Pandora (2)

493 20 27

Sorry, couldn't resist making a part 2 for this~
~I do not own DC/MK~

Saguru almost dropped his book when he saw Kaito holding his cheek in pain and Aoko yelling at him like there was no tomorrow. He ran up to them, wanting to stop the fight before it escalated.

"Oi oi, what the bloody hell is happening between you two?!"

Using himself as a barrier between his two classmates, he made sure to stay closer to Kaito's side. At his state, Kaito wouldn't be able to escape Aoko's wrath. He had one hand on his sore cheek and the other was by his side clenched into a frustrated fist. He was looking down, probably in shame. Saguru couldn't see Kaito's expression, but he was sure the other was gritting his teeth way too hard.
Aoko seemed to get angrier.

"Did you know about this?!"

Saguru raised an eyebrow.

"Know about what?"

Aoko took an exaggerated deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

"Th-that.. That he's-"


In a split second, Kaito was pull harshly by his wrist toward Aoko from behind the blonde. Immediately, Saguru was able to see Aoko's bruising grip on his best friend's wrist. He tugged Kaito's hand out of the girl's hold.

"Nakamori-san. Please, I don't know what Kuroba-kun has done, but please refrain from treating him that way."

As Saguru pulled Kaito back behind him, he saw how Aoko's face boiled with anger.

"Why are you on his side?!"

Saguru frowned.

"I'm not on anyone's side, and I won't be until I know what the hell happened that caused you to act that way towards him."

Aoko gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in anger, almost like Kaito, but the magician wasn't angry, he was shameful, and probably scared too.

"Why would I treat a criminal well?!"

And with that, Aoko just ran. She ran and ran, not wanting to be any close to her childhood friend. She couldn't believe it. Tears streamed down her face rapidly. She had only wanted to know the real reason why Kaito had done what he had done to himself, but she definitely didn't expect such a harsh answer. What he told her was the harsh reality.
Kaito was Kid.
She didn't even wait for him to continue and say why he had actually blinded himself, she just snapped. She couldn't believe it. Kaito, her childhood friend, her BEST FRIEND, was the KAITO KID?! The reason why her father got sleepless nights and returned back home late, tired, and humiliated?!
"So you finally told her, and she didn't respond well to it."

Kaito gave a small nod as he played with the petals of a white thornless rose. Saguru frowned. Seeing his best friend in this state disgusted him.

"Look Kuroba-kun, she may not take it well now, but later, she'll realize that she may have been too harsh on you, that even if you are Kid, so what? You're still Kuroba Kaito, her friend from childhood."

Kaito felt strong arms wrap around him in a tight, warm embrace.

"I assure you, Kuroba-kun. This won't last too long. Nakamori-san sees you as her brother, she can't just let go of you so easily, you know? Plus, I'm sure Nakamori Keibu would help her with the problem."

The magician nodded and hugged the blonde back. He was sure that Nakamori wouldn't be surprised if he came to know that he was Kid. The inspector had thought about it multiple times before. It won't frustrate him in the slightest bit like what happened with Aoko, in fact, it'll give him the satisfaction of knowing that his deductions were right all along. That, and it was hard to let go of a family member.
Kaito would probably get a good scolding session from Nakamori and it'd all be good.

"Take it easy okay? It won't do you anything if you're too harsh on yourself.  Sometimes you just have to go with the flow."

Kaito and tightened his hold on the blonde. He trusted Saguru's words. Even when they were 'enemies' before, he'd never lied to him. Kaito trusted the blonde with his deepest, darkest secrets, and he rarely, almost never did that with anyone, not even Aoko, not even Nakamori. Saguru was an exception.
When Kaito felt the blonde slowly let go of him, he let out a loud whine, causing the other to freeze for a second.

"What's wrong?"

Kaito 'looked' up at Saguru and pouted.

"Keep your arms around me."

Saguru raised a brow before rewrapping his arms around the other. He let out a small chuckle.

"Do you not get enough love in the Nakamori household or something?"

Kaito shook his head.

"Forgot my jacket and it's cold."

Saguru sweatdropped.

'Forgot his jacket huh? So he's basically using me as a human space heater. Very typical of him.'

The blonde let out a tired sigh and relaxed on the bench they sat on.

"You really are a kid."
"You knew he was Kid all along?"

At her father's nod, tears filled up her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

Nakamori sighed.

"Aoko, I wanted Kaito-kun to tell us. Kaito-kun know why he's hiding it from us and knows when will be the right time to tell us, I don't."

Aoko let out a small sob as a tear managed to escape, followed by another, and another, and another-

"Why are you crying now?"

"How are you not mad at him?!"

Nakamori chuckled as he pulled his crying daughter to his embrace.

"Oh believe me, next time I see him, I'll wear a T-shirt with a fish print on it."

Although Kaito was blind, he was too scared of fish to not feel that one finny thing is close to him, even if it was a print on a T-shirt. Aoko looked up at her father.

"So you are mad at him?"

"Well, not that mad, but just the fact that he's been out doing stupid dangerous things worries me. But then again, Kaito-kun has always been doing that anyways, that's just him."

Aoko smiled and let out a small giggle.

"Yeah, Kaito is still a Bakaito."
Kaito stood nervously next to Saguru on the Nakamori household's doorstep. He pulled the jacket Saguru had lent him around his body tighter and reluctantly knocked.

"Bakaito, you have the key, come in you idiot!"

Kaito froze for a second before smiling happily. Aoko was back to normal at an abnormally fast pace.


Kaito nodded hastly at The blonde's word as he got the key and-

"Welcome back, Kaito-kun!"

Just before he was about to unlock the door, it unlocked from the inside and opened, revealing his beloved inspector wearing a shirt with a big golden fish print on it. The smile on Nakamori's face didn't make it any better. It held way too much evil.
The hairs on the back of Kaito's head stood up as he screamed bloody murder in horror before somehow climbing up onto Saguru's shoulders.
Saguru groaned.

"Get off me, you're too heavy!"

He was going to force Kaito to give him a good massage after this.

Hakukai feels!~
Aoko no likey Kid!~
Nakamori is evil!~
Oh wow XD
I just couldn't resist making a part 2 for this >.<
I felt like it really needed continuation ^~^
There's another one-shot that wanna make a part 2 for XP

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