Comfort (4)

213 16 11

~I do not own DC/MK~

Kaito stared blankly at his phone screen. There were tons on tons of missed calls from his mom. He hated ignoring her. He really did, but he just couldn't bear to talk to her. He kept telling himself that this was to keep her safe, but he knew that was just bullshit. His head was messed up and he needed help, he knew that very well, he just didn't think he deserved it.
He'd been locked up in his new house for a little less than two weeks and it was starting to suffocate him. He spent most of his time reading on his messy bed and looking through his phone. He completely forgot about food. He didn't completely stop eating, he nibbled on an apple whenever he rembered to eat, but that didn't happen often, and it lead to him loosing a little over 5kg in those two weeks. Most of the weight he'd lost was muscle weight since he didn't really have that much fat on him in the first place. It weakened him a lot, to the point where he needed to lean heavily on walls or objects to be able to walk, or even just stand. His face cringed in disgust whenever he looked at himself in the body mirror that was basically just there to annoy him, to remind him of the image of himself with his bones all sticking out and visible. His collar bones have become so skinny that they acted like bowls that collected little droplets of water when he was in the shower, not really doing anything, just letting hot water fall down his abused body. Abused? Yes it was. Cuts, bruises, and even burns, all done by him. He deserved it after all, didn't he?
With a small wince, he slowly sat up on his bed and pressed his palm on his forehead.
It felt a little warm. A small sigh escaped his lips as he got up. He groaned. Getting up took a lot of energy. He grabbed a hoodie and a pair of jeans.

"Maybe I'm just stressed and need some fresh air..."
He ignored the worried glances he got from people as he was down the side walk, leaning heavily on the wall that went along it. His clothes were oversized and you could barely tell he was underweight- scratch that. He was malnourished, but you could barely tell, you could only see that something was visibly wrong from the was he was leaning against the wall and limping his way down the sidewalk. Some nice people had stopped to ask if he needed help, but his only response was a shake of the head. He continued walking even when some of them called out again for him. He didn't want to waste these people's time. They probably had much more important things to do.

'It hurts...'

It hurt so fucking bad to walk, but thankfully his pokerface saved him the trouble of having to lie to people about not being in pain and being fine. He hated lying, yet it was part of his everyday life. It was just there, every. single. fucking. time.

"Hey boy! You need some help?"

His head snapped towards the source of the voice. He saw an old lady standing in front of a small cafè waving at him. She was wearing an apron, it seemed like she worked at the cafè, or maybe even owned it. Her uniform was a bit different from the other workers.
He was about to shake his head no thanks but then she waved for him to come. He sighed. He'd feel guilty if he ignored a kind old lady.
When he saw red shine for the cars in the traffic lights, he reluctantly started to limp his way across the street to get to the cafè. He watched as the woman's face and a few other workers around her grew concerned. And then it happened, he tripped and almost fell when something, someone caught him and picked him up, then walked with him the rest of the way to the cafè. He looked up and saw chocolate brown eyes looking back at him, filled with worry and concern. The guy set him down on one of the chairs in the cafè and stepped back away from his personal space. Now he could see the guy's face well. He looked to be in his early 20s. He smiled weakly at the brunette guy and received a smile and a nod back in return. He seemed like a nice guy. Just like the old lady-

"Hey young man, are you okay?"

The old lady's voice rung through his ears again. He nodded, too tired to talk.

"You sure? You almost got run over by a car there."

He smiled and he knew he had to talk now, otherwise she'd probably call an ambulance.

"Sorry, I'm just a little tired."

The lady's brow rose at how weak and tired his voice sounded and he cursed mentally. Smiling nervously, he turned to the guy.

"Thank you for saving me."

Oh god, the look of concern was back again on the guy's face. Shit, he messed up, he shouldn't have talked, but then again, what else could he have done?
He looked down at his lap and fiddled with his boney fingers, awkward silence taking over. The two workers glanced at each other before the lady decided to break the silence since the boy looked like he was about to bolt any time soon.

"How about we make you something to eat?"

A hand on his shoulder made him look up at the lady. He blinked. When was the last time he'd eaten anything? His eyes averted and his fists clinched. God, she could probably feel his shoulder plates through his skin as if he was a skeleton, just a pile of bones sitting on a chair.

"It's all for free my dear, you don't have to pay for anything."

A sense of relief washed over him, at least she thought he was thinking about the money and not what he was actually thinking about. Okay, well, he was starving, and he didn't want to die, yet, he still had a mission to complete, as he was constantly reminded by the mocking white of the suit that hung on his bedroom wall next to his closet.

"Maybe something small..."

A bright smile made its way to the woman's lips. She turned to the guy and pointed at what looked like a mini kitchen.

"You heard him!"
His face brightened as he took the first bite of his omelette. God, food always tasted amazing when you've been starving for a while. He couldn't help what take another bite right after. He heard the lady laugh and he blushed slightly.

"Eat eat boy! You must've been starving! Eat!"

So he continued to do just that until he'd finished it all. Then he was offered a glass of water by the brown eyed guy. He smiled up at him and whispered a small 'thanks'. The guy nodded and sat across from him.

"My name's Hiroomi, what's yours?"

He looked up from his water and smiled, the guy was really nice.


Hiroomi's smile fell a little.

"What's wrong? You look sad."

Kaito jolted slightly. Was his pokerface slowly falling? Oh shit.

"No no, I'm just tired-"

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it."

Hiroomi's smile was back to normal now. It seemed like the guy was an expert at reading people like an open book. Kaito smiled at him and nodded. There was no point hiding it from the guy.

"Thank you."
Sunset started to take for as Kaito walked back home. It was a long day and it made him feel a lot better. First he ate a delicious meal and had a good talk, then he took some nice photos at a park, went to a library and read some books that had a different genre from the ones he read at home, and finally helped a little girl find her cat.
He smiled as he remembered that smile she flashed him before she left. He really loved kids. They were like little angels... Except for his Tantei-kun. That chibi was a whole other story. Speaking of kids, not so far away he could hear what sounded like little kids arguing. It sounded like they were in trouble. He sighed. He couldn't leave little kids in trouble now, could he?
He limped his way to the source of the voice, walking has become easier since he had that omelette, he was glad all day that he didn't just bolt.
Once he got close enough, in the far distance, surrounded by the trees that circled his house, there was a small group of kids that looked to be around 6-8 years old. He took a step closer and froze.

'Is that Tantei-kun?'

Another part is done~~~
What do you guys think so far?
I'm really proud of this tbh (*'﹀'*)
I really like depressed Kaito fanfics >~<
I've been coughing a lot lately, I'm scared ಥ‿ಥ

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