Stress Reliever

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Kaito jumped up in excitement. Tomorrow was the day he'd be holding a heist in America. What's so exciting about that, you ask? He's done it before, you say?
Well, almost a year ago, Kudo Shinichi, aka his Tantei-kun, has returned!
And of course, Edogowa Conan was no longer a thing.
A few months after his return, he traveled to America to live with his parents and solve complex cases.
Now that there was a jewel in America that had a great potential of being Pandora, he had the best excuse to visit his Tantei-kun there!
He giggled and started planning out tons of pranks for his Tantei-kun.

"Tomorrow will be the worst day of his life~"

Kid almost fell when the inspector yelled at the top of his lungs through a high quality microphone.
He rubbed his ears in pain and let out small whimpers.

"My poor ears..."

He accidentally said it out loud, loud enough for some of his audience to hear and giggle, feeling the same pain as his.
He giggled back and waved before dashing away from the taskforce and fully, also happily knowing the fact that his Tantei-kun was the one hot at his heels.
Kid snickered as he bolted onto the roof top and ran to the very edge of it, wanting to hurry up and check the heist target to see if it's what he's looking for or not before his detective's arrival.
A small pout made its way to his lips when he saw no red reflecting off of the gem when he offered it to the bright full moon.

"Not the one..."

His pout was quickly replaced with a bright smile once he heard the door slam open behind him. He turned to face his panting detective and immediately tried to suppress laughter. The detective was covered in green slime and white feathers. He admired his work, fully succeeding in pushing away his urge to laugh.

"Well, there we meet once again under the moonlight, Meitantei."

Shinichi clicked his tongue at the dramatic greeting.

"Hello Kid. Now if you'll kindly turn yourself in, that will be very much appreciated."

Kid faked a sad tone and pouted.

"Aw, you won't even ask if I'm good or not? How rude."

Shinichi rolled his eyes and took out his handcuffs. If only he had his soccer ball with him.

"Come over here and show me your wrists."

Kid blinked and did as told, feeling satisfied once he saw the surprised look on his detective's face.
And his wrists where held together tightly by the metal cuffs. He fake groaned.

"Tantei-kun, forgive me for saying this but your taste in accessories is pretty bad."

Kid tried to pull his wrists apart twice, testing the handcuffs. They were ordinary handcuffs, he could escape them effortlessly and in no time, but he wanted to see how much longer he could play around with the detective without being kicked in the face with those super power shoes of his.

"Would you shut up and just walk quietly in front of me so this night can end well?"

Kid blinked in surprise and the harsh tone. Usually whenever Shinichi talked to him, his tone was sarcastic and challenging, not harsh and angry.

'What's wrong with him today?'

This was not normal.
Shinichi let out a low growl.


He repeated. Kid frowned in confusion. This was definitely not normal.


"I said WALK!"

Shinichi stopped his fist before it his the thief's face. Kid didn't flinch, didn't even blink. He just stared at the fist in disbelief.


Kid was too speechless to complete his detective's nickname. The other growled more visibly and angrily than before and turned away.

"I don't care. Do whatever you want. I don't fucking give a shit about you. I was forced to come here anyways."

The detective walked to the edge of the roof where Kid stood before and admired the view for a second before sitting down. Shinichi heard the sound of metal hitting the floor of the roof, Kid had unlocked the cuffs. He mentally sighed before pulling out a cigarette from the cigarette box he kept in his breast pocket.
Kid almost lost his shit but kept it all bottled up in him and refused to let anything show through his pokerface, except for a worried frown.


At that moment, Kid knew he had to do something. Anything. He walked over to the edge and sat down at a reasonable distance away from his Tantei-kun, not wanting to cause any more anger to explode within the other. He gluped. He was scared to talk. He didn't want to cause any more trouble to his detective.


His voice was very soft, sounding more like Kaito than Kid. The other didn't even spare a glance at him and he continued to suck in and fill his lungs with disgusting toxic smoke.
Kid cringed for a second. He really didn't like that sight. It was plain disgusting.

"You can tell me anything, you know?"

Shinichi scoffed. Kid felt some relief that the other actually knew he was there.

"What do you want me to tell you?"

Kid frowned.

'I want you to tell me what's wrong.'

No. That's too much. Try again.

'I want you to tell me if you're okay.'

Still too much. Try again.

'I want you to tell me if you need help.'

Kid sighed. That wasn't it either. He needed to start simple.

"Why smoke?"

There. That was a good one.
Shinichi exhaled out the smoke and closed his eyes.

"I heard it helps to suppress hunger."

He sucked in more of the toxic smoke. Kid raised an eyebrow. Why did Shinichi want to suppress hunger? The other's body looked very fit and quite attractive in Kid's eyes, so why?

"Why suppress hunger?"

The reply came right after the question was asked.

"To make more time for work. Eating is not my top priority."

Kid's eyes widened. Ah! So that's why! Shinichi was stressed! Stress was the main problem! But... Stress. How can Kid help with that?
Anger flooded within him as he watched Shinichi inhale more poison. He wanted to stop this. He needed to stop this. Shinichi needed this to stop.
Kid took in a deep breath, he had a little trick up his sleeve.

"Well, you know what else can help suppress hunger?"

Shinichi didn't answer, indicating he wasn't really interested in what the other was saying. It hurt Kid. Badly.
Shinichi let out a small yelp when Kid took his hand and placed something in it.

"This can~"

And POOF! The thief was gone.
Shinichi looked at the item in his hand. It was pink, round, and felt sticky. A gum ball. Shinichi sighed. The other really represented his stage name well with his childish ways.
The detective threw his cigarette off the roof, not caring what it hit in its fall, there was nothing that would catch on fire. He gazed at the round piece of candy in his hand. He knew smoking was dangerous, and he wanted to stop, so maybe this was a good first step.
He plopped the gum into his mouth and sighed in relaxation.
Even though Shinichi didn't like sweet things, it tasted much better than toxic smoke.

I really have nothing to say other than, I came up with this idea at 1 in the morning and I liked it so I wrote it and I hope you like it :)
Oh wait, do you guys watch Gumball?

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