Hate (3)

236 13 14

~I do not own DC/MK~

Saguru stopped dead in his tracks, making Kaito stop and look at him in confusion. The detective had just remembered something important.

"What's wrong, Saguru?"

The blonde's brow rose in confusion and slight irritation. The magician should've already known what's wrong.

"You hate fish."

The magician visibly jolted and shivered at the mention of the finny things that gave him nightmares. He gave Saguru a nervous smile.

"W-what are you talking about? Eh, come on!"

Kaito pulled Saguru by the arm and dragged the detective down the path to the aquarium. Saguru's confusion increased. He was completely aware of Kaito's ichthyophobia. He knew that the magician couldn't even stand the word fish, and now he wanted to go to an aquarium? What the hell was going on? The magician was visibly scared, so why? Why did he insist on going to a place that almost seemed like hell to him? It just didn't make sense to the detective, but he went with it anyway. He promised himself to do anything that'd make his magician happy.
Once the two stepped a foot into the aquarium, Kaito immediately clenched his eyes shut and wrapped his arms around Saguru's arm tightly, not planning to let go any time soon.

'Oi oi...'

Saguru sighed. It was okay. He questioned the other's sanity often so this was nothing new.
Kaito's eyes burned when he saw a small, colorful fish coming his way. He let out a small squeak and buried his face in Saguru's shoulder. To anyone else, the fish would like a very pretty creature, but to Kaito, it looked like a monster, thanks to his phobia.
Saguru let out a small chuckle and gently petted the magician's head, not paying any mind to the few looks he got from the other visitors.
This was only the first room in the aquarium and Kaito was already a mess, so he wondered if the other would faint later.
That would be interesting to see.
"You're a scaredy cat."

Kaito let out a low groan as he took a bite of his pizza slice.

"Shut up..."

It wasn't his fault that he had ichthyophobia. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't stand fish.
The magician sighed when the other pet his head, indicating that he was only joking.
He took another bite of his pizza. Saguru was planning on getting a sea food pizza just to tease him.

"Aw, but I really wanna try it Kaito. I heard it's really good."

He was happy that he was able to convince Saguru to forget about getting it. Even if he didn't, Saguru would've probably ordered the pizza without fish, that way Kaito could still eat his own chicken barbecue pizza in peace.
He was okay with other sea creatures.

"I still don't get why you wanted to come here when you'd end up like this."

Saguru took a sip of his water. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, savoring the feeling of the water wetting his dry throat.
Kaito looked down at his lap, not wanting to meet Saguru's anticipating gaze.

"I'll tell you on our way home..."

Saguru blinked and cocked his head to the side slightly. He was a little disappointed. Being the detective that he was, he couldn't overcome his curiosity. He was probably going to ask Kaito about it everytime they exited a room or an area.
He wasn't sure if Kaito kept his reason to himself for now just to annoy him, or if the magician had another reason. Either way, it still annoyed him that he couldn't get the answers he wanted. He wasn't mad at Kaito though. He wouldn't get mad at him for a stupid reason.
He'll wait till they get home if the magician wanted.
Saguru laughed and wrapped his arms around his terrified magician. Said magician was shivering, both because of fear and the cold that came from being splashed with water by the cute dolphine then being exposed to the cool air. He was thankful that Saguru noticed. The detective's hugs made him feel safe and secure, plus it was warm between the other's arms.
A yelp escaped his lips when the blue dolphine jumped out of the water and fell back in, splashing water at some of the audience in the process. Fortunately, Saguru's arms acted like a shield that protected him from the cold water. He knew sea creatures were cold blooded, but sometimes he still wondered how the creatures were able to survive in such cold water.
Saguru let out another small laugh when he felt the other tighten his hold around him.
Kaito looked up at the detective, looking slightly offended. His lip stuck out in a cute pout. Saguru couldn't help but kiss the pout away and ruffle the magician's hair.

"You're adorable."

The nice compliment caused Kaito to blush and burry his face in Saguru chest, letting the other pet his hair while enjoying the rest of the dolphine show.

Kaito stopped walking and looked down at the ground, looking deep in thought. Saguru gently wrapped an arm around the magician's tense shoulders and pulled him close.

"Let's go home, Kaito."

The detective was a little sad that he didn't get his answers, but he would never force Kaito on answering. Kaito looked up at him. Saguru was smiling, but disappointment was clear in his eyes. It kinda annoyed him to see the detective like this.
Saguru let out a yelp when Kaito took him by the hand and started running back home, dragging him along, just like when he did that afternoon.
Kaito closed the door of the house once both he and Saguru were inside. He turned to Saguru and took a deep breath.

"I wanted to go because.. well... You often find it funny and laugh whenever I'm faced with.. F-f-f-finny things.. I wanted to make you laugh since you haven't laughed since.. You know.. What happened..."

Saguru stood there, wide eyed and dumbfounded.

"Kaito, you idiot..."

Kaito blinked in confusion and tilted his head.

"I laugh because I find you adorable, not because I enjoy seeing you suffer!"

The blonde pulled the brunette into a tight, warm hug.

"Plus, you could've made me laugh without doing all this and you know that, you idiot."

Now it was Kaito's turn to become dumbfounded.

Part 3!
I'm surprised most of you guys didn't notice the fact that Kaito asked to go to an aquarium when he has them ichthyophobia •^•
I actually got the idea because I was going to the aquarium (´ω')
The dolphine show was amazing ヾ( ╹◡╹)ノ゙

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