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~I do not own DC/MK~

Kaito flinched away from the blonde's touch.

'His hand is too cold...'

Saguru let his arm fall to his side. Worry took over his features.

"Kaito, you're sick."

Kaito blinked at the detective.

"No 'm not.."

Saguru frowned.

"Listen, you're slurring your words because of how high your temperature is. You're shivering too."

Kaito was about to protest before he started to sway.




When Saguru crouched down next to his fallen boyfriend, who was in a complete daze. He took the chance to check the other's temperature and gently pressed the back of his hand against the other's forehead. He gasped and his golden brown eyes widened at the burning hot heat he felt. The other was burning hot!

'I need to give him a cold bath...'

Indigos snapped open when Kaito felt himself being picked up. The soft gush of air that came with being picked up hastily made him shiver.

'Cold cold cold...'

A soft whimper escaped his lips when the cold suddenly intensified. Saguru threw the other's shirt on the bathroom floor.

"W-what are you-"

Saguru cut him off.

"Your body temperature needs to go down, Kaito."

Indigos followed Saguru and watched as he adjusted the faucet on cold and started filling the tub.

"Is it really that bad...?"

Kaito wrapped his arms around himself and shivered when Saguru splashed some water at him, wanting to get his body ready for the cold bath.

"Yes, and you'll be staying in bed until it goes back to normal, got it?"

The magician groaned. Saguru sighed.

"Come on, don't be like that. If you don't get better-"

"If I don't get better, then who'll pull embarrassing pranks on you? Yes, that's right."

Saguru groaned as he rolled his eyes.

'That little-'

"It's just no fun to stay in bed all day!"

Kaito whined. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and flinched a little.

'Saguru is right, I'm burning hot!'

The brunette giggled at the other meaning of the sentence. His train of giggles quickly stopped when he felt himself being picked up and set into tub.


The water felt freezing cold!

"Saguru, this water will give me a heart attack!"

The blonde laughed.

"This water is not really that cold. It's cool. This is just proving my point. You're too hot to-"

"Isn't that one of the reasons you fell for me?"

Saguru groaned but sighed. The other was not wrong. Kaito was really attractive.

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