
363 21 11

~I do not own DC/MK~

Kid held up the gem he'd just stolen up to the moon, hoping to see Pandora shine inside of it, but there was nothing. Just a normal gem, like always.
A disappointed, sad sigh escaped his lips, even his little Tantei-kun wasn't there to entertain him and help him forget about it.
He gave the tear shaped blue gem one last annoyed glance before tucking it into his breast pocket, he wanted to leave before Ginzo and the task force arrive to arrest him. Correction, try to arrest him. The thief looked down below him at the busy roads and silently hoped that people wouldn't notice him and call Ginzo, he didn't feel like being chased tonight, he just wanted to go home and drown himself in chocolate ice cream.
Sadly, people of course did notice, and they did call Ginzo, and he now had the entire task force right below him and an angry Nakamori-keibu cussing and yelling his lungs out at him. The thief mentally groaned, still keeping up his pokerface, he didn't want to deal with this right now, so with a little bit of his magician skills, he was able to "clone" himself using some of his Kid puppets.
Ginzo's cussing noticibly increased as he blended himself in with his clones before flying away, leaving the taskforce to chase his puppets.
He took a bit of an odd turn in order to completely disappear out of sight and he was now flying above a wood. Kid looked all around him, there was no sign of the task force and he could no longer hear Ginzo's angry yelling, maybe he could take this opportunity to rest for a bit. He was quite tired, having not slept well the night before.
As the thief lowered himself a bit, he started hearing something and for a second, the thought it was the police sirens. He looked around, there was still no sign of the police anywhere, for a moment he thought he was just imagining it, but as he lowered himself more and more, it got louder, and louder, until he was able to identify the sound as a person's voice, a child's voice to be exact. Once he got close enough, he was able to spot where the voice was coming from and flew there. The thief gulped as cold sweat misted his forehead, he didn't want to admit it to himself but he knew for sure that that voice belonged to Edogawa Conan, his little detective, and it scarily sounded like the chibi needed help, immediate help. Actually, scratch that, the boy was about to die if Kid doesn't hurry up and save him from a 50 ft fall. Conan was barely hanging onto a weak branch that was prone to break at any second. From the looks of it, it looked like the detective was falling off the cliff, probably because he was going around chasing criminals again, but was thankfully able to hold onto the branch.
Conan panted heavily as he tightened his grip on the tree branch, finally, Kid finally noticed him. Now all he had to do was hold on tight until the thief came and- oop, the branch broke and he was now falling. He heard Kid cuss loudly and turned to the direction of where the voice came from, extending his arms out as far as he could, hoping it would help the thief catch him in time before he hit the ground.
Adrenaline rushed through Kid's body as he got closer and closer to his detective, but at the same time, the detective got closer and closer to the ground. Thankfully, lady luck decided to help him out and send a strong gush of wind that pushed him at full speed towards the falling detective. A second later, he was silently celebrating while holding Conan close to his chest. The celebration didn't last too long though.

"Kid, watch out!"

The thief looked up and saw a big tree, and shit, they were about to crash into said tree. In the very few seconds he had, Kid managed to turn them ever so slightly so that they wouldn't hit the tree face first, maybe arm first. They crashed, but since Conan  had Kid's arms tightly wrapped around him, it acted as a shield and protected him from the hit. Using what Ai called his "monkey skills" he was able to grab onto the tree branches and slowly lower himself down until he was standing on the grass. He expected to see Kid standing next to him a second later, but when he saw no white clad thieves, he looked up. The tree actually had a nice old looking tree house, along with a swing attached to one of its strong, sturdy branches. It sounded fun, but that didn't matter, what matter was Kid who somehow had his head stuck through the loop of rope that held the swind to the tree branch. The thief was basically getting strangled, and the more he struggled, the tighter the the loop got around his neck.
Conan inhaled sharply, the sight was just horrible. He resisted the urge to look away and started climbing up the tree.

"Don't move Kid, just focus on breathing."

It was funny because the thief was literally breathless. It usually takes about 3 minutes for someone to die of strangulation, but Kid's situation was a bit different. The little ring of metal that wrapped around the knot to keep everything secure was digging into his neck, making it worse and cutting the time in half. Conan only had a minute, or a minute and a half if he was lucky.
Once the chibi was on a branch strong enough to hold his weight and close enough to Kid, he started, very carefully, looking through Kid's pockets, searching for something to cut the rope with. A sense of relief washed over him when he pulled out a playing card. He knew Kid sharpened the edges of his playing cards, so this should be enough. Carefully, as to not accidentally make the situation worse, he used the card to cut through the rope. Though the sound of Kid choking made him rush it a bit and the thief ended up with a few cuts on his neck along with scrapes from the rope. A moment later had them both on the ground, Kid gasping for air and Conan trying to help him breath again. It took a while, but finally, Kid was now lying down, breathing. It was uneven and shakey, but he was still breathing, which was good.
Conan looked through Kid's countless pockets again and pulled out a small first aid kit. He applied some soothing cream over the scrapes and cuts on Kid's neck, feeling a little bad for the cuts he made, some of them were deep.
It took about half an hour for Kid to breath sorta normally again, but he still felt confused, light headed, and weak. The thief tried to get up but was pushed down by his detective.

"Don't get up too soon."

Kid smiled and a breathless chuckle escaped his lips.

"I came to save you but in the end, you saved me."

Conan smirked, mentally grimacing at how weak and rough the thief's voice sounded.

"That only means that I'm out of your dept."

Then silence took over. It wasn't uncomfortable or awkward, it was mainly just them listening to each other's breathing and thinking the same exact thing.

'I never thought I'd ever be so happy to hear someone breath.'

KidCon because I love them and why the hell not?
Poor Conan fell off a cliff and poor Kid got strangled~
I hope my explanation was clear in this 0.0

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