Sad (2)

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~I do not own DC/MK~


Tha magician snapped his head up at the mention of his name. He saw a pair of chopsticks held out for him. He smiled at his blonde friend and accepted them.


Saguru sighed and sat down next to Kaito on one of the very few benches they had in their schoolyard.
The magician was just staring at his bento box. He looked like he was locked in another world. Judging from the magician's unreadable, yet tired expression, it didn't quite seem like a happy world. He thought he'd do a favor for the teen and snap him out of it, though it didn't really seem to work. As soon as the magician's hand fell back to his lap, he went back to staring at his bento box.
Maybe he should try something a little bit less gentle?

"Ow! What was that for?!"

Kaito rubbed the back of his head where Saguru had just smacked him. He groaned in annoyance when Saguru just glared at him in return. He mentally added 'dying the English bastard's hair purple' to his nonexistent to-do list.
The detective sighed, cutting their staring contest.

"I'm pretty sure your bento box is feeling very neglected right now."

Kaito looked away, not half expecting Saguru to actually care about whether he ate or not. It kind of made him feel happy in a way. He glanced down at the chopsticks that Saguru got him. He already had a pair with him. He guessed that Saguru thought that he didn't have any when he saw him not eating. What he didn't understand was why the detective had two pairs of chopsticks in the first place.

"You haven't been eating for quite a few days. Couldn't think of a better way to start a conversation about your eating habits than this."

Kaito blinked.

"I said that out loud?"

After receiving a nod from the other, a small sigh escaped his chapped lips.
Saguru's brow rose in confusion. What the hell was wrong with the other?

"What's wrong with you?"

Kaito's shoulders tensed at the question. He knew it was coming, but it still surprised him and made him feel like shit.

"I really don't know..."

The magician felt a reassuring hand land on his shoulder and squeeze gently.

"Are you stressed?"

Kaito thought for a moment and Saguru waited patiently.

"Maybe..I don't know about what though..."

The two males felt the cool autumn breeze wash over them. They both slightly shivered at the mild cold.
The hand that was on Kaito's still tense shoulder gave it a few good pats.

"Just eat now, alright. I want you to finish it all."

Kaito nodded, a warm feeling washing over his chest at how much his friend cared for him. Ever since the two got close, the magician always felt bad about his past, cruel pranks whenever Saguru made a kind act towards him. As he opened his bento box and made sure he had the chopsticks Saguru gave him, neglecting his own, he mentally noted down to find a way to thank him, more like apologize to him later. Saguru deserved at least that for being such a good friend.
Aoko watched from afar. She sighed in defeat. She'd hoped that Saguru, being the detective he was, would somehow be able to get Kaito to talk about his problem. It turned out that even Kaito really didn't know what was wrong with him.

'Does that mean that Kaito will have to go to a therapist...?'

Aoko shook her head, refusing to believe that her bubbly childhood friend will have to visit a therapist if he doesn't get better.

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