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~I do not own DC/MK~

Indigos stared blankly at the ceiling, not blinking and not averting away. Kaito let out an annoyed groan.

"Stupid insomnia."

The magician closed his eyes and sighed, he was tired and really wanted some sleep, but his eyes won't stay closed for too long, and his messy mind kept jumping around in his head, keeping his beloved sleep away from his reach.
Indigos shot open again, causing Kaito to make an annoyed, irritated sound at the back of his throat. His eyes burned as he tried to close them again, making him give up and sigh in defeat.

'No sleep for me tonight then.'

A small boost of adrenaline ran through his body as he jumped off his bed and landed elegantly on the floor of his room, somehow managing to not create any audible sounds. The magician snickered, feeling proud that his moves remained the same even though there had been no Kid heists that entire month. The mop chase he had with Aoko almost daily was actually pretty useful. It was a fun way to train his body and to maintain his moves.
His eyes darted to his alarm clock, wanting to know how much time there was left till morning.

1:04 am

Kaito sighed for the umpteenth time that night. He went to bed at 12, and he'd been staring at the ceiling for about an hour since then. He felt a little bad, he wasted a whole hour of his time.
The magician walked over to his window and opened it, letting the soothing, gentle night breeze tickle his face. He looked up at the shimmering moon and frowned slightly. The moon was a reminder of all his crimes as the Kaito Kid. It seemed as if it was mocking him, telling him that he was stupid for even trying anymore.
The magician's lower lip quivered slightly as he looked away from the moon and at the tree that he often used to jump into or out of his room through the window.
An idea lit up in his head.

'A night walk sounds nice at the moment.'

Kaito smiled to himself as he quickly changed his clothes. He went into the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water. Lifting his face up from the sink to look at his reflection in the mirror, he cringed at the ugly dark circles under his eyes. He really needed sleep, but insomnia wasn't an easy enemy to beat.
The magician patted his messy hair down so it looked a little less messy, but it really didn't do much. It seemed as if he was born with messy hair and there was no way to change it.
Kaito giggled when he felt his slightly overgrown bangs tickled his face. His hair was pretty fun, he didn't know why Aoko told him to use gel and style it in a more neat, tidy way. When he realized he couldn't make it anymore presentable than that he just shrugged and threw on a cap to hide it. He usually wouldn't do that, but he didn't want people to see the ugle dark circles that surrounded his eyes. He gave himself one final look in the mirror to make sure that none of the darkness under his eyes were visible before he smiled and ran out of the bathroom.
The giddy teen ran across his room, reached his window and jumped out of it onto the old, slightly worn out tree. Sometimes he felt bad for that tree, it had to handle him jumping and bouncing on its old branches almost everyday. It weirded him out how he felt bad for the tree more that he felt bad for the Kid taskforce.
Kaito inhaled in the cool night air as he walked slowly down the street, his footsteps barely audible, though one squirrel was able to identify the strange quiet sound as footsteps and ran away to hide in its little whole in a tree that stood tall and proud.
A giggle escaped his lips. He really loved animals.
When he thought of animals, he always looked up, and he never failed to see his doves flying above him, almost guarding him like guardian angels. But tonight, for some reason, they seemed to be guiding him through the quiet streets. At first he thought that his doves flew in the same direction he walked in, but he realized that he was the one walking in the direction they were flying in. It was a little weird, he decided to experiment a little.
His already barely audible footsteps went completely silent as he stopped, his eyes never leaving the white bundles of feathers that flew in the sky. Indigos widened slightly when he saw how his doves didn't stop, instead, only one stopped and cooed at him softly, yet firmly, almost as of telling him to follow.
He blinked in confusion but nevertheless followed.
Kaito winced quietly when he bumped into a tree. He had his eyes up on his doves the whole time and didn't notice that they entered some sort of dark, dreadful woods. He looked behind him and saw that they were actually pretty deep into the woods that the moonlight didn't reach them. It was kinda crazy how he didn't notice that they walked into such a place.
He looked up again and saw his doves scattered on the tree branches of the tree he just bumped into. They looked to be concentrating on something on the other side of the tree. The magician tilted his head in confusion before quietly leaning on the tree for support and and looking behind it, only to be horrified at what he saw. His eyes went wide and he swallowed the little gasp that tried to escape.
There was a man. What's so horrifying about that?
His Tantei-kun.
Kaito gritted his teeth roughly in anger. His mind gears turned quickly as he tried to come up with a plan to save his Tantei-kun and knock the man out in a not so gentle way. The man did not deserve a gentle knock out.
Sleeping gas was not the way to go and he had nothing else on him other than his smoke bombs, which would be pretty useful in the situation but not to knock out the disgusting predator.
The teen looked around frantically, trying to find anything strong enough to knock out the man with.
His eyes burned when he started hearing small whimpers coming from where the crime was happening. He guessed that his Tantei-kun was probably drugged and brought here and now the effects of the drug was starting to wear off. Indigos burned more. Drugs took a pretty long time to wear off, so it meant that his Tantei-kun had been with this man for longer that he should be.
When a Kaito stepped on something hard and thick, he looked down to inspect it, hoping it would be something useful. Thankfully, it was a very strong tree branch.

'Alright, time to act-'

The magician stopped dead in his tracks when a piercing, painful, loud scream cut through the night.
That was it for him. He threw one of his smoke bombs to the ground with great force and lounged at the man then pushed him to the ground as hard as he could before using the tree branch to almost -almost- smash his head. He was a little worried for a second that he might have killed the criminal, but he completely forgot about it and rushed to check on his Tantei-kun when he noticed the man was still breathing. He was kinda sad about it though.
Kaito crouched down next to the boy who was gasping for air. He noticed the rope that was tightly holding the boy's wrists together. He started untying the robe and winced when he saw the bruise it had left because of how tight it was tied. He tossed the rope away and started to try and soothe the boy out. He mentally cursed when he saw his detective flinch away from his touch when he tried to pet his head. He thought the boy might have developed a fear of touch for a second but his concerns were eased when the detective let him pet him after he noticed that the touch wasn't going to harm him.


It frightened Kaito a little how his detective's usually challenging, strong voice now sounded weak and broken. He nodded, confirmning Conan's deductions. He had no idea how he managed to know who he was especially in the state he was in, but he just shrugged it off and focussed on treating the boy.
"Thank you, Kid."

Kaito looked away from Conan once he handed the boy some kid clothes he just bought for him. Once he noticed how torn up the boy's clothes were, he asked to wait for him while he went and got some better ones.
He was pleased when he saw the detective still there waiting for him and didn't just try to solve his problems on his own. He was probably too tired.
After he bought the clothes, he went and bought a bottle of water for Conan and some rope to-
Conan looked up from his water to the thief, who was now tying the man's body tightly, just as hard if not even harder than how his wrists were tied.
He chuckled.

"I thought you were a nonvoilent thief?"

Kaito got up when he was done and gave the man a good kick in the gut.

"You can say there are exceptions."

The magician turned to his detective and gave him the softest smile Conan has ever seen on the thief's face.

"Let me get you home now, you look.. tired."

The correct word Kaito wanted to use was fucked up. He decided against it for both his and his detective's sanity.

"No need. I called Hakase, he'll come to pick me up."

Kaito sighed and sat down next to the detective. He was glad when he saw how the other didn't seem the slightest bit uncomfortable. In fact, he looked pretty relaxed and.. relieved.

"Tantei-kun, you should take care of yourself better."

Kaito heard a sigh coming from the detective. He knew it wasn't the detective's fault, but he just couldn't imagine what would've happened if he didn't find him.

"I will."

Conan looked up at the thief, completely ignoring the fact that the cap that was on the thief's head wasn't tilted down enough to cover the thief's whole face, but what he couldn't ignore where the dark circles that took place under the thief's eyes.

"Didn't sleep?"

Conan blinked in surprise when the thief poofed a mirror out of nowhere and held it in front of his face. He chuckled when he saw the exact same dark circles surrounding his own eyes.

"How did you know I was here? How did you find me?"

Kaito sighed.

"You detectives are always curious. Let's just say.."

The magician caught a glimpse of one of his doves on one of the trees.

"A little birdie told me~"

Wooooo, this is a long one!
1943 words!!!
I feel so proud of myself (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧
Btw, thenext one shot will be the last one in this book!
I just don't want to make this book too long~
If y'all want a second one shots book, let me know~
Just had strawberry cheesecake mochi ice cream (*´﹀'*)

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