Angel (2)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Heiji's eye twitched as he stared at the computer screen. He was pissed off. Really pissed off. Guardian angels didn't exist, and even if they did exist, then who would want to protect him and his best friend, especially IN ANGEL FORM? Not many people liked detectives for all he knew.

"Oh c'mon! This can't be real!"

Shinichi sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up slightly. Heiji had a point. It was hard to believe that guardian angels existed, but at the same time, that was the most 'logical' explanation. It was more believable than having a magic spell casted on them or suddenly having a boost of lady luck when they run into dead bodies on a daily basis.

"I agree, but what else could it be then?"

The Osakan looked at his best friend with an irritated look on his face. Shinichi's question got his even more irritated. He refused to believe the existence of guardian angels, but at the same time, he knew there was no other 'logical' explanation. A small growl vibrated at the back of his throat as his looked down at his lap.

"I dunno, bu' who could it be if it was one of these guardian things?"

Shinichi gave a small shrug and looked up at the library's ceiling, seeming deep in thought as if he was solving a mystery. He closed his eyes shut and took in a deep breath, trying to relax his mind before a painful, throbbing headache hit him. It was hard to do that when he had a mystery to solve. He just couldn't stop his brain from working when it had a task to do. That property came in handy most of the times, but other times, it brought him unnecessary problems.
Heiji almost let out a chuckle. He could see the gears turing hastily inside the other's head. He knew he should probably be doing the same, but another thought occupied his mind.

'Even if i' was a guardian angel, even if we knew who it is, wha' will we do abou' i'?'

He sighed. He wanted to tell Shinichi that how much effort he was putting into solving the mystery was probably useless. It won't bring them anything in the end anyways. They probably couldn't even 'thank' the angel. Why rethink it so much then? Some mysteries are better left as mysteries.
Shinichi jolted when he suddenly felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He looked over to his smiling best friend with a puzzled look. Why wouldn't Heiji let him solve the mystery? Surely he could get to some sort of clue if he thought about it long enough, right?

"I know wha' ya're thinkin' Kudo, but do ya really think we can do anything abou' it if we knew who it was or wha' it is?"

The other detective blinked dumbly at his best friend's words. That was a strong point, Shinichi had to admit. Really, what could they do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
A small sigh escaped his lips as he slowly and reluctantly nodded, feeling slightly defeated. There were very few mysteries he wasn't able to solve, and now he had to add this to count. Heiji ruffled his friend's hair, messing it up even more than when the other did it to himself.
As both detectives walked down the side walk, they chitchated about numerous topics, anything unrelated to angels or way too good to be true lady luck. They wanted to forget about it. They wanted to unsee it. It wasn't a bad thing, they knew that, but the fact that it could possibly be an angel just creeps them out and makes them rethink a little too much. That was okay though, at least they won't get hurt as often. That was a good thing-


Shinichi looked over to his right where Heiji was walking next to him. The other detective was rubbing his shoulder. He didn't seem in pain though, he looked more on the confused side instead.

"What's wrong, Hattori?"

The dark skinned Osakan nodded to the ground. Shinichi's azure eyes darted over to the ground and blinked in surprise. There lay a little white dove, flapping one of its wings, seeming unable to fly. The azure eyed detective bent down and picked up the little animal, slowly and gently, not wanting to scare it away or hurt it more since the dove's other wing seemed deformed, broken.

"It probably hit you in a failed attempt to fly with a broken wing."

Heiji nodded and lightly scratched the dove's head with his fingertip.

"Let's go treat its wing or somethin', it must be in pain."

Shinichi nodded as he pulled the winged animal close to his chest.
As he flew a few feet above his detectives, angel Kaito smiled happily to himself. A lot of good things happened that day.
He saved Shinichi from getting killed by a crazy, drunk bus driver.
The detective's choose not to go any further into the guardian angel matter. If they knew it was his after all, they'd surely dig deeper, discover he was Kid, then do detective things to know how he died -who killed him-. It was hard for detectives to ignore curiosity.

'Curiosity killed the cat.'

He remembered the infamous saying. It didn't lie. If they went deeper into his case, they would get killed. He was almost sure of it.
A small smile made it's way to his lips. At least his death was worth it. When one of the snipers shot him right through the heart, he thought about how there was no point in living anyways after finding Pandora and destroying it. It was all over. He won, like always.
The magician plopped a piece of nonexistent hard candy into his mouth and hued happily. He just remember how he was somehow able to direct his injured dove to his detectives after it flew into a metal pole and broke its white wing. His detectives may not be so kind with him, but his doves? Oh yeah, they liked the doves a lot more than they did him.
He sighed as he went into the Kudo mansion with the two detectives and his doves. At least they never really hurt him... Except for the hellish soccer balls that he'll never miss.

Part 2~
Me really likey angel!Kaito ・ᴗ・
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