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~I do not own DC/MK~

It was a quick heist. Kid showed up, snatched the gem, and ran away, leaving the task force behind to fall into his traps.
The thief was quick as he escaped through a window on one of the upper floors. He knew that the task force were now used to him escaping through the roof, so it was a better idea to escape through somewhere else that wouldn't be as predictable.
Kid was tired, his arms were tired. The heist target was seriously heavy. White gloved hands tightened their grip on a big crown, made of pure cold. It was too heavy and big to fit on anyone's head, the body of the crown was only made to hold protect multiple small gems, including a big ruby that rested right in the middle of all the other gems. It was what he was after, it was nice and big, it could be holding pandora in it.
A small whimper escaped the thief's lips, it was hard to control his hand glider while focussing on not dropping the ridiculously heavy and expensive item. He felt like his arms were going to fall off.

Kid froze, for a second, he really felt like he arms fell off, but then he realized what actually happened. The crown fell.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck-'

The thief continuously cursed at himself as he directed his hand glider downwards to where he saw the crown fall, he won't be able to reach it before it hit the ground, it was too heavy, it would only take a few seconds for it to reach the ground.
Kid was worried, it was a forest like area, probably a home for many wild animals. It was rare that people went there, but the crown could've surely fell on a poor innocent animal. It was definitely going to crush bones or even kill if that happened, and he would never, ever be able to forgive himself.
The thief in white landed softly, the soft rustling sound of him stepping on the grass filled his ears.
Indigos scanned the place, it was dark but he could easily see just fine, his eyes were used to the dark, he was a thief after all. He was starting panic when he wasn't able to spot the crown, he saw it fall right there...
What if someone saw and stole it? How would he explain that to Ginzo and more importantly, to the owner of the crown?
The thief took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, then something popped into his head. Maybe what happened with him was the same thing that happened with the task force when he hid somewhere high? They almost never look up...
Kid's head instantly snapped upwards and he started looking around up the trees, it would be weird to find it up there with no broken branches on the ground, but maybe it landed on an extra strong branch? Maybe. The fact that he was looking for a gem that supposedly granted immortality, and the fact that one of his classmates was a witch made him believe that anything was possible.

After a while of searching, the thief was relieved to finally spot an almost glowing object hiding between the branches of a tall, old tree. The kaitou smiled.


He whispered to himself. The tree was tall, but not so tall that it was impossible to climb.
As soon as Kid attached himself to the tree, something fell on his top hat. He blinked before taking his hat off, still holding onto the tree, and looking at it. The thief let out a girly shriek and fell back on his butt. Mud fish.


Kid repeated as he vigorously shook his hat to get the creature off of it.

"What are you doing?"

The thief froze, recognizing the voice. He turned to face the owner of the voice slowly, poker face half broken.

"Nothing, Tantei-san."

He put his hat back on and smiled at the blond, thankfully, the fish had fallen off.
Saguru narrowed his eyes at the other, it definitely wasn't "nothing", something was indeed going on and he was going to know what it was, whether the other liked it or not.

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