Getting to know a Phantom

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(OMG This fanart is so good! (*>∇<)ノ)
~I do not own DC/MK~

Heiji and Conan panted heavily as they continued to chase the phantom thief, who led them deeper and deeper into the woods.
Kid swallowed. He was starting to get really tired and low on energy, plus the leg injury that he got from one of the gunmen at his previous heist was not fully healed yet, so it hurt like hell.

'What should I do? I'm gonna collapse anytime soon...'

Dammit! Why were they so hot on his damn heels?! Are why aren't they getting tired either?!

"Give up, Kid! Ya won't escape us dis time!"

He heard the his Tantie-han call to him from behind.

'Give up? That doesn't sound too bad...'

He stopped.


The two exhausted detectives stopped too and stared at the thief's back in disbelief.


Conan took a step closer and eyed the thief suspiciously.

"Turn around."

Kid turned around to face his panting detectives and smiled.

"Oi, don' make tha' face. Ya're about ta ge' arrested, ya know?"

Heiji groaned when the magician didn't even flinch, and his smile stayed glued to his face.

'Pokerface, pokerface, pokerface.'

"At least I'll get arrested by my favorite detectives~"

Conan frowned.

"Shut your mouth, Kid."

Kid's smile almost fell. He nodded.

'That kinda hurt...'

"Sit down there."

Conan nodded to a tree. Kid complied and sat down under the old looking tree. He watched as both of his detectives gave him their backs and started whispering and discussing something. A small, lopsided smile made its way to the thief's face. At least they trust him enough to know that he won't run if they looked away.
Kid sighed. He spotted some gunmen around the heist location. They're probably coming for him right now, and if he stayed with his detectives, they may get involved and badly hurt.

'I won't forgive myself if they get hurt.. I need to escape quick, for their safety... What should I do now? If I just run away right now, they'll lose their trust in me, and that won't help in the slightest.. What should I do? What should I do? What should I-'

Kid let out a small, barely audible gasp when he felt his wrists being pulled back and held in a firm grip behind his back.

"Now ya won't be able ta escape."

Kid looked back over his shoulder and was met with his Tantei-han's smirking face.
Smart. He may be able to effortlessly escape handcuffs, robes, even chains he could manage. But a super strong, bone crushing grip that was sure to leave a bruise? Nah.
He almost let out a wince when Heiji tightened his grip, but bit the inside of his cheek and smiled to hide his discomfort.

"Isn't that a bit too tight?"

Heiji's smirk widened.


Kid's eyebrow twiched in slight annoyance.

"Well, Kid."

His attention snapped to his Tantei-kun.

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