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~I do not own DC/MK~

Kaito watched with a disgusted face as Saguru kissed his messed up wrist.
He snached his hand away and glared at the blonde.


Saguru sighed and gently pulled the brunette closer to his chest. Kaito's wrists were not bloody anymore, so he didn't worry about it too much. He just couldn't see the other's wrists like this and not do anything about it.

"I'll stop when the cuts disappear."

Kaito growled and tried to pushed the other male away. He wasn't planning on stopping any time soon.

"They won't disappear so you might as well stop now!"

Saguru, who was much much stronger than the magician at this point, easily pulled him close again to his chest and tightened his hold so that Kaito wouldn't be able to escape. Another growl emitted from the younger as he tried his best to push the other away, but failed. Instead of pushing the other away, the magician had another idea. Using what little power he had left, he started hitting the blonde's chest with his fist repeatedly.

"Stop trying, Kaito. I won't let go even if you stabbed me."

'His hits aren't even that strong. He should really start eating well soon...'

Kaito weakly growled again as he hit the other one final time before giving up and letting the other have his way.
Once Saguru was sure his magician had completely given up, he loosened his hold and gently rubbed soothing circles on the other's back. Satisfaction came over him when he felt the younger teen relax in his arms after some more soothing touches and comforting words.
Kaito hated this. He hated everything. He hated what he was doing to himself, but he couldn't stop. He hated himself way too much to stop, and he hated himself even more for not being able to stop. He hated how he'd pulled Saguru into this and is now unable to push him away.

"I love you, Kaito. I won't let you go through this on your own."


"Kaito, snap out of it."

Indigos snapped open at the sudden firm voice. Kaito winced, feeling pain in his jaw and head. Saguru reached up and pulled both his hands down from ripping out his hair. Only then did the magician realize he'd been gritting his teeth really hard.
The magician relaxed his jaws and fell limp in the detective's arms, wanting to sleep through the whole day and maybe even skip waking up, though he knew Saguru would wake him up, like always. Stupid detective.
Saguru ran his hand though Kaito's greasy hair soothingly as he stared at the other's sleeping face.
His eyes burned at the sight. Ugly dark circles under the eyes, scarily visible cheekbones, dried tear tracks, sickly pale skin, chapped bitten lips-
Holy fuck, Kaito looked dead.
The blonde shook his head with a whine, not wanting any dark thoughts right now. He needed to be strong for his magician, not become depressed too -even though he was already at the verge of it-. He really wanted his bubbly magician back. This wasn't the Kaito he adored. It was a different Kaito, a Kaito that he didn't like.
He wanted his Kaito back, and he'll bring him back, no matter what.
Kaito groaned as he woke up to the soft calling of his name.

'Why does he keep waking me up?'

Saguru smiled softly when his beloved magician opened his eyes. Kaito looked very displeased, but the detective didn't really care. He'll do whatever it takes to bring his Kaito back, even if it meant he had to deal with the other's bad side.

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