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~I do not own DC/MK~

So that's why. That's why he never found it. No matter how many precious, big gems he held up to the moon, it was never there.
The magician stared at his reflection in the mirror, the only light source in his bathroom being the moonlight that shone through the small opened crack in the window. It shone right at his eyes, and they glowed a deep, blood-like red.

'It was here all along.. With me.. Within me..'

Kaito didn't like them. They were the reason for his father's death, the reason he, and possibly others as well suffered so much, the reason a lot of people got killed because that damned organization wanted to claim them, to claim eternal youth.
He frowned deeply. He hated them.

"I have.. to get rid of you."

He spoke, unaware of the fact that he was speaking to nothing but his own eyes. The brunette reached for a pair of scissors and brought it up to his face.

"Even if I go blind.."

He brought it closer to his left eye.

"It's okay, because.."

He paused and took a deep breath.

"No one will have to suffer because of you anymore."

He stuck the weapon into his eye and screeched in agony.


'Dammit, it hurts like hell..!'

He grit his teeth harshly and continued to twist, tug, and cut at his eyeball with the scissors. Blood trailed down his cheek like tears, and dripped down his chin and into the sink. Some of it got into his mouth as well. The taste of the blood was not pleasant, but despite that and the agonizing pain, he continued to rip out every bit of his eyesballs.

Aoko stood next to her childhood friend, who had a thick layer of bandaid covering his eyes.
He smiled.

"What Ahoko? You happy I can't see and tell others about the color of your panties anymore?"

'Anymore? That means Bakaito is.. blind? Forever...?'

She didn't answer and they both continued walking silently to school.


Nakamori Ginzo muttered under his breath as he watched his daughter leave to school with her childhood friend.

'I heard some whimpering coming from his house last night. What the hell happened?'

He had to ask Kaito about this when he comes over for dinner tonight.
"K-Kuroba-kun?! What happened to you?!"

The blonde detective ran to his slightly shorter friend and lifted his chin up, wanting to inspect him closer.

"Aw, is my dear Sagu-chan worried about me?~"

Kaito's playful, childish attitude did not lift Saguru's mood one bit. In fact, it made him worry even more.

'Why is he acting as if nothing happened?! He's clearly injured and possibly blind! What the hell happened?! He was fine yesterday.. Was he attacked by someone..? Or something? Could it be that Kuroba... No. No way. Kuroba-kun would never... OH SHIT, HE DID!'



"Why did you do that to yourself?"

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