Comfort (2)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Saguru covered his ears in slight pain as Nakamori continued to yell out orders to the task force. No matter how long he stayed with this guy, he'll never get used to the yelling. After the inspector was done with his orders, each member of the task force, with red cheeks and bleeding ears, went to stand in their individual spots.

"Alright, I don't want any mistakes! We'll catch the brat today!"

It was kinda heartwarming to see how determined and passionate the inspector was about catching the Kaito Kid.
Kid, having heard everything even in the air vent he was hiding in, giggled. He loved when his taskforce was this energetic. He did love adrenaline after all.
He silently counted down with both Saguru and the Kid fans, getting ready to appear before them and entertain them with his little show.
"Come back here Kid!"

Kid laughed at his inspector, who, just like the rest of the take force and Saguru, was stuck in place with green, sparkly slime. Although he was kinda tempted to just run away and end the show, the urge to tease Nakamori was stronger. He hoped off the case that once contained the gem, which was now resting and comfy in his breast pocket, and walked towards the inspector, stopping just inches away, yet he wasn't in reach. He tilted his head childishly at Nakamori and smiled innocently.

"I came back~"

He watched with complete amusement as the guy continued to wave his arms around trying to get a hold of him, and continued to be out of reach. Nakamori's face reddened with pure anger and frustration.

'I'm just one fucking centimeter away from catching him! WHY CAN'T HE JUST COME A LITTLE CLOSER?!'

The rest of the task force were visibly amused, only adding to Nakamori's frustration. He groaned loudly when Kid walked away, only to stand in front of Saguru. He was so close. So damn close! But poor Saguru couldn't catch him. Why? His hands were stuck too. Trying to get out of the messy, sticky slime trap was a bad idea. Now he understood why none of the task force members tried to free themselves when they got stuck. Just to annoy his detective, Kid pet his head gently, and slowly, so slowly, that it was almost tormenting to Saguru.

"You're not gonna even try to catch me? How nice of you, Tantei-san~"

Saguru grit his teeth slightly. He knew the other had hair dye on his gloved hand. He didn't know what color, but by the looks on the task force members' faces, it was probably something neon and girly. He murmured dangerously under his breath.


Kid smirked and stopped his action, walking away to bid his farewell and finally leave.

Nakamori watched with wide eyes as no one but his own daughter stomped her way to the stairs. Why the hell was his daughter in a Kid heist?!
Aoko turned her head to her father. She had a very determined look on her face.

"Aoko needs to speak with Kid."

And with that, she ran up the stairs, hoping to catch up with the elusive thief before he flys away on his handglider.
Nakamori blinked in confusion and he wondered for a moment why none of the task force members did what his daughted just did when they weren't stuck like this. And then it clicked. He'd never yelled out his lungs this strong before.

Aoko slammed the door to the roof open, she was pleased to see the thief was there. Now she could have a little talk with him.
Kid turned, a little confused since it's usually only his Tantei-kun who come up to him. Indigos widened, hidden from view by his monocle and hat.


He knew how desperately Aoko wanted Kid to just vanish, but he never expected this!
It took him a second to slap his pokerface back on and smile.

"What are you doing up here, young lady?"

Aoko's eyes narrowed and Kid was proud of himself that he didn't flinch. He hated seeing Aoko like that. It usually meant something bad was about to happen.

"Aoko needs to speak with you."

Kid's smile fell noticeably at how firm and flat Aoko's voice sounded. He didn't bother to put his smile back on.


Aoko took in a deep breath. Her heart hammered strongly in her chest. This was it. She had to ask him.


Kid's eyes were blown wide and his hands turned to fists in his pockets. Is she starting to suspect Kaito of being Kid. Oh no. Oh hell no. This was bad. This was really bad. Trying too keep his voice from shaking, he spoke after a few moments of silence.

"What about him?"

Fuck. His voice was shaky. He's screwed. His heart clenched when he saw Aoko's eyes glaze with tears, her fists clenched. His own eyes filled with tears. He couldn't bear see her like this. He had to do something. Fucking say something! Anything!

"I-I can explain-"

"Explain what?! Tell me! Tell Aoko why! Just why?!"

She continued to yell at him and he couldn't help but lower his head and let a few of his tears escape. He heard her walking towards him and he only lower his heard more, unable to even catch a glimpse of her. The next moment he was grabbed by the shoulders and shaken violently. All Aoko was asking was "Why" and he couldn't even answer that. Then he heard something that broke him.


Just as he slowly lifted his head to look at her, another painfully familiar sound rung through his ears, and Aoko swayed her hands barely still on his shoulders.


It was a gunshot. Aimed at Aoko. She fell in his arms and he dropped to his knees, his eyes blown wide. He was looking straight ahead, unable to move his head down to look at his childhood friend.


He felt warm liquid soak up his suit. Blood? His head slowly lowered and his eyes met the horrible sight. His heart skipped a beat.
Aoko lay there, in his arms, bleeding, eyes half open, dull, dead. His tears fell down, he was unable to hold them in anymore. His hand unconsciously moved to wipe away the tear tracks from Aoko cheeks. They hadn't dried yet. This just happened. Just fucking happened. Right in front of his fucking eyes.


His body trembled.

"Please wake up..."

He pleaded, but no answer.

"Please, Aoko..."

His voice wavered as tears fell down like waterfalls. He barely heard it, but he did, footsteps, right on the other side of the roof door. He panicked. With his shaking hands and arms, he slowly set his childhood friend's dead, limb body down and stood up, looking down at himself. Red. He raised his hands up and looked at them. There was still red. Bloody red everywhere he looked. Aoko's blood. The sound of the door slamming open shook him. His eyes met the inspector's shocked eyes and he just couldn't handle it anymore. Jumping off the roof, he opened his handglider and flew away unsteadily. He didn't know where he was going, but he just wanted to run, run away from his mistake.

Did that get y'all?
I hope it at least made your eyes twitch in anger at me for killing her~
Why do I hope that? Nobody knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I hope y'all enjoyed?
Is that even the right word in this situation? XD
This one started okay but the next one will be all dark (*´﹀'*)
See you in the next part~

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