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~I do not own DC/MK~

Conan flinched slightly when he heard soft tapping. His head snapped toward the source of the sound, coming from one of the windows. He couldn't see what it was well from his place on the couch. He shot Haibara a glance before getting up and walking to the suspicious window. As he got closer, he saw more and more white, though is was dull, almost dead as the darkness of the night devoured it. Once he got close enough, an irritated look tugged at his face.

"What are you doing here?"

Haibara got up and walked to stand next to Conan, curious as to who it was. She blinked and side glanced at Conan, who still seemed very irritated. Their visitor however looked.. like he was freaking out, posture and body language pleading to just please let him in, so she unlocked and opened the window, much to Conan's annoyance.
Once Kid's white, dirty, worn out shoes touched the floor of the professor's house, his white gloved hands reached out and held Conan's shoulders in a tight grip. Conan frowned, Kid wasn't here to play like every other time.

"What's wrong, Kid?"

The thief took a deep breath, trying to calm his panicking heart down. As the thumping in his head started to slowly fade away, with a bit of help from the soothing, cool night breeze that entered through the still open window, his expression turned more and more serious, his hands slowly relaxing on his detective's shoulders, but still keeping a firm grip.
Conan frowned.

"Talk to me, Kid."

Kid sucked in one final breath before nodding.


Cona's frown deepened.


"He'd been kidnapped."

Sapphire eyes we're blown wide, the little detective not believing what he just heard. A small laugh escaped his lips. It must be a prank, right?

'He can't be serious about this...'

Yet Kid's expression, even though it was mostly shadowed, spoke the opposite.
Haibara decided to snap her friend out of it.

"Kudo-kun, he's serious."

Then uncomfortable silence filled the room, everyone going completely silent. Conan's lips quivered in fear. His best friend was kidnapped. Heiji was kidnapped. His fists clinched tightly, he wanted to punch Kid for not going after the bastards that took his best friend away, but he knew the other had a good reason for it. Kid always had a good reason.
Kid frowned in sympathy, he wanted to tell his detective that they should get going to Heiji's aid, but said detective didn't look like he was in the best condition.


The detective slowly lifted his head up to look at the thief. The other stayed silent for a moment, only causing the urge to punch said thief grow bigger inside Conan, it was only for a moment though. A very short moment, seconds that felt like an hour to Conan.

"You need to calm down, Tantei-kun."

That was it, he snapped.

"How do you want me to calm down?! We don't even know they're taking him! How are we supposed to-"

"Tantei-kun, I had nothing up my sleeve except for a tracker. We can track them down."

As soon as Kid pulled out the tracking device, Haibara snached it out of his hand and snached Conan's glasses away before walking and sitting down on the couch. She would've laughed at how both Conan and Kid followed her to the couch like lost puppies, but now wasn't the best time.
She soon was able to connect the tracking device to Conan's glasses, a blinking red dot appeared, and another white one, the red representing the abductors' location, it was still, which meant that they probably reached their destination.
Conan frowned, they were a bit far, he wasn't sure if they could get their in time before something bad happens to his best friend. He gritted his teeth hard, his jaw hurt.
A bit of warmth filled Kid's chest at just how much Conan cared for his best friend. Their friendship were strong. His mind wandered off for a moment to Saguru, and he wondered whether he would be this worried if he was kidnapped or not-
He shook his head voilently, attracting unwanted attention from Haibara.
She rose a brow at the thief's strange behavior but didn't say anything about it, they needed to get going.

"Hakase is not here right now, we can't use the car. Kid, can your handglider handle an adult and two kids?"

Kid mentally pouted. He didn't like being called an 'adult'. He nodded anyways. His handglider was capable of that. Indigos wandered off to his Tantei-kun, they narrowed when they saw the chibi trembling, lips quivering.
Conan was scared. What if they hurt Heiji? What if they took him just to torture him? What if they kill him? What if they were the men in black trying to get him to-

"Da hell do ya want from me?!"

"Shut up and you won't get hurt."

Azure eyes widened. His hand unconsciously reached up to gently graze over the ear bud that had been pressed into his ear. His heart heart skipped a beat first before slowly calming down at his best friend's voice.
Heiji hadn't been hurt yet it seems. He let out an audible sigh of relief before turning to Kid, who was not smiling at him, not his Kid cocky smile, but a small genuine one. He couldn't help but smile back at the sight of it.

"Thank you, Kid. I really needed that."

Kid's smile widened noticeably and Conan couldn't help but think that Kid should smile like that more often.

"Anytime Tantei-kun, anytime."

The elusive thief picked up the two kids, one in each hand, making them feel like human sacks of potatoes.

"Let's get going now. We don't know when things would get worse."

Haibara couldn't help but let out a small squeal when Kid jump out the window with them in his arms. She wasn't used to that feeling. Her hands clinched tightly on the thief's white sleeves as they flew with the equally white handglider. She looked up, the handglider seemed to be pretty strong and sturdy, good, she wasn't planning on dealing with broken bones for the next months. She had important business to do in her lab. Her teal eyes wandered down, only for her to squeal again and squeeze her eyes shut. They were so high up! She didn't know a simple handglider could do that!
Kid laughed softly, Conan following suit.

"You'll get used to it soon."

She looked up at the thief and was met with a cocky smile, she wanted to punch him in the face.

"He's always that way, you'll learn how to deal with it."

She rose a brow at him.

"Don't you kick soccer balls at him."

The two chibis let out high pitched shrieks when Kid suddenly took a sharp turn. Conan smirked.

"Recalling bad memories of that?"

Kid groaned and pouted, holding the two Kids closer to his chest, afraid that his arms would give out at any second.

"You left me with a bruise that didn't go away for a whole month!"

Conan sweatdropped.

"That's what you get for being cocky."

Kid feigned a pained whimper.


Haibara snorted, both at how childish the thief was and at the fact that she could smell chocolate an him now that she was this close. Looks like cologne didn't exist in his life.

Guys, I'm really sorry for not posting this in time!
I had and emergency and it kept me busy for a good while :(
Anyways... This is part one~
I thought we didn't have enough Heiji in this book soooo...
Hopefully part 2 will be posted in time ╥﹏╥

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