Comfort (3)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Kaito stepped into his knew house. After Aoko's death, he asked his mother to move him to a new house, one that was far away from his old one, and far away from everything else. He wanted to be alone there. He knew it really will never do him any good, but he needed to get away. He couldn't face the father of the girl who just got killed because of him. No, he couldn't.
At first glance, the house looked really old, almost like it was more that 100 years old or something, on the inside however, it was actually quite nice. The furniture looked sturdy and..surprisingly clean?
A small sigh escaped his lips. His mother really bothered to come here and clean up the house for him. He felt a sense of warmth in his chest, but it was gone as quick as it came, almost like a match trying to stay lit in a windy night.
There we're no other houses built around it, there was nothing at all built around it actually. Just a few trees that made it look like it had some life. It was lonely. The house was bigger, a lot bigger than his old one, but this only made it look empty and maybe even haunted. No one dared come near the house, especially at night. There were rumors about the house being haunted or some shit, which the magician knew weren't true.
There we go. That's it. A small empty smile made it's way to Kaito's chapped lips. He didn't need to look around any more than that. He didn't need to know how many bedrooms or bathrooms there were. The house was just perfect that way. It kept him away from everyone, which was the main reason why he moved out in the first place. Now he kinda understood why his mother had left him when his father died.
He took in a deep breath. It smelled like old wood, not the worst, but also not exactly pleasant. He mentally noted to get some scented candles later. The windows were open, all of them, and he could only imagine what the smell was like when his mother first opened the door.
The first floor had a decently sized kitchen, with all the utensils and everthing, a large living room, and two doors, one leading to a small yet decent sized bathroom, and the other leading to what looked to be some sort of office that had a mini library stocked up with books.
The second floor had three main bedrooms, each one having a king sized bed and an attached bathroom, except for one room which had two slightly smaller beds. Kaito snorted. The family that lived here before had two little kids. That explained the barely visible but still there crayon scribbles on the walls. It probably used to be really colorful, but now it all looked lifeless. A small chuckle echoed through the hallway. Kaito knew people who knew him would probably describe him using those exact  words now, because really, it was true.
The rest of the hallway was filled with guest rooms and a couple more offices plus another two bathrooms, which were the biggest ones in the house.
Book shelves were everywhere in the house, filled with books and what looked like souvenirs from different places around the world. Kaito's slightly shakey hand reached out a grabbed a book from one of the many shelves and opened it up. Ignoring the annoying amount of dust that came from the book to burn his eyes, and nostrils, he read the introduction. Most of the books were true crime books, mystery novels, and text books. There were also some children books, but they were very few.
He put the book back to where it belonged and headed to one of the main rooms to unpack.

'I could entertain myself with those books later.'
Night came quickly and Kaito didn't even think once about having dinner, actually, he skipped all three meals. He didn't deserve to eat. Eating just reminded him of Aoko's cooking.
He sat silently in his room, rolling around on his bed. His tired, bloodshot eyes wandered over to the Kid costume that was neatly hung up next to the closet. This was the main reason why he'd chosen this room. His mother had put it there to remind him that his mission wasn't complete yet.
The soft buzzing of his phone startle him. It continued too softly buzz at he picked it up and looked at the caller ID.

Nakamori Ojisan

He cursed under his breath, he didn't want to pick up the call, but if he didn't, Nakamori would only worry and come to him, something which he didn't want to happen.



Nakamori's tired voice burned through Kaito's soul. He's the reason his ojisan sounded so tired. He gulped and opened his mouth to reply before Nakamori's voice rung in his ears again.

"Your mother told me. Don't worry, I won't force you to stay here but I need you to promise me something."

Kaito blinked twice.

"What is it?"

Now that he heard it, they both sounded equally tired. His voice was just rough because of dehydration and not talking for a while.

"That you'll call me whenever you need anything."

No. Fuck no. Kaito couldn't promise him that, because he knew he'd break his promise. He deserved everything bad to happen to him, not some kind help from his inspector. So he hung up.

Nakamori frowned. He half expected Kaito to tell him that he couldn't, but he definitely didn't expect the silent treatment. This was so unlike Kaito, but then again, Kaito these days wasn't the normal Kaito he knew, the one he considered as his son. No. This was a different one. One he hated. Yes he was also still devastated at his daughter's death, but he knew that it was better to get out of this state and move on with his life, Kaito did know that too, he just didn't want to do it. He wanted to give up.

'It must be really hard on him, first Toichi and now Aoko...'

His eyes burned at the thought of Kaito living all alone in that big empty house with an unstable state of mind. He wanted to help the boy, but he couldn't do that if Kaito didn't allow him. He'll just give him some time.

Didn't go too hard for this one~
Also, this thing actually turned out longer than I expected 0.0
That's good I guess XP
How are y'all doing in quarantine?
I'm living my best life to be honest XD
Online school is better than normal school and I don't have to deal with people's shit~
It just happened that I got this irritation of the bronchi thingy (not Asthma) right when we were told to stay at home
I thought I caught the virus XD
Silly me

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