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~I do not own DC/MK~

He was sad.
He'd traveled to the USA for a case and left his boyfriend all alone in his huge, cold mansion. It's okay though! He'll only stay for two months and he'll reunite with his boyfriend!
He was lonely.
Currently, he was living all alone in this collection, lonely hotel room, with his case files, and his phone, his only way to have any contact with his beloved boyfriend. Oh, just how much he missed him.
He was tired.
He stayed up all night trying to solve that difficult case he traveled for, and you know what? He did it! He solved the case! Finally, after two months! He finally did it! He caught the culprit he now can go back to Japan and see his boyfriend!
He was paranoid.
Tomorrow was his flight back to Japan. He can finally be with his boyfriend again! He was supposed to be happy, and he was! But why was the paranoia there too?
He was excited.
He was finally going back home in a taxi after the long 13 hour flight from the USA to Japan. He couldn't stop thinking about his boyfriend. He missed him so much. He was going to hug him so tightly that his bones he crushed once he saw him.
He was worried.
He was standing in front of the door to his mansion, holding the key in his right hand and ready to open the door. A grocery bag filled with his boyfriend's favorite snacks was in his left. The lights were on inside the mansion, meaning that his boyfriend hadn't gone to sleep yet, and he'd be able to hug him and shower him with all the love and kisses right away. So why was he worried? He didn't know. He really didn't.
He was alert.
Once he entered his mansion, he heard a soft sobbing sound. It was his boyfriend, he was sure of it! Why was he crying?! He dropped his keys and the grocery bag to the floor and rushed to the source of the voice.
He was scared.
His boyfriend was there, with his resting on his arms on the table, sobbing. He gasped and immediately rushed to his boyfriend's side and hugged him, wanting to be with him when he needed it, and not wanting to see him like that. Never did he want to see him like that. Never.
He was confused.
His boyfriend started giggling and laughing out of no where, all while hiccuping and wiping away his tears. What the hell was going on? What was he missing?
He was focused.
Focused on trying to understand what his boyfriend was saying at the moment.

He was surprised.
"Onion" He managed to get out from his boyfriend's slurred words, unclear and shaky with both giggles and hiccups, though the hiccups seemed to die down a lot.
"Onions" He his boyfriend repeated more clearly and pointed at the table.
He was relieved.
When he saw an onion half diced, relief washed over him as he sunk down onto the chair next to his boyfriend.
He was annoyed.

"Seriously? Onions? Do you know how scared I was?!"

His boyfriend stuck his tongue out at him playfully.

"It's not my fault you were too worried about me to notice the onions~"
He was thankful.
For what, you ask?

"I was preparing dinner for your arrival and I think I rubbed my eyes while cutting the onions."

"Preparing dinner for my arrival?"

"Yes, I know. I'm the best, caring, loving boyfriend anyone could ever have, right?"

For having someone like him in his life.
He was overjoyed.

His boyfriend got up and gave him a tight hug.

"Welcome back, Shin-chan~"

He smiled and hugged back, and remembering that tight, bone crushing hug he'd once promised himself to give Kaito once he saw him, he tightned his hold around the other.

"Thank you, Kaito."
He was happy.

Trying a little switch in style (*∩ω∩)
What do you think of this new style?~

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