Sudden Change

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Bipolar Disorder: A mental illness that brings severe high and low mood swings and changes in sleep, energy, thinking, and behavior.
He saw people whispering and pointing at him. He couldn't really hear what they were talking about, but he didn't really care. He just focused on the music that played through his earbuds.

'I'm a mess, I'm a loser
I'm a hater, I'm a user
I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new
I'm obsessed, I'm embarrassed
I don't trust no one around us
I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new'
(I'm a mess- Bebe Rexha)

He hummed softly to the song, not caring about his childhood friend who was trying to take away his phone and earbuds, he just dodged her effortlessly.

"What's wrong with you, BAKAITO?!"

Aoko yelled at her childhood friend but it was o use. He didn't even blink.

"Leave him, Nakamori-san. Kuroba-kun wants to be alone right now, so let him be."

Aoko looked behind her at the blonde detective, who had his hand on her shoulder.


"Believe me. It's not worth it to talk to him right now."

Aoko looked down sadly and nodded, walking away to sit at her desk.
Saguru looked at his classmate with sad eyes. He knew everything that happened with Kaito, and he didn't want to remember any of it. Unfortunately, he still has horrible nightmares about that dreadful night.
"Kuroba-kun! Please, if you can hear me answer me! Kuroba-kun!"

Kaito had been missing for almost three whole weeks now and there were no traces of the magician anywhere!
Saguru ran through the dirty, dark alleys and called out his classmate's name. He wasn't there.
Saguru was frustrated, angry, worried, and scared. He looked everywhere in Ekoda! Where the hell could the magician be?! He wasn't in another city. Nothing was taken from the magician's home, nothing moved, no food or water was taken, and no clothes were missing. Kaito was smart and always ready for anything, so if he was planning on going to another city, he'd at least take some spare clothes with him, but he didn't.
The detective of the West grit his teeth in anger and worry. Everything points at one thing.


No. He didn't want to believe that. Who in the whole world would be able to abduct a PHANTOM THIEF who slipped through the police's grip once and twice and thrice?!
There's no way. No one could do that.
Saguru looked to his left at the woods he was standing in front of.
He gulped. It seemed like the perfect place to take someone to after abducting them. Dark, scary, haunted looking woods.

'Please don't be there Kuroba-kun.. And if you're there, then please be okay...'

Saguru pulled his rain coat further around his body. Although it was raining heavily when he left his house, he didn't bring an umbrella. He couldn't care less about it. He wanted to see his best friend, to find him, to make sure he was okay, and to help/comfort him if he was not okay. So he just threw on his rain coat and bolted out.


The blonde detective called out, hoping to catch any glimpse of the magician under the moonlight.
When he didn't get any response, he ran deeper into the woods, not caring if he got lost or not. The only thing on his mind was Kuroba Kaito, and Kuroba Kaito alone. Nothing else.

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