Comfort (5)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

From what Kaito was hearing, it seemed like the kids came to Edoka on a trip to a museum and lost the way. Now they are arguing about whose fault it was that they got lost. It seemed like his Tantei-kun was the one being blamed. Indigos blinked, his Tantei-kun was so adorable when he tried to defend himself. It almost made Kaito smile. Almost. Anyways, he couldn't just leave some lost kids like this, it wasn't safe. He had to do something, right? His hand reached up to ruffle his hair, trying to use his overgrown bangs to his advantage and get it to at least slightly cover his face, not too much tht it would look suspicious but just enough that it would make it harder for his detective to recognize him. It wouldn't do good if his chibi tantei was able to- Oh hell no. Getting arrested didn't sound so good at the moment.
At the sound of grass being stepped on, Genta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, Haibara, and Conan turned their heads. A young man in a black hoodie approached them. Haibara's heart thumped in her chest. She mentally slapped herself. Not any man in black was a bad one. She didn't recognize him, she knew he wasn't one of them, and yet she felt her fists tighten and shake slightly. Conan frowned at Haibara's reaction, the guy didn't look dangerous in the slightest. Kaito blinked, why was the tiny scientist acting so weird? He decided to break the silence as to not make her too uncomfortable.

"Are you kids lost?"

The first immediate answer came from Ayumi. She looked like she was about to cry.

"Y-yes we came here on a trip and lost the way..."

Mitsuhiko approached him holding his phone before showing him something displayed on the phone screen. He couldn't quite see it because of his bangs that tickled his eyelids, so he crouched down next to the boy to be able to get a better look. It was a picture of a well known museum and- oh shit that one is closed right now.

"Do you know where this museum is, Onii-san?"

He flashed a small smile, not wanting to seem like a creep and ruffled the boy's hair.

"I do, but it's closed right now."

His smile fell a little when pure disappointment filled the kid's faces, except for two, his tantei and the little scientist. They were eyeing him from head to toe. A small sigh escaped his lips.

"Do you have a place to go to or somewhere you could stay in?"

They all shook their heads. Genta spoke up.

"Our homes are back in Beika City..."

Kaito almost started to panic when he saw that the kids were on the verge of tears.

'No no, please don't cry!'

He hated when people cried. He glanced at his detective and the scientist, they looked pretty calm for the most part. He gave Ayumi a warm, comforting hug, making his hold loose enough so that she could run away if she was scared, but instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed. He gently and ever so slightly tightened his hold, kids were so trusting.
Conan blinked at the interaction. The guy had no bad intentions, he concluded from the way he held Ayumi. He took a few steps closer towards him.

"Do you know a place were we could stay in, Onii-san?"

Kaito smiled slightly, his Tantei-kun knew it'd be dangerous for kids to take a train on their own this late. There was a nice, not too expensive three star hotel nearby, he could pay for a room and have them stay there till the morning, but of course he'd have to sit by the window of their room all night to make sure they were okay. It wasn't a good idea. The problem was neither in the fact that he would attract unwanted attention, nor that he wouldn't get any sleep, no, he was too scared to fall asleep every night anyways, he did fall asleep once and had the worst nightmare of his life about when Aoko-
The problem was his Tantei-kun, he was too smart to just agree to staying in a hotel room with other kids, alone, without an adult, and he couldn't possibly tell him about watching them through a window while they slept to make sure that nothing bad happened. He cringed, oh god he'd sound like such a creep. He couldn't bring himself to stay with them in the same room either, after all to them he was just a stranger that they met a few moments ago.
He sighed, there was only one solution left.

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