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~I do not own DC/MK~

Shinichi groaned as he opened his eyes. His head was killing him. Memories flooded his mind, he remembered getting attacked by a man in black. He grit his teeth, trying to convince himself that the man wasn't a member of the black organization. The organization was taken down a year ago, there was no way. Most criminals chose to wear black anyways.
He shifted his position and another groan escaped his lips, he was lying on cold hard floor. The detective tried to get up, only to discover that his wrists had been handcuffed behind his back. It didn't make him immobile, it just made getting up a lot harder that it should've been. Sapphire eyes scanned the place. He was in a small, dimly lit room. The room kinda looked like a metal box.
Shinichi frowned, the room had an unsettling atmosphere. His eyes continued to look around the room, till they spotted a person. The first thing that caught Shinichi's attention was the yellow tape covering the person. It was a mix of warning tape and 'fragile' packaging tape. The second thing the detective noticed were the handcuffs around the person's wrists and ankles.
The person was completely naked, but all of Shinichi's attention was directed towards the bruises that almost completely covered the body.
The detective walked slowly towards the person and crouched down. It was a guy that looked so much like him, so much that it was almost scary. But wait, he did know someone that looked exactly like him...
Shinichi's eyes widened, could it really be...?


There was no reaction, not that Shinichi expected one. The guy was completely unconscious. The detective noticed some irregularities in the shape of the guy's chest. A few ribs were broken, some of them were dangerously going inward. If the guy moved too much, his lungs could easily be punctured by the broken ribs. For a moment, Shinichi was glad that the guy was wrapped well in tape, a punctured lung wouldn't be as easy to get that way.
Azure eyes widened slightly when they saw a bit of dried blood under the guy's right eye. Shinichi frowned, whoever did this to Kid must've really hated the guy's guts.
Shinichi was sure it was Kid, there was no way it could be anybody else, the way his heart hammered in his chest was proof of it.
The more time passed, the more Shinichi observed Kid, the more injuries he found on Kid's body. There were even hickeys. It made the detective sick to his stomach, he never understood how people could be so cruel.
Shinichi sat there for a while, waiting for something, anything to happen. Anything that could distract him from the horrible sight in front of him.
Then finally something happened, a soft beeping noise echoed through the metal room and suddenly, the handcuffs that were binding Shinichi's wrists together fell off.
A few seconds later, there was another beeping noise, and a door opened.. to the outside. There was no one there.
Shinichi frowned and looked down at the marks around his wrists from the handcuffs. Why would a person bring him here then release him right after? It didn't seem right. Nothing seemed right.
Azure eyes wandered back over to the opening that led to the outside and paused. There was a small piece of paper there.
Shinichi sighed as he started walking towards the open door, maybe there was some sort of explanation in that little piece of paper.
The detective's eyes scanned the paper from afar for a bit, it didn't seem like there were any tricks, so he bent down, took the paper, and unfolded it.

Dear detective,
You were only brought here to carry our little prisoner away, so please take him and leave without looking back.

Shinichi's brow rose in confusion. Seriously? They wanted him to take Kid away after all the torture they made him go through? The detective angrily torn the paper apart before going back in. He gently scooped Kid up, careful not to move him around too much. He didn't remove the tape and cuffs. They would be useful in case the thief woke up, if the thief tried to run away, he'd for sure end up with at least one punctured lung.
Shinichi started to walk away and into the woods before he paused, remembering something.

"... And leave without looking back."

The detective wondered for a moment, what would really happen if he looked back?
After a moment of hesitation, the detective turned around. There was nothing.
Shinichi snorted. So it was just a way of scaring him then?
As the detective turned back around, he caught something moving in the corner of his eye, but when he looked there was nothing. Weird, he was sure he saw something red and glowly moving in the dark.
The detective shook his head, it wasn't time for this, he needed to get Kid to the nearest hospital.
Spider smirked as he watched the detective slowly disappear into the distance. Playing with his little thief was really fun, but he was sure if he kept him any longer, his little thief would die. He didn't want that yet, he still wanted to play.
He chuckled, remembering how fragile Kid looked as he slowly stepped on the thief's chest, savoring the sound and the feeling of bones breaking under his feet. Or the sound of the sinful moans that escaped the thief's lips as he touched the thief in all the right spots, and in a moment, those moans would turn into delicious little whimpers of pain when he would press ever so slightly on an open wound. He'd continue the torture for hours, until the thief would pass out, unable to handle it anymore.
Oh, and when the thief let out the most beautiful sound he ever heard when he ripped one of the thief's eyeballs out.
The sight of Kid all wrapped up in warning tape and handle with care tape will definitely appear in his nicest dreams.
Spider smirked, oh he really couldn't wait to play again with his little thief.

This was reeeeeaaaaaallly fun to write~~
I didn't think we had enough Spider in this book so this was created ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Most of y'all probably want to kill me now ʕ´•ᴥ•'ʔ
I'm so happy~

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