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~I do not own DC/MK~

As Shinichi walked calmly down the road, he got a strange feeling that something bad was about to happen. He didn't really think about it much though. That day, he didn't meet any random corpse on his way to work, and he was in a very good mood, so he didn't want any bad thoughts at the moment. He was going to have a good day, murder-free, and nothing will ruin it. Not even his own mind. Nope. Not today.
When the detective was just a step away from turning a corner, he stopped, the bad feeling returning again.

'What the hell?'

Sweat dripped off his forehead. He was nervous. He didn't know why. Just that goddamn feeling wouldn't go away!
Now that he actually stopped for a moment, it didn't feel anymore like a feeling, it felt more like advice.

"Better turn away."

Or rather, a warning.

"This place is dangerous. Turn away now."

After mentally fighting with himself for a minute -ridiculously- he turned around.

"Maybe I could make this day even better if I meet up with Hattori somewhere instead of going back home."

He thought loudly. The thought of meeting up with his best friend was nice. It was better than going back to his lonely, cold mansion.
"Oi Kudo."

Shinichi looked up from his coffee at his best friend. The other had a serious look on his face. It made him put his coffee down and nod for him to continue. Heiji seemed to doubt himself for a bit before speaking up.

"I've been havin' this weird feelin' lately. It's like..."

Heiji let out a frustrated growl. It annoyed him how he was not able to explain how he felt to his best friend. He wasn't to be blamed though. It really was a strange feeling.
Heiji quickly recalled the time when he was about to step into a store when that feeling first hit him. It felt like pure danger was waiting for him in that store, even though all he saw were the nice, smiling employees, the delicious food, and the various gadgets and items.
When the feeling got too strong that it overpowered him, he groaned silently and turned away, feeling a little rude that he was just about to step into a store but then walked away in the end.
He was at a far distance away from the store when he heard a loud crash. He hastily turned around and was met with the scene of a car, crashed right into the store he was just about to step into. Just a few seconds later, the car lit up and caused a loud, dreadful explosion.
Sadly, neither the employees nor the driver survived.
A small shiver ran down his spine when the scene of the driver's burnt corpse came to his mind. It disgusted him. But holy shit, what if he stepped into that store? He would've been dead.  At first, he thought it was just a gut feeling, but then it started happening way too repeatedly.
One time, he went through a whole week without running into any sort of cases! It felt amazing at first, but now it was starting to feel weird and scary.
He slowly lifted his head to look up at Shinichi, planning on telling him to nevermind. Instead of following his plan, he stared dumbly at the other detective.
Shinichi had a weird.. an almost all knowing, yet shocked look on his face. Almost as if saying-

"..Me too..."

Heiji blinked in surprise. He expected anything but that.


Shinichi sighed and threw his head back before looking away.

"On my way home today, it happened. I couldn't turn a corner because of it. That's what led me to call you, actually."

The Osakan leaned back in his chair, trying to comprehend what Shinichi just said.
An idea popped up in his mind.

"Kudo, ya probably jus' avoided danger."

Shinichi raised an eyebrow and turned back to his friend. What the hell was the Osakan saying? -it sounded true though-
The detective watched as his dark skinned friend got out his phone and started typing into it hastly right after he unlocked it.
While he waited for his friend to finish, Shinichi wondered. Did he really avoid danger? -yes- Was it just a stupid feeling? -no- Was it his gut feeling? -no- What would've happened if he hadn't listened to the feeling? -you would've been dead by now-

"Here! See this!"

Shinichi looked at the screen of Heiji's phone, which I was held up for him, annoyingly, almost in his face. He froze. He reread the headine of the article, not wanting to believe it, but it was true. He knew it.

"A Drunk Bus Driver Has Been Arrested For Killing 21 Innocent People"

The location was the same exact street he was in at the time. Shinichi may be able to solve cases and predict a criminal's next move, but stop a crazy drunk man that was 10 times larger than him? That was a bit too hard. -he would've killed you for sure-
Heiji gluped at the thought of his best friend looking like the bloody, messed up photos of the poor people who sadly got involved in this and ended up getting killed by a knife straight to the heart.

"'m.. glad ya go' tha' feelin' too. It can be useful most of da times, but it's just really creepy. It just can't be just a gut feelin' at dis point."

Shinichi nodded in agreement. They needed to look further into this.

Part 2 coming soon~
What are your predictions for part 2?

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