Hate (2)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Kaito blushed when he caught Saguru staring at him with fondness and love apparent in his eyes. What the hell was wrong with the detective? He was just eating his toast in peace, it was nothing interesting.
He heard a low chuckle come from where Saguru sat. What the hell was so amusing to the detective?
It kinda annoyed Kaito, but at the same time, he like the attention he was getting from the other. It made him feel loved and special, and for once, it wasn't because of his magic tricks. No. Saguru loved him.

"Want more toast?"

Kaito's stomach turned at the thought of more food entering his system. He shook his head, knowing there was no point of having more since he'd end up throwing it all up later. He didn't know why it happened, it just did.
Saguru's smile fell a little. He really hoped the magician would agree to eat more, but this was still better than not eating at all, so he didn't complain. He leaned closer and placed a small kiss right above Kaito's brow.
Kaito smiled, knowing that the little kiss meant that Saguru didn't have a problem with him not eating more than two slices of toast.
He was planning on eating one slice, but when he saw Saguru prepping two, he couldn't say no. He didn't want to disappoint his boyfriend nor did he want to waste food.
The magician watched Saguru get up to wash his plate. It made him feel bad. That plate was his, he was the one who was supposed to wash it, not Saguru, not anyone else. Actually, Saguru did everything for him. He did his laundry, washed his dishes, made him delicious food, cleaned up after him -usually after a scary Kaito outburst/meltdown- He did everything! It annoyed him, angered him. It made him feel like a spoiled brat.
Kaito knew Saguru was doing his best to help, but sometimes it just made him feel like a burden, like he was some sort of annoying heavy weight on Saguru's shoulders. Saguru was just too nice to him, he was too good for him. He really wanted to be just as good for Saguru. Saguru treated him like a king. He wanted to do the same.
He wanted Saguru to feel special too, but he was scared. Of what? He didn't know.


Saguru turned to his magician with a smile as his dried his hands with a soft baby blue towel.
His smile almost fell when he saw Kaito looking troubled, but he successfully maintained his smile and walked over to his troubled boyfriend.

"What's wrong?"

He saw Kaito suck in a deep breath.

"Am I a burden to you?"

Indigo met gold and Kaito swallowed dryly. He saw so much warmth in those golden brown eyes that it made his question seem almost stupid, but Saguru's silence made him anxious.
What was going on in the detective's head right now?
Kaito didn't immediately start worrying though. He had worked with detectives long enough to know how complex their minds are. All he could do right now is just wait. He didn't wait for that long.


Before Kaito could say anything, Saguru wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.

"To me, you're my partner, my soulmate, my lover, not my burden. Do you understand?"

The way Saguru said it was very gentle and soft, but still firm enough to get his point across to the magician. Said magician tilted his head up to look at his detective's face, only to be met with a kiss. A soft, passionate kiss.
Indigos fluttered close as Kaito kissed back with the same amount of affection, if not even more.
The two didn't kiss or do couples stuff that often, so the kiss felt very refreshing, even though it lasted only a few seconds.
A single tear ran down Kaito's cheek as he and Saguru parted. The magician knew exactly why he and Saguru didn't get to show their love for each other so often. It was because of him. Him and his stupid depression.
Saguru kissed the stray tear away and placed another soft kiss on Kaito's eyelid.


Saguru perked up at the nickname. He was used to hearing it a lot when he and Kaito first started dating, but then it just disappeared when Kaito started having bad thoughts.
He always used to complain about how embarrassing the nickname was, but in reality, he thought it was really cute when Kaito called him that.
He missed that nickname a lot, so he was happy to hear it again.
He hummed softly in response, not wanting to keep Kaito waiting for too long, other wise, the bad thoughts will take over his mind again.

"Can we go somewhere today..? Like.. Go on a date...?"

The blonde detective scooped up his magician into his arms, earning a cute little squeak from the other.

"Where do you wanna go?"

Kaito pouted.

"Put me down first!"

Saguru shook his head, causing his magician to groan.

"Not possible. Where do you wanna go?"

Kaito sighed in defeat when Saguru asked the same question for the second time.
It kinda annoyed him when the detective acted stubborn but he also thought it was kinda cute, so he never said anything about it.

"The aquarium! Take me to the aquarium or I'll curse you!"

Saguru laughed. His Kaito was finally back, and no, it wasn't an act. It was real. He knew it.

"What will that curse do to me?"

Kaito loosely wrapped his arms around the detective's neck, causing Saguru to chuckle. Kaito's messy hair tickled, but he couldn't help but sink his face into it. He messed doing that. It always annoyed Kaito when he did it. He surprisingly used to complain about it making his hair messier. This time though, the magician didn't complain. In fact, he seemed to like it.

"My pranks will chase you forever!"

Saguru sighed, knowing Kaito will spend all his money on chocolate treats, pizza, and dolphine shows. His wallet won't really suffer though, so it was okay. He'll do anything to make his Kaito happy.


Kaito yelped when Saguru threw him onto their shared bed. He bounced a little on the extra fluffy king sized bed before giving Saguru a fake hurt look. Saguru chuckled at the other's childish antics.

"Get ready. We're going now."

Y'all asked for part 2 so here it is!
Kaito's recovery!
It's kinda hard for me to write stuff like this cuz I'm more used to write sad Kaito stuff but oh well~
It's worth it in the end since most of you guys don't like sad Kaito XD
Also, it's been a while since I've taken any requests from you guys!
You know the deal!
Got requests? DM me! (*´꒳'*)

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