Kidnap (2)

345 22 7

~I do not own DC/MK~

When the trio reached the place the tracker had led them to, they all held in their breaths. The air was thick and the smell was toxic. It smelled of drugs, alcohol and other stuff only Haibara was able to identify.
They tried their best not to cough. They did not was to attract unwanted attention.
Kid mentally cursed.

'I don't have any gas masks right now...'

Even though he knew that night's heist would be easy, he should've stocked himself up better. He'd put for himself a rule to always be a step a head, and today, he wasn't.
Conan felt dizzy, the fumes filling his poor lungs made his eyes sting and tear up. It wasn't time to savor pain right now though, they had to find Heiji. He hadn't heard anything through the earbud since they started the flight on Kid's handglider. Since the place smelled strong of drugs, it was possible they just drugged him or something, and Conan didn't like that idea, but he convinced himself to stay calm and that it was better than all the scary stuff he'd thought about during their trip to here. He shook his head and blinked, trying to clear the blur out of his eyes. I worked for a split second before it started fogging up again, this time, his mind going foggy with it, and he felt like he would collapse at any moment.
Haibara clenched her teeth, already having an idea about what those people might want from Heiji just from the air and the atmosphere. She had quite a bit of experience in it and she was not proud of it.
She wasn't completely sure though, she had to wait for a bit before she could voice out her thoughts. She glanced next to her at the thief that desperately tried to keep his Tantei-kun on his feet.
She was more used to such fumes from working for long hours in her lab. In the end, Kid ended up carrying the chibi on his back. She heard Conan whisper a small, quiet apology.
Kid smiled, knowing that the apology was directed to Heiji. Strong friendships like this moved him, and made him feel bad for himself. It wasn't his fault he couldn't get too close to people, they'd be in danger because of the stupid crow if he did, so he always kept a fair distance.
The thief glanced down at the little scientist that waited patiently for him. He rose a brow at her, wondering how she held up so well. Yes she was a scientist, but that doesn't change the fact that she was still in a child's body. Children were fragile.
Kid studied their surrounding for a moment. It was dark, the only source of light was a small window in the far upper left corner of the room. The moon light was just enough so that they don't bump into each other or random objects in the room. The light was, obviously, strongest around the window, and it revealed old, roughed up, dirty walls that seemed to be stained with God knows what. The floor was slightly sparkling, and no it wasn't the type of sparkle a little girl would be excited about. Shattered alcohole bottles were left for gotten on the mucky floor.
Kid cringed. God, not even a pig could live here. Some light illuminated a small part of the room and caught his attention, and he turned to see the little scientist using her phone. His relflex was to immediately snach it away and close it. Darkness was good in their situation, as it didn't make them noticable, using any sort of light would basically be yelling "hey we're here!" And they did NOT want that right now. She didn't react much, just snached her phone back from Kid's grip and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Let's get going. Who knows what they're doing to Hattori-kun right now."

Kid frown and tilted his head slightly before following after the girl like a lost puppy. If he stayed still for any longer, he would've passed out like his beloved detective. That wouldn't do well for the little scientist for fight on her own, and it would leave his feeling guilty afterwards for a long long while.
Kid almost dropped the chibi detective on his back when he felt him jolt awake.


Conan didn't look like he was fully conscious. Just somewhere between awake and asleep. The poor chibi looked like he wanted to stay awake and help in saving his best friend instead of basically sleeping and letting his two teammates do the rest.
Kid frowned in sympathy at his Tantei. He used his slightly burning arm muscles to slowly rock his detective hoping it was sooth him out. It did.
He watched as the azure eyes slowly closed, and he felt the other go limp against his back.
Kid had Conan's head perfectly positioned and close enough to his so that he'd be able to hear what's going on with his rivals best friend through the earbud. Conan woke up when he heard Heiji groan. He wasn't sure if it was due to pain or discomfort, but whatever it was , they needed to get to the Osakan quick.
Conan's eyes snapped open and he sat up on what ever he was lying on. Azure eyes went wide.


"Yo, chill. 'M right here."

His head snapped to where the familiar voice came from. There he was, the dark skinned Osakan sitting on a chair next to his bed.
He blinked in confusion.


Heiji smirked at his best friend's confused face. He kinda loved when he was reminded that yes Shinichi was a better detective than he was, but he still didn't know everything.

"Yer friends took me outta there."

Conan sighed a little sigh of relief before looking down at his lap. He felt bad. He passed out and did nothing but weigh the others down when they were trying to save his fucking best friend.

"Don't feel bad. When we found him, he didn't look like he needed help anyways."

Conan rose a brow at Haibara, who stood leaning against the doorway.
Heiji decided to explain.

"They drugged me ta keep me unconscious. They didn't even tie me. They wanted ta keep me unconscious 'til their boss came back. They fell asleep, the drug wore off, I regained consciousness, and yer friends came right then ta get me out."

Conan let out the biggest sigh of relief. So even if they didn't come, Heiji would've been fine on his own.

"They're idiots."

The chibi nodded in agreement.

"Why did they kidnap you though?"

When Haibara saw Heiji shrug, she decided to voice out her theory that she had from the very moment she stepped into the mucky place.

"They wanted to use him to test their drugs."

The two detective visibly shivered and Heiji was suddenly glad that his captors were idiots more than ever.

"Have they been arrested though?"

Conan didn't was those bastards that took his best friend to test their disgusting drugs on him to be free out there.
Haibara nodded and chuckled. She'd told the police task force to come when she was playing with her phone, just before Kid snached it away, and she could still remember the look on his face when he heard the police sirens. He probably thought that this was all a dirty trap so that they could arrest him.

"Did Kid leave?"

Heiji nodded at the opposite direction Conan was looking at. When the chibi turned his head, a figure wearing some black, casual clothes, similar to the ones he saw Kid in when he wasn't in his white Kid attire, and a cap to shade his face caught his attention. At a first glance, you wouldn't really thing it's Kid, unless you look closer to see the monocle dangling on the side of his face, protecting his identity incase the cap fell off. He was sitting on the arm chair side ways, his legs propped up on one arm of the chair, and his back resting on the other. One hand on resting against his stomach, while the other was pressed against his forehead, giving extra protection to his identity. To say the least, the thief looked exhausted.
Conan snorted. Of course, having a heist then trying to save someone's life right afterwards would be very tiring.
The chibi focussed a little more, making sure there were no traps set around the thief. When he saw none, he silently got up and walked slowly toward him. He wasn't planning on exposing his identity, he wanted to see how jumpy the thief was when he was sleeping. He got close enough that he was about to jump on top of the thief but then suddenly, the other jumped at him instead. He helped when he hit the carpeted floor, Kid's gloved hand resting at the back of his head to protect him.
He felt his wrists being pinned above his head and looked up to see the cocky thief giving him a cocky smirk.

"I'm always one step ahead, Tantei-kun~"

Pretty sure no one missed me but okay (´∩ω∩`)
Another one of the long oneshots is done~
These are fun but time consuming to write
!!Warning: next one-shot is dark!!
Ending is alright, though might not be too satisfying for some people
Don't come at me when I post it ╥﹏╥

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