Isolation (2)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Unable to contain their happiness, the two detectives ran to their friend and hugged him tightly, not minding getting wet. To their surprise, the hug only lasted for a quick second before they got pushed away. The detectives stared wide eyed at their friend for a moment before realization hit them, Kaito's been living in isolation for over two years, with no one to talk to and no way to interact with people. From the scared look on Kaito's face, they understood that running up to hug him was a bad move and they instantly felt bad. They sat there for a moment, none of them knowing what to do. Thankfully, Kaito didn't take the time to ran away, he just stayed there eyeing them from head to toe.
Saguru was the first to cut the uncomfortable silence.

"Hey, Kuroba-kun..."

Kaito didn't respond, he just blinked at the other. He understood the words, but didn't know how to respond. After a bit of hesitation, the magician took a small, cautious step closer to the detectives. He knew who they were, so he didn't know why he was being so careful. Maybe it was just a habit he'd developed over time from being on the island. He had to be careful of every move, what looked like a leaf might turn out to be a poisonous bug, and what looked like a stick might turn out to be a snake.
Carefully, the magician in reached out with his hand and poked Saguru's cheek before doing the same to Shinichi. Yup, these were real humans.
The detectives watched Kaito stare at his hands for a bit before looking at them, then suddenly they were pulled and dragged by their hands to through the trees and bushes. The grip on their hands was a bit wonky, but then again, when was the last time Kaito held someone's hand?
They ran and ran, following Kaito until they were in front of one of the huts, then they were pushed in and Kaito ran off somewhere else. The detectives looked at each other, confused. What just happened? The hut that they were brought into was mostly empty, except for a handmade bed that used hay and broad leaves for bedding.

"Well, that was weird..."

Shinichi was the first to voice out his thoughts. Saguru nodded his head in agreement.

"We should probably call for help now though. We need to get us and Kuroba-kun out of here."

Shinichi nodded and took out his phone. While Shinichi called for help, Saguru poked his head out only in time to see Kaito running back towards the hut with something or things in his hands. By the time Kaito entered the hut, Shinichi had already ended the call. The magician stood their for a moment before handing each of the detectives a mango. The detectives smiled, their friend didn't change.
The three sat there on the bed, eating their mangos in silence. None of them were tense or uncomfortable, not even Kaito.
Now that the detectives had a better look at Kaito, they noticed that his skin was a bit darker from a deep tan. The magician was the same height as Shinichi before but now, he was a bit shorter. It was probably because the magician wasn't eating that well. As expected, Kaito had also kept himself well groomed, which was a blessing. A smelly, dirty magician would be a lot harder to deal with.
After finishing up their food, the detectives started trying to start a conversation with their friend.

"So Kuroba, how are you?"

It was better to start simple. Shinichi only got a thumbs up as a reply.

"Can you.. say anything?"

Saguru was more straight forward than Shinichi. Kaito nodded and pointed at the two.


Kaito's voice was a little hoarse, but it was expected since he probably didn't use it that much. Then the magician pointed at himself.


The detectives nodded to show that they were listening.


Then they both couldn't hold back, so slowly, very slowly, they got closer and wrapped their arms around their friend loosely. Kaito was very tense, but didn't push them away like before. He blinked, it felt weird to be hugged now, it was really warm and comforting, so he stayed.
They started sorta "chatting" again while touching Kaito in different ways to get him used to touch again. The magician could only say one word at a time, but it was better than being unable to say anything at all.
Soon help arrived, and when they tried to leave, Kaito looked all grumpy and upset, and had even stopped following them at one point.
The detexctive's tried to get him to get onto the helicopter with them, but Kaito wouldn't budge. After a few trys, Kaito walked away. The detectives glanced at each other before following him. They followed him until they were standing in front of the mostly finished boat. Kaito got in too the boat and sat in it cross armed, all sad and grumpy looking.


The detectives sweatdropped. So Kaito wanted to rescue himself because he didn't want all of his hard work on the boat to go to waste. Yup, it seemed just like Kaito, and they were having none of it. They dragged a kicking and screaming Kaito into the helicopter, not wanting to deal with his antics.


"What. The. Hell?"

Saguru stared at Kaito wide eyed. The magician had managed to get back to the island and now he was trying to push his now finished boat into the water. The blond facepalmed and pulled Kaito away from the boat.

"You seriously got attached to a boat?"

Kaito struggled in Saguru's strong grip in vain, he needed his boat!

"Let go! Need boat!"

Kaito was slowly managing to say two words at once now, which was good, but now they needed to get him away from the damn boat.
Shinichi smirked, he half expected this to happen and had come prepared.

"Kuroba. Look."

Kaito snapped his head to look at Shinichi only to stop struggling all at once. Shinichi held something in his hand, something he loved oh so much. Shinichi opened it up and held it out for him. He sniffed it and his mouth started watering, the same sweet, chocolatey smell he loved so much. Slowly, Saguru let go of Kaito, knowing the other had already forgotten about the stupid boat. The blond chuckled as he watched Shinichi lead Kaito into the helicopter using a bar of chocolate. To Kaito, chocolate was more important than the boat.

Kaito really loves his chocolate~
I hope y'all enjoyed (♡´▽'♡)
DM me if you have any requests (✿❛◡❛)
This was super fun to write~

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