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~I do not own DC/MK~

A disappointed sigh escaped Kid's lips as his arm dropped to his side, hand holding the heist target.

'Not the one. Again...'

He sighed once again as he tugged the gem into his pocket, Conan wasn't at the heist tonight, so he'd have to either mail the gem to the station or slip it into Ginzo's mail box. He didn't feel like doing either of those things, he was too tired, so maybe he'll just keep the gem for the night and return it the next morning, once his batteries were recharged. He was too tired to deal with the taskforce and Ginzo's yelling too, so he better leave quickly before they escape his traps and come for him.
Since his handglider was under repair, he'd have to just wait for Jii to come with his car so that they can go back home. He wasn't about to walk back home on his legs right now, no way.


The thief, having already changed into a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of jeans along with a black cap, waited for his assistant in one of the dark alleys, not really wanting to be spotted and get his cheeks pinched. He winced a little, remembering the last time Ginzo's pinched his cheeks, it hurt like hell, but luckily, he was only wearing a thin layer of smudge proof makeup along with some contact lenses, so at least his disguise wasn't exposed that day. The thief's hand went up to lightly rub his cheek, he wasn't fond of that memory at all. Maybe he'll start disguising less to save the task force members the pain of getting their cheeks pinched. Poor things, they had to deal with it along with Ginzo's yelling every heist.
A fond smile grazed the thief's lips, the inspector wasn't a bad person, he was just doing his job. The truth was that he, the Kaito Kid, was the one who was giving pretty much everyone a hard time.. except for his fans.
Kid sighed for the umpteenth time that night, he couldn't wait to go home and sleep. Just when he was about to pull out his phone and call Jii, a man, a large man bumped into him, causing him to lean heavily against the dirty wall so that he wouldn't fall to the much dirtier ground.

"Watch it you bitch!"

The man cussed at him as he walked away, muttering something about how dumb he was. Kid frowned as he reached into his pocket for a smoke bomb, eyes locked with the man's back. There was no way that the Kaito Kid wouldn't notice an idiot pickpocketing him, especially since the stolen item was the fucking gem.
He dropped the little ball to the ground and launched at the man as soon as smoke covered the place. With his experience and skills, he was able to move fast in the smoke and swiftly snach the gem back with ease. The thief quickly reached to the ground and grabbed a metal rod, not caring about how dirty it was, and just when he was about to knock the motherfucker out, said motherfucker turned around and sprayed something directly at his face then ran away cussing.
Kid fell to the floor with a pained groan, the metal rod falling next to him, causing a loud, irritating clunk. His gloved hands clutched the fabric of his pants as he felt the skin on his face burn. He knew what this was, he knew exactly what it was, and he didn't like it, not one bit. He'd never been pepper sprayed before, but he once looked up and learned what to do just in case it happened.

'Keep your eyes and mouth shut.'

I am.

'Don't touch your face.'

I'm not going to.

'Focus on breathing.'

I can't breath.

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