Torture (6)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

The thief didn't bother to think about how there were no traces of blood when he looked back at the crime scene, he didn't want to think about how the other cleaned up all the blood after dismembering a body, he knew the other was good at his job, which wasn't exactly a good thing, and he had other things occupying his mind. He just killed a human being. That was all he could think about. It's true he was already a criminal, but theft is not the same as murder, plus most people didn't really view his as a criminal, but rather as a performer, a magician... Magicians were supposed to make people smile, not kill them.
What would his father think of him?
He was a murderer now. He was supposed to be just a thief who stole big gems, not people's lives.
As they walked, he found himself subconsciously but internationally stopping often, causing the string tied around his neck to cut deeper into his neck, drawing more blood. He didn't allow the string to cut all the way through, even though he wished he could, but he promised himself not to do that until his detective was safe.
Indigos lingered on the big bag the assassin held, watching it sway slightly as the guy walked. The bag looked big and heavy, but it really wasn't. Kid knew that, because he knew what was in the bag, he knew exactly what was in the bag. He fucking knew and he couldn't do anything about it.
It took all his self-control to not just jump at the guy and kill him on the spot. He didn't want to commit another crime, and he knew that the other was stronger than him at the moment, so he just looked down, trying to forget about it all, but he couldn't, and would probably never be able to forget. How could he forget? He couldn't just forget, he had to receive the punishment for the crime he just committed, he wanted to turn himself in to the police so badly, so fucking much, but he couldn't.
Blood slowly ran from his lips and down his chen, he was gritting his teeth too hard, but he deserved it, so he'll continue until his fucking jaw breaks-
A hard slap across the face forced him to stop.
Blood dripped from his mouth to the floor, he probably cut his lip due to how strong the slap was. He deserved it.

"Keep doing that and your little friend will end up just like her."

Kid blinked as he looked at where the assassin was pointing at, it was his detective. He didn't even realize they were back in the room.

"I'm sorry."

He really wasn't, he was just saying so for his detective's sake.
Spider's brow rose under his mask, the thief was clearly lying, he thought the drug would last a little longer, but he had a lot more of it anyways, he just had to drug him again.
Kid felt something being shoved into his arms as he took a few steps back to avoid falling, but he still fell, he was tired, and weak.

"I'll be back."

And with that, the assassin left the room, closing the door behind him, leaving the thief alone with his detective, and his own thoughts.
Kid looked down at the item he'd been given. A water bottle. Right. When was the last time he drank water? Just then he realized how dry his throat was, he needed the water, but he didn't deserve it, so he just took a few small sips, just enough to keep himself alive for his detective, but definitely not enough to satisfy himself, he didn't deserve the satisfaction.
He wondered what the other would be back with, what type of torture was waiting for him next, he didn't know, but he was kinda... excited for it. He wanted the torture, he craved it, he wanted the pain, he needed it.
He chewed on his thumb's nail, he chewed and chewed until it bled, but it still wasn't enough, it wasn't enough-

"Didn't I tell you to stop?"

Indigos widened, Kid lifted his head slowly, only to see the assassin, with his foot on his detective's head. Then the thief found himself crawling, all while mumbling meaningless "I'm sorry"s and "Please don't"s, then he found himself clinging onto the assassin's leg, hoping to be able to stop the other from pressing down and crushing the small head that laid under his foot.


Pain shot through his gut as he was kicked away harshly, he quickly looked back as he held himself up with one hand, his other wrapped around where he got kicked, and was relieved to see the guy's foot off his detective's small head.

"Fine, since you asked nicely."

Spider put his hand on his hip as he shifted his weight to one foot.

"But we still have to do something about this."

Kid's heart almost jumped out of his chest, not in fear, but rather in excitement.
He nodded, not only to please the other, but also because he actually wanted it.
He gulped as the other crouched down in front of him, then he felt a familiar prick on his neck, the drug again.
The theif's heart beat faster as he watched the assassin take out a torture device. It was small, but he knew it would hurt, a lot, and he wanted it.


He gave the assassin his good hand without hesitation, saving the best, the more pain, for last. Small whimpers escaped his lips as the other started pulling out his nails, one by one. He wanted to scream, it hurt so bad, but he knew the other was in a bad mood, so he didn't want to risk it.
Soon, he lost all 20 of his nails, and he smiled when the other wasn't looking, too busy putting the torture device back in its place.
Heh, now he had nothing to chew on... Ah.


Spider raised his eyebrow as he watched Kid bang his head against the wall repeatedly. His eyes widened slightly in realization, before letting out a small sigh...and turning to leave...

"You're not going to smash my head...?"

Kid grit his teeth, damn that drug, he wasn't supposed to say that out loud! Spider stopped, then turned to the other, and smirked.


Then he left.
Kid looked down in defeat, his plan failed.
Indigos wandered over to his detective, then he remembered his promise to himself... and suddenly he was glad that his plan failed.

So... I was supposed to post this yesterday but I actually forgot...
Now that I've gotten some important back to school shit done, I should be able to post more...
Sorry :p
So, what do you guys think so far?
Did you actually understand what happened? Or is my writing too sucky?

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