Stuck with a tough guy

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~I do not own DC/MK~

'So they were not joking when they said they'd explode the place, huh..?'

Kid frowned, remembering the last encounter he had with Snake and the other men in black.

"We're done playing around with you, Kid. Next heist, be prepared for an explosion! You won't get away with the jewel next time, do you understand?!"

Snake had called out after him as he jumped off the roof and flew away on his handy handglider.
They didn't lie when they said he won't fly away with the gem next heist, because there he was, trapped inside a crumbling building, and without the jewel, which is probably with the men in black right now.
He was in the middle of bidding his farewell to his audience when a loud explosion echoed throughout the building and it collapsed.
Luckily, neither he nor the person he was stuck with were hurt, but he wasn't too sure about were the others were, or if they were hurt or not, but he could confirm that they were still alive. The explosion was big, but not strong enough to reach them, as it was on one of the very top floors and it was 70 story building, while they were at the very first floor at the bottom.
He smiled sadly.
Everyone was in danger.
Because of him.
His 'No one gets hurt' rule had been broken.
It was all because of him.
He was careless.
This was his punishment.
And he deserved it.
Kid looked at the guy he was stuck with. His body was covered in cuts and bruises.
Kid's smile curved into a frown. He couldn't stay quite. He had to say something. He had to make sure the guy was okay, even if he wasn't really fond of him.


No answer.
Kid started to worry.


"Shut up."

The thief would've flinched if it wasn't for his pokerface preventing it.
He looked down guiltily. Just if he was more careful, this wouldn't have happened!

'Would it hurt to be careful and a little more considerate, you stupid thief?!'

Kid grit his teeth.
It was all his fault.

"What happened?"

Indigos snapped towards the tough looking guy that sat across from him and scanned him.
Kyogoku Makoto. Also called "The Prince of Kicks". A karate champion. Suzuki Sonoko's boyfriend. Jealous of him because he 'stole' Sonoko's heart, when he really didn't.


Makoto glared at him intensely.

"You know something about the explosion. Spell it out."

Kid blinked.
What should he do?
He can't tell Makoto, it's too risky.
If he doesn't tell, he'll have to face Makoto's bad side.

"My apologies, Kyogoku-san, I can't tell."
(I'm not sure if Kid calls Makoto that, but please correct me if I'm wrong :p)


"It's dangerous for you to know, and I'm not risking any of you getting hurt. One time was already enough, and it was my fault. I don't want this to happen a second time."

Kid sucked in a deep breath before continuing.

"So please accept my apologies."

Makoto opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out.
What was he supposed to say?
Should he just say that he forgave the thief?
Not yet.
He needed to know whether the thief was lying or not first.
And since he couldn't tell from the thief's all-too-sunddenly-turned-monotone voice, there was only one more way to find out.
Kid's head snapped up at the sound of footsteps approaching him. He tried to quickly scrambme to his feet as to not seem
disrespectful, but Makoto was faster.
The karate champion knelt down in front of his enemy and held his shoulders in a bone-crushing grip.
Kid almost winced in pain.

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