Torture (2)

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~I do not own DC/MK~
WARNING: please reread the title •~•

It's likely only been ten minutes or so since they started walking, but to Kid, it felt like hours. He walked right behind the assassin, head hanging low, almost too scared to look up. Each step was difficult to take, he felt like a big, heavy rock was place on his shoulders, making it all the more difficult to walk. It all felt wrong, making a deal with a serial killer surely wasn't the right thing to do, he knew that, but did he really have any other choice? Was it really his fault?
He held in his tears as walked and tried his best not to fall to his knees. Thoughts of what Spider might do to him, or what he might be forced to do floated in his head, fogging up his mind. There were so many damn things, and none of them were good. Of course, what good would come out of a serial killer?


He wasn't sure where exactly they were, he wasn't looking, but they ended up in a dimly lit room that had an eerie feeling to it. It felt like the walls would close up and crush both him and his detective at any moment.
Indigos looked up at the two lamps that kept the room from being dark and gloomy. One of the lamps was struggling to stay lit and he knew it was going to go out soon and the room was going to get even darker.
A small sad smile tugged at his lips, he was just like that lamp right now, wasn't he?Weak and defeated.
Indigos wandered over to the little child that slept on the cold floor. After blinking a few times to get rid of the spots dancing in his vision from staring at the lamps for too long, Kid smiled. The other wasn't hurt, not yet, at least.
The thief almost jumped when the door slid open with a loud squeak. He stilled himself when Spider walked in- wait. When did he leave in the first place? He mentally sighed, he needed to stop spacing out...
Suddenly, strong hands were pushing down on his shoulders, forcing him down to his knees. The action wasn't as rough as he'd expected, but that didn't mean that it wasn't going to get worse. He felt a small prick on his neck and he could only assume that the other was drugging him.

"Look up."

Oh no, was the other planning on hypnotizing him? He slowly looked up and was relieved to see that Spider's mask wasn't glowing red.

"How are you feeling?"

How was he feeling? He felt tired, weak, defeated, but there was no way he was going to show any weakness in front of his enemy, so he was fine.

"I feel tired."

Wait, what?

"And weak."

What the hell was going on? His lips were moving on their own. Was it the drug...?
He felt a sense of relief when the assassin stopped him from saying the defeated part by pressing a gloved finger against his lips, a satisfied smirk on his masked face.
Skilled gloved hands started unbottoning his white suit. He let it happen, not wanting to anger the guy and lead him to hurting his little friend.

"Any tricks?"

Tricks? If he had any good tricks he wouldn't be here right now.

"Very few."

The other's smirk seemed to be getting wider and more wicked by the second, it scared him, but he wasn't going to show it- why was he trembling?
Ah, so whatever Spider had injected him with was responsible for tearing his pokerface apart too, huh. Interesting.
He was shirtless now, stripped off of all his tricks, not that they would be useful in his case anyways. His clothes were thrown into a far corner, along with his hat, as the assassin stood up and walked over to the fire place before starting the process of lightning it up. Was he going to be thrown into the fire? He shook his head, no, the other wouldn't have drugged him if he was planning on getting rid of him so quickly. The fire added another source of light to the room, making it easier to see and better on the eyes. The thief looked back at his little detective, maybe the extra source of light will reveal some hidden injuries? Indigos softened, thankfully, there were none.
From the corner of his eyes, he saw a flash of red, and he thought it was Spider's mask, but at a second glance, he discovered that it was nothing but a metal rod, glowing red with heat. His frame shook with fear and anticipation of what might happen as thoughts started racing through his head again. He felt the assassin circle around him before sitting down right behind him. A hand grabbed both of his wrists behind his back and tugged, causing him to fall back against the other, his bare back resting against the assassin's clothed chest.
His heart thumped loundly in his ears, he was certain that the other could hear it, especially when he heard a low chuckle right next to his ear.
The hand let go of his wrists only to cover his mouth.

"Don't move."

It was just a mere whisper in his ear, but it managed to elevate his fear greatly. He closed his eyes tightly right when he saw the glowing red heat coming closer.

'Oh god please...'

His hands clinched around whatever fabric he could grab of Spider's clothes for support as he tried his best to not move away. The other didn't seem to mind at all, it looked like his muffled screams made up for it.

'It burns, it burns, it burns-'

Tears built up in the corner of his eyes, it hurt so bad..
It got even worse when the assassin dragged the metal rod from his neck and down his chest, burning off layers of skin. Tears ran down his cheeks, stopping at the assassins gloved hand.
His chest heaved as he tried to fill up his lungs with as much oxygen as possible. The hand covering his mouth only made it harder to breathe and he felt like he was suffocating. But he needed to stay strong, his father must've had it much worse when he pretty much burned to death.

'Stay strong...'

The assassin continued to drag the metal rod against his neck, chest, and shoulders. He wasn't sure how long the torture lasted, but it stopped right when he was about to pass out. The hand uncovered his mouth as the still hot metal rod was thrown somewhere near the fire place, a few loud clunks echoed through the room as it fell.
Whimpers escaped his lips, voice weak and rough from screaming. The whimpers got louder when a gloved hand lightly grazed the newly formed burns on his chest.



Spider removed his hand as he chuckled.

"I'm not done with you yet, but I'll let you rest for a bit, since you were good and followed my orders well."

Indigos widened. W-what? No. He wasn't supposed to be good to Spider, no, he was just following orders because- a glance at his detective's sleeping form changed his mind. Maybe he was supposed to be good in this case...

"T-thank you..."

So he'll continue being as good as he could for now, for his detective. He felt himself being laid down gently on the cool floor. A hand ran through his sweat-soaked hair soothingly.

"Good boy."

Indigos fluttered closed. Yes, he'll continue being good.

So, this part originally had a lot more torture, but I was rereading it and thought it was moving a bit too fast >~<
After a lot of editing, I fixed it (´◡')
Sooooooo, look out for part 3~~
It don't like when things move too fast -_-

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