Love Doves

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~I do not own DC/MK~


Shinichi slowly approached the thief, careful not to startle him. Kid was there, crouched down on ground, holding his dead, bloody dove close to his chest. Moon-chan, one of Kid's oldest doves, had been shot, and was now lying dead in Kid's arms. The dove's blood soaked Kid's white suit, and Kid trembled slightly at the sight. Moon-chan was the first dove he ever trained, and he trained her with the help of his father.
The dove's been trying to warn him about the snipers, but ended up getting shot and killed. Kid didn't even notice Shinichi crouching down next to him, he couldn't take his eyes off his dove. The thief stared at his blood soaked suit, it didn't look that much different from the dove's blood soaked feathers. They were both pure white, covered in bloody red. Kid's eyes burned as he cradled his dove close to his chest, had he been more careful, this wouldn't have happened...
Shinichi's azure eyes widened slightly when he saw a couple of tears run down Kid's cheeks, it was the first time he'd ever seen the thief cry and man, it hurt.
He had a small.. okay, a bit of a big crush on the thief, so seeing him cry hit deep.
He looked down at the dove that lay in Kid's trembling arms, he didn't know that the doves were so important to Kid. Surely he might get attached to them, but with that many doves, the thought it was impossible to be this attached to them.
Shinichi hesitated for a bit before reaching out and very slowly pulling Kid into a loose hug, giving the thief the chance to pull away if he wanted to. Kid didn't pull away, he couldn't move. His body shook with silent sobs, only causing Shinichi to pull him closer. Sapphire eyes burned, seeing Kid like this was just...

"Please stop crying..."

Shinichi's voice came out weak and barely audible, but the both of them heard it.
Shinichi slapped himself mentally, he didn't mean to say it out loud!
The look Kid gave him was that of pure confusion. Shinichi cursed mentally, Kid was adorable. The detective looked away to hide his blush.

"I'll get you a new one, just stop crying already."

Shinichi praised himself for not stuttering.
Kid blinked and he felt an unshed tear run down his cheek. He quickly wiped away his tears and moved away from Shinichi's personal space, finally realizing the situation they were in. Shinichi wasn't supposed to see him like this. Why was Shinichi here anyways? Kid was just making his way back home from a heist on his feet since his handglider was under repair, then his dove was shot, and suddenly Shinichi was there, comforting him. Kid didn't mind Shinichi comforting him, but still, the detective wasn't supposed to see this.
Shinichi sighed, he wasn't really thinking when he said that he was willing to get the thief a new dove, he just wanted Kid to stop crying. Whatever, getting his crush a dove shouldn't be too bad. The sound of someone digging pulled Shinichi out of his thoughts, he looked up and saw that Kid had wrapped his dove in some white cloth and was now digging in the ground. The detective's gaze softened, Kid wanted to bury the dove.
Once Kid was done burrying his dove, Shinichi sighed.

"I promise I'll get you a new dove, Kid."

Then the detective stood up and left, he was going to keep his promise.
Kid sat there next to his dove's grave for a while, a tear or two occasionally escaping his tired eyes.
Indigos stared at the moon through Kid's eyelashes, he remembered how his dove got her name. Unlike the other doves that liked to sleep at sunset, Moon-chan prefered to stay awake a little more to watch the moon shine brightly against the completely darkened sky.
His eyes watered, at least he still had some photos of her...
A small sad smile made its way to his lips, no dove could replace Moon-chan, but it still meant a lot to him that his detective surprisingly cared enough to get him a new dove. A light blush dusted his cheeks and his face heated up slightly at the thought. He was going to do his best so that what happened to Moon-chan won't happen to his new dove, or any of his other doves.
Shinichi groaned as he walked. He'd been in three pet stores so far and none of them had a single white dove...
Sapphire eyes gleamed, he'll look in every nook and crany of Japan to find a white dove. He'll get Kid a new dove no matter what.
The search continued, and when Shinichi was just about to return back home for the night, he spotted a very small pet store. The store's sign wasn't glowy and colorful like all the other ones, so it was barely noticeable, especially since it stood between multiple other bigger stores.
He sighed, another try won't hurt.
The detective stepped into the store and was pleased when he saw it was a lot cleaner than some of the other pet stores he'd visited. One of the employees was kind enough to lead him to the birds section of the store.
He walked through the bird cages, a parrot's glare made him uncomfortable, he didn't want to get bit tonight. A lot of the birds there had white feathers, so he hoped that he'd be able to spot a white dove.
When he got to the doves, his sapphire eyes spoted a white feathered creature. He immediately bought it, the employee explained that white doves sell out quickly. That's probably why he wasn't able to find any wight doves in the bigger, more popular stores.
Luckily, the dove was female, and it was still young and little. He knew it was better to start training animals at a young age.
While walking back home, bird cage in hand, Shinichi spotted a flower shop. A light blush caughted his cheeks, Kid liked roses, didn't he?
The detective looked away and continued walking.

'Later, later...'
The next day, Shinichi waited till it was night time to go meet Kid. Kid was the moonlight magician, it was more likely that he'd be there at night.
Knowing that the thief would be in the same place they met the night before, the detective got dressed in better clothes and applied some cologne. It was important that he looked and smelled good in front of his crush.
Reluctantly and very carefully, Shinichi got the dove out of its cage. Thankfully, the little winged creature decided to be nice to him and sat still on his shoulder. He smiled, glad that the dove wasn't the hard to deal with type.
On his way to meet Kid, the detective passed by the same flower shop from the night before.
Shinichi groaned, fine. If he was going to give Kid a sorta gift, he might as well confess his feelings.
The detective watched Kid from far away, admiring the thief. He clutched the red rose in his hand, he was really about to do this...
He knew that even if he was rejected, nothing would change between him and Kid, but still, rejection was scary.
His own heart beat echoed in his ears as his heart hammered in his chest. Oh God he was so nervous...
He took in a few deep breaths to calm himself down and as he was taking his first step towards the thief, the dove suddenly flew and snached the red rose out of his hand.
Shinichi tried to chase the dove, afraid it'd fly away but instead, it flew towards Kid and landed right in front of the thief.
Kid shifted his sitting position and got a little closer to the dove. It easily jumped into his palm. The thief smile, the dove was really cute. He gave it a few good scratches before taking the rose. It was a red rose.
He looked around and spotted Shinichi. The dove was from Shinichi.. was the rose also from the detective?
Judging by the way Shinichi looked away and blushed, it probably was.
Kid smiled and got up, his heart fluttering happily. With the dove still sitting in his palm, the thief walked over and stood in front of the detective, a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.
Shinichi sucked in a deep breath and as soon as he turned his head to meet Kid, a rose was poofed in front of his face. A red rose. So that meant...
The detective's eyes widened as he looked up from the rose and at Kid.. Not Kid, it was...

"Kuroba Kaito. Nice to meet you, Shinichi."

Shinichi blushed deeply and looked away, the human being standing in front of him was absolutely gorgeous. Also, that gorgeous human being just called him by his first name and it sounded wonderful.
Mrs. Dove that sat in Kaito's palm flew, snached the rose from Kaito and landed on Shinichi's shoulder. The detective blushed as he accepted the rose.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kaito."

I hope y'all enjoyed this~
How many of y'all thought this was gonna be a depressed Kaito kinda thing at the beginning? •~•
No one?

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