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~I do not own DC/MK~

The magician under the moonlight held up his heist target to the sky. The gem was pearly white, but when the moonlight shone through it, it became even more white. The white was so bright and pure that it was blinding to look at, so the thief closed his eyes shut and lowered his hand.
After a minute or so, he reopened his eyes. The blinding light was gone. And so was the gem. He looked around trying to spot the precious, white jewel but froze when he saw a big window in front of him. He blinked in confusion. He had memorized every nook and cranny of the building and he does not remember there being any windows on the roof.


Something was wrong. He knew it. For some reason he just felt so.. Small? Tiny? He didn't know. But something was wrong.


His head snapped to the now wide open door. His Tantie-kun stood there, panting.
Oh no..
Could he have shrunk like the detective?!
His clothes still fit perfectly and his smoke bombs still fit well in his hand.
So why...?


The sound of really loud footsteps startled him.

"He left the jewel here and flew away. That thief."

Conan bent down to pick up the jewel. The thief stared wide eyed at the detective. He looked so.. huge...
The window he bumped into earlier started moving away from the floor.

Wait, no.. This only happened in cartoons.. There's no way he-

Kid held onto the window before it flew away and hung onto it tightly.
This is not a window. This is the jewel.
He shrunk. In size. Possibly by the magical gem he stole.

"Dear God save me.."

He whispered as his Tantie-kun put both him and the jewel into his pocket.
Kid didn't like the atmosphere inside his detective's pocket so he climbed on the jewel, jumped, and pocked his head out of the pocket. He was sure he's too small to be seen by anyone passing by.

"Keibu, Kid returned the jewel!"

Kid cringed. He didn't like when his Tantie-kun acted all childish and innocent-


He shrieked when the chibi detective reached into his pocket to fetch the gem, almost making him fall.

"Hm? Did you hear anything?"

"No, did you?"

"Meh, was probably just my imagination."

The brief conversation that happened between two task force members made him paranoid. He should try his best to keep quite until he finds a way to expand back to his body.
He sighed.
This was going to be a long journey..
Kid squeaked when he was thrown away into the pile of laundry with his Tantie-kun's clothes.


He held his nose with his thumb and index finger to block away the smell of dirty laundry.
He climbed out of the pocket and breathed in the fresh air.

'Finally, some fresh air..'

The magician sighed in relief and looked around. He was alone in the bathroom. He needed to find away to his Tantie-kun.
He had decided to tell the chibi detective about it and let him help him, even if he'll be met with nonstop teasing.
Kid was just about to climb out of the laundry basket when someone entered the room.
It was the detective's kawaii neechan, Ran.
And she started undressing.
The magician blushed a deep red and burried himself back under the clothes as to not see anything. He may flip Aoko's skirt sometimes but he did it as a joke. He was not a pervert.
He let the soft, relaxing sound of the water hitting the bathroom tiles distract him from the stinky smell.
'Weird. Kid normally waits for me to get to him, but today he just flew away, and he didn't even leave a Kid letter or some sort of rose or something like everytime. Was he in a hurry?'

The chibi detective thought as he layed sprouled across his futon.
'I think she's gone..'

Little Kid pocked his head out of the clothes for the second time once he heard the bathroom door open and close.
He sighed in relief when he saw no naked women in the room.

'Now to find Tantie-kun!'

The little thief hopped off the basket and swiftly landed on the cap of a big bottle of laundry detergent, then from that and onto the floor.
During the thief's little journey to the floor, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, and man, he was tiny! It was almost too adorable to be real! Just imagine having a small tiny Kaito Kid in your breast pocket at all times! (just me fangirling about chibi Kid :p Don't mind me, please continue.)

'I hope I'd be able to get Tantie-kun's attention with this body- Wait.. Ew! That sounded dirty..!'

Kid cringed at his own thoughts.
He made his way to his Tantie-kun's room and slid into it from the small crack at the bottom of the door.
His Tantie-kun was laying on his futon, seemingly in deep thought. Kid ran and jumped onto the detective's chest.


Conan looked down at his chest and gasped. It must be a dream. There's no way there was actually a small chibi Kid sitting on his chest, staring back it him. It's a dream.. Yeah..
He smiled.

"It's a dream."

The chibi detective layed his head back on the pillow.

"No it's not!"

Conan made a small sound of disagreement.

"Just a dream."

Kid let out a small growl, jumped onto his Tantie-kun's cheek and bit down hard.


Conan shot up into a sitting position and rubbed his cheek in pure pain. Once the pain had lessened a little, he turn his attention to the chibi creature that was now sitting square legged on his knee, crossing his arms and pouting.

"S-so you're actually real..? This is not a dream?"

"The stupid gem and it's magic did this. Now help me!"

Conan blinked twice in disbelief. He picked up the crayon sized thief and examined him closer.

"You're real.. Yes. You are Kid."

The detective gave a very sadistic smirk.

"No please.."

The poor thief tugged on his hat so that it'd cover more of his small face.

"Okay I won't. I will help you, but in return, you'll tell me why you steal, and no, I won't attempt to arrest you. Deal?"

Kid lowered his head in thought before looking back up and smiling at his detective.


Kid held the tip of Conan's index finger and shook it, sealing the Deal.
The detective took his phone and called a certain, shrunken scientists.


Kid shivered, remembering the evil scientist and her cold stares. Awake would have been a better option than her but of course, he couldn't reach her. He listened closely as the detective continued his conversation with the evil, yawny-eyed scientist.

"Will you do some research on it for me?_ Why do I need it? For some.. Stuff. _ Shut up. Will you do it or nah?_ Okay, thank you."

And he hung up.
He looked at Kid and smirked.

"Now for some torture~"

Kid gulped.

'Just why...?'

Poor Kid has something bad waiting for him in part 2~
Chibi Kaito is so cute!
Just imagine having a small Kaito in your breast pocket at all time!
Ah, so cute!~~
I just love him so much~
Part 2 coming soon~

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