
530 18 11

Requested by FeyaPara
Thanks for the request~ ➷♡
~I do not own DC/MK~

"Why the hell did you do that?!"

Saguru flinched.

"K-Kaito I-"

"You what?! There's no excuse for putting yourself in the face of danger!"

Kaito gritted his teeth.

"I told you thousands of times to stay out of it, yet you never listen to me! WHY?! CAN'T YOU SEE YOU ALMOST GOT KILLED?!"

Saguru looked down. He only wanted to protect his beloved magician.

"I-I just wanted to help..."

Kaito's face boiled in anger. He pushed the blonde harshly on their bed, causing him to wince.

"Help by being so reckless?! How would that help, Saguru?! It's enough that you're already in danger by just being in a relationship with me, and then you just go to danger itself by your own feet?! HUH?!"

Saguru gripped the bedsheet and bit his lip.


"Can't you see that I'm trying my best to keep the danger away?!"

Golden brown eyes filled with tears. Saguru looked down. He couldn't bear to see his boyfriend like this.

"I'm sorry..."

Kaito was about to yell again at his boyfriend but decided against it when he noticed how weak Saguru's whisper sounded. His gaze softened a little for a split second but then hardened again, remembering how Saguru had went after the men in black after one of his heists, trying to track them down. It resulted in him getting shot thrice, one in his thigh, one in his shoulder, and one in his hip.

"Don't talk to me. Don't even show me your face. If you're gonna ignore me and all the warnings I gave you, then I'll ignore you too."

Saguru's eyes widened. No. That's not true. He wasn't ignoring his boyfriend. He was just trying to help him with his problem and failed at the end.
He stood up, wanting to at least try to explain himself before Kaito left the room.

"K-Kaito please listen to me, I-I was just trying to-"

Kaito turned around angrily.

"Shut up, Saguru! Just SHUT UP!"

A hard slap sent Saguru flying back into the bed. Golden brown eyes widened and filled with tears as they watched the magician leave the room and slam the door shut (it autocorrected Shut to Shit here. That's when you know your life is hard.) behind him.
Golden brown eyes fluttered open. They looked around. Saguru felt weird, something was not right... Or maybe it was-


Saguru hissed in pain as he sat up. He had unintentionally slept, or rather passed out, on his injured shoulder. He sighed remembering last night's events.

'Is Kaito okay now..?'

His eyes slightly watered. He still felt the sting from his right cheek, where Kaito had slapped him. His hand reached up to the spot.


Saguru blinked. He got up and stood in front of the bathroom mirror. There was a band-aid stuck right where he was slapped. He smiled sadly as he caressed the band-aid lightly.

'At least he still cares...'

He shook his head. That was stupid to think about. This whole fight actually started because Kaito worried a lot for him. Maybe even a little too much.
Saguru stared fondly at his magician, who slept in a fetal position on the couch in the living room.

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