Really now? You don't remember anything..?!"

"H-huh... N-no, I guess.."

Kaito looked down guiltly. He felt like Saguru has given him great help in the past hour or so that passed. He was warm, comfortable, and away from the weird looks and stares people gave him, and now, he can't even remember any of it.
He slowly looked back up, silently pleading Saguru for an explanation.
Saguru's gaze softened and he sighed understanding this really was not some kind of messed up prank. He helped the magician up and pushed his shoulders down to the couch, forcing him to sit on the soft, cloud-like material. He sat down next to his classmate and began the explanation.

"Well, as I was coming back from solving a case, I found you in front of my house, staring blankly at the door. I approached you and tried calling your name but the moment I let out my voice, you suddenly threw yourself between my arms and started crying. I brought you in here and we ended up in the position you opened your eyes to."

Kaito stayed silent as he tried to process all the new information.
So after all.. He was going after comfort? That was his destination?
Indigos moved up from Kaito's lab and met the owner of the golden browns.
The half-brit detective was waiting patiently for an answer, but when he seemed to get none, he started to get even more worried than before. He was not able to identify the look in Kaito's eyes when his brown ones met the magician's indigo ones.


He was gonna ask if the boy was alright but instead, he widened his eyes at the smile Kaito presented him.
Kaito threw his arms around Saguru and giggled.

"H-huh...? Kuroba-kun..?"

Saguru didn't know whether he should be happy that the prankster is back to his old self again, or concerned about the sudden mood change. But then again, Kaito was never normal to begin with, he knew that much at least.
He smiled down fondly at his classmate who was shaking with silent giggles.

'He'll never change.'


His thoughts were cut short when the giggles stopped and the magician's sudden serious voice filled the room.

"Yes, Kuroba-kun?"

Kaito's wide smile was back again.

"Thank you for existing~"

Saguru rose an eyebrow at the reply but quickly brushed it off with a snort, remembering the FACT that he was was dealing with THE Kaito Kid himself.

"I'll never understand you."

That reply only caused more giggles to erupt out of the boy that was now on his lap and cuddled up to his chest, just like he was 17 minutes, 56 seconds, and 32 milliseconds ago, but this time it was the Kuroba Kaito he knew, not the fragile creature that cryed its little heart out to him just a few moments ago.

'I finally found it.. The solution to my problem'

Kaito thought happily as he kissed Saguru's cheek, causing the blonde to blush furiously.


The half-brit detective called after a running, laughing thief.
The thief didn't just steal jewels, he stole KISSES as well..! And maybe even people's hearts.

First one-shot in this book~
What do you think? ^~^
I love Hakukai~~ They're just so cute together~~

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