
337 17 7

~I do not own DC/MK~

Saguru sighed as he stared at a page in his book, not really paying any attention to the words. The day's been weird. Kaito's been oddly quiet, the only thing he saw the magician doing was using his phone and writing down something in his notebook. It looked like he was taking some notes but really he wasn't sure. The magician didn't talk to him all day, neither did Aoko or Akako, but they had completely no problem with talking to each other. It hurt him, the fact that wouldn't even acknowledge his existence. He just felt ignored, dismissed.
Sad golden brown eyes looked up from his book and at the sunset. It was beautiful, but it sadly didn't heal his pain. He sighed for the second time.

"Time to go home."

He murmured to himself as he closed his book and got up weakly, feeling like all the energy had been drained out of him. He wanted to call Kaito and and just talk to him, maybe even yell at him. The magician was his best friend after all, so why the hell would he do this? Were his friends plotting something against him?
The blond shook his head, needing to clear his head from all the negative thoughts fogging it. Right now he just wanted to go home and sleep, no, more like cry himself to sleep. He just wanted this horrible day to end already.


All he did was stare. Stare at his friends, the food on the table, the confetti everywhere, and the decorations on the wall that spelled "Happy Birthday" in big, bold letters. He smiled softly to himself.

'I should have known, just if I had checked the date for today...'

He was too focussed on holding in his tears to notice someone walking up to him, until they pulled him gently by the arm. He looked down and was met with Aoko's blue eyes. She smiled at him.

"You cake is waiting for you."

He smiled back and followed her to the table, the need to cry gone and forgotten. To be honest, he still felt the need to yell at them all. Did they really need to ignore him the whole day just for a stupid surprise party? ... Okay, it did kinda make the day extra special for him but still, he wanted to slap them in the face.
He looked at Kaito, wanting to give him a death glare, but ended up smiling instead, because of that huge, toothy, heartwarming smile on the magician's face.


They all sat down in peace, enjoying their food happily. Saguru was happily taking a bite out of his beautiful slice of vanilla fruit-filled homemade cake, probably made by Bayaa, when he felt kinda weird. He felt like he was being watched. He looked around at his friends and it seemed like no one had the same feeling as him, not even Kaito, who was going for a second slice of cake. He glanced at the windows scattered around the walls of the room and saw no one. He was tempted to go and check each window individually, but he didn't want to ruin everyone else's happiness by making them anxious, so he just sat there in silence, eating his cake and eyeing everything warily.
Then the feeling suddenly got stronger, a lot stronger, and still no one seemed to notice but him. He continued eating his cake, trying to throw that feeling to the back of his mind so that he could enjoy his birthday in peace, but it was nearly as impossible as going a day without reading at least a page of his favorite Sherlock Holmes novel.
He got up, thinking that maybe getting a second slice of the delicious cake would calm him down at least a bit. As he walked towards the cake, the feeling got stronger and stronger, to the point where he had to stop in his tracks to glance all over the room again. It was too strong to just ignore it now. There must be something, there had to be something, he knew there was something.
He was just about to go to Kaito and talk to him about it when he suddenly felt two strong hands wrap around his ankles, stopping him. Everyone turned to look at him because of the loud yelp that escaped his lips. The blond looked down and saw a pair of white gloved hands coming out from under the covered table and holding his ankles. White gloved hands-
Saguru blinked dumbly before slowly looking up at Kaito. The magician was still sitting there, holding his third plate of cake. The detective looked back down, a head was now poking out, half covered by the white table cover. Even though the head was half covered, one thing still remained recognizable, the monocle that dangled on one side of the intruder's face. An ear deafening screech was heard, definitely coming from Aoko, who was already reaching for her mop. Saguru was still dumbfounded as to how Kid was under the table, holding his ankles, while Kuroba Kaito was standing there, right in front of him, fangirling and holding Aoko back from harming his idol with her deathly mop, but he still had to do something, right?
He tried his hardest to kick Kid away, but to no avail. The other had an iron grip around his ankles, and all it did was hurt him more when he struggled, so he figured it was no use.
Taking in a deep breath to calm himself, he looked down at the thief.

"What do you want, Kid?"

Kid only tilted his head before launching forward and hugging Saguru's legs tightly, causing the blond to gasp and almost fall over.

"What do you want?"

Saguru repeated more aggressively. Seriously, what the hell did the thief want?! Just ruin his birthday party?!
Looking down at the thief, he knew that if he was able to see the thief's face, the other would be puppy eyeing him. Why?...
He looked around for anything that the thief might potentially want. The only thing that caught his attention was a plate full of chocolate truffles. He reached over, eyes still locked with the thief, and took one truffle before showing it to the thief.
Kid seemed to brighten up for a second before a small pout appeared on his lips, hands tightening on the detective's pants. Saguru sighed as he took two more and added them to the first one.


The thief still didn't look satisfied yet. A small groan escaped him as he returned all three to the plate, before picking up said plate and watching as a wide, big smile appeared on the thief's lips.

"Take it and leave."

Kid nodded hastily before both he and the plate of chocolate truffles disappeared in a small puff of smoke.


Kaito watched Saguru approach his new and improved Kaito puppet through one of the windows. The blond seemed to be apologizing. He giggled. His plan was a success. Now Saguru will stop accusing him of being Kid AND he got to eat the chocolate truffles that Aoko had forbidden him from eating.

It's been a while, haha (╯•﹏•╰)
I needed to take a break for a bit because of no ideas °^°
Some of the new ideas are quite dark so... •3•..

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