Sad (4)

242 16 8

~I do not own DC/MK~

Aoko approached her blonde classmate carefully. He was reading a book and seemed to be very concentrated on it, she did not want to disturb him but she really needed to ask him about something. She couldn't wait any longer.
The girl stood behind the chair the blonde was sitting on and gently tapped him on the shoulder. Thankfully, when the detective turned to her, he didn't seem disturbed in the slightest. He smiled fondly at her and stood up.

"Good morning Nakamori-san. Is there anything I can help you with?"

She felt kinda bad. Saguru looked to be in a very good mood. She really didn't want to ruin his day but...


She stopped right when she saw the blonde's smile drop a little. It was still there though, so she continued.

"D-did Hakuba-kun discover what's wrong with Kaito...?"

Aoko blinked in slight confusion when Saguru pulled out his phone. He seemed to be searching for something. She tilted his head in curiously and resisted the urge to get a glance at his phone screen.
Finally, she saw the blonde's golden brown eyes widen slightly and return to normal. He found it, whatever 'it' was.
The detective looked up at her and smiled.

"I received this message from Kuroba-kun yesterday, at 12:34:56:07 am."

Aoko giggled at the blonde's obsession with time and at the fact that Kaito's name in Saguru's contacts was KID. She looked at the last text message in the chat between Saguru and her childhood friend. She was happy that the two got close enough that they actually text message.


Maybe a little up?

Today's been really fun bastard. Wanna hang out again tomorrow?

She looked back up at Saguru and tilted her head.

"Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?"

Saguru put his phone back into his pocket where it belonged. Aoko couldn't help but become nervous when Saguru's expression suddenly turned serious. Not dead serious, but it was still worrying.

"I never said it's a bad thing. It's what gave me a clue as to what might be wrong with Kuroba-kun."

Her blue eyes widened slightly.

"W-what is it..?! Please tell Aoko!"

Saguru sighed. Even if Aoko knew, she would be disappointed because of the fact that she probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

"Kaito is-"
"Kid, you're lonely."

The white clad thief turned around at the voice of his Tantei-kun. The chibi detective was leaning by the door to the roof. He gave the other a warm, yet slightly fake smile.

"What do you mean?"

The question was very simple, yet Conan didn't really want to answer. One, it was depressing to think about, and two, Kid should already know.

"What I mean is-"

He cut himself off as he started walking towards the thief. Kid didn't move, and it didn't surprise Conan. There was no reason for the thief to run away right now. He kept walking until he stood only a step away from the thief. He stared at the other's white shoes. They were blood stained and he wondered why. He gave the snipers that were scattered around the building they were on a few glances before looking up at the thief's shadowed face.

"You need someone to come back to."

The thief blinked in confusion. He crouched down in front of the chibi boy, startling him a little and causing his to take a small step back. He stared into the other's sapphire blue eyes, trying to understand what the other just said. He finally gave up.

"I didn't quite get that, Tantei-kun..."

The other sighed in slight irritation and it made Kid feel stupid, but he knew it wasn't his fault that the other was speaking in riddles.
Conan came closer to the thief, making himself in the same position he was before the magician crouched down. Up close like that, he could make out most of the thief's features, but he kept quite about it, not wanting to scare the thief away when he really needed to know what he was just about to tell him.

"You're still young."

Kid's mouth gaped slightly.


"It must be hard to live without parents."

The chibi detective immediately knew he was right when Kid lost his balance and fell on his bum. The thief stared wide eyed at his detective. How the hell did he know? He knew he was a really good detective, an excellent detective, but still...

"Kid, please..."

Kid looked away when his detective stood between his legs and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Talk to someone about it. You need someone to take care of you."

Kid felt the hand on his shoulder slip under his dress shirt through the neck. He flinched when the small hand brushed over the badly wrapped bandages around his injured shoulder. He clinched his eyes closed, his thoughts wandering off to his assistant. He never asked for help from Jii because he thought it was his own problem and that he was the one who was supposed to be dealing with it. He didn't want to drag his beloved assistant deeper into this whole mess. He didn't even know if the old man knew about his injuries. He hoped he didn't.

"This can't go on anymore, Kid."

The small hand left him and fell by Conan's side.

"If you're not better by the next time I see you, I'll take care of you myself."

Kid looked down at his lap, refusing to face the detective. He knew his injuries were not the only problem.

"You need someone to come back to."

Oh, now he understood. A small sigh escapes his lips.
Conan felt strong, yet shaky arms wrap around him. For some reason, he wasn't surprised, and he didn't really want to push the other away like he usually would in other situations.

Kaito ran into the kitchen when he heard a very familiar soft voice call his name. His mother turned and looked at him, smiling warmly.

"Welcome back~"
Both Saguru and Aoko watched the magician jump around them and poof confetti everywhere on there way back from school. Asking Chikage to come back really was the right thing to do.
"Tantei-kun, that tickles..!"

Conan sweatdropped and rose a brow at the giggling thief.

"Your shoulders are ticklish?"

Kid looked up at the detective and flashed a crooked grin before poking the other's side, earning a small 'hey!' and a giggle.

"Heh, you got me."

The thief flashed an excited smile.

"So no soccer balls today, right?"

Conan continued to feel the now well bandaged shoulder of Kid. He smirked.

"You look to be fine now, so a few shouldn't do much damage to you."

I ended this thing really badly ಠ_ಠ
I'm so disappointed right now and y'all are probably disappointed too :')
The next one-shot will be a lot better~
Water tastes really bad today, I think I might've caught a cold or something
Pray for me cuz colds last up to a month with me ╥﹏╥

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