Torture (3)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

When Kid woke up, he felt like he was in hell, and for a second he thought that the torture had continued even when he was out. It took him a moment to realize that boiling hot water had been poured all over his body as a method of waking him up.
He stared for a moment at his body, skin red and looking sunburnt, before slowly looking up. It was no surprise that what he saw was Spider standing there, smirking down at him while holding a bucket. He noticed there was another bucket right by the assassin's foot though. Spider bent down, letting go of the empty bucket he was holding before picking up the full one, and Kid closed his eyes. The next second, freezing cold, icy water was dumped all over him, and he couldn't help the little whimpers that escaped him. It was so cold that it hurt, and maybe he already had some frostbites somewhere. At least it helped to calm down the burning and redness from before... even if it replaced them with new types of burns. The feeling of being so hot then suddenly so cold in just a few seconds gave him a headache, but he tried his best to ignore it.

"Slept well?"

No, he was still tired, but at least the water helped him to stay awake.. for whatever was to come next....

"N-not really."

Ah, the drug was still active, so he didn't sleep for that long, or maybe the drug just lasted a really long time? He wasn't sure. He had no way of telling to time and it annoyed him to no end. Suddenly he hoped that Hakuba Saguru was there with him.
The assassin chuckled.

"You'll get another break soon, only if you remain good though."

Kid nodded, not wanting to seem like he was ignoring the man, oh no, that was the last thing he wanted.
The thief felt a hand pet his head, and he found himself leaning closer to it, yearning for the comfort.

"Good little pup."

Pup... He'd been called worse. Puppies were adorable anyways. He almost let out a whine when the hand left him. Almost.

"Wait here and don't move."

And with that, the assassin left the room. Indigos lingered on the door for a moment before wandering over to the little child, who was still sleeping, but thankfully in a different position, showing his chest moving up and down as he breathed, cutting out any possibilities of him being already dead. He was probably just drugged up so he'd stay unconscious.
Kid smiled, he was doing well so far, he couldn't see any injuries on his detective. He resisted the urge to crawl next to his detective and hold him for comfort, remembering that he was told not to move. He will obey, for his detective's sake. The child didn't deserve to go through what he'd gone through so far, and he definitely didn't deserve to die at such a young age, because how old was he? Six? Seven? Eight at most?
A few moments later, the door opened with a loud squeak and Spider came in with a small table, and something else that the thief could quite see or identify, but it was quite small as well. The door closed behind the assassin, almost on its own.
Spider set the little table down in front of the thief and he automatically sat up on his knees. He almost freaked out when he did so, but it seemed like that was just what Spider wanted him to do, so he calmed down a bit... just a bit before his heart dropped to the floor at the sight of a heavy looking hammer. Was that for his head? He kinda hoped so at this point.


The assassin said while lightly tapping the table. The thief laid both of his shakey hands on the table. His whole body trembled as thoughts started racing through his head again. He closed his eyes not wanting to see any of it.
A hand picked up his right hand off the table and a heavy object was placed in it. Kid's hand closed around the object and he whimpered. Shit, it was the hammer. Indigos reluctantly opened and looked at it, just to be sure. Yes, he was indeed holding the hammer. His body trembled more, hand shakey as it tried its best not to drop the hammer, said hammer's heavy weight not helping the situation. It became clear now that Spider wanted him to crush his own hand using the stupid hammer.
A wicked smirk crossed the assassin's face.

"Come on, do it for him."

He said, motioning to the little sleeping child. Kid's hand tightened around the metal tool as he raised it up high in the air, even if he didn't hit with strong enough force, the thing was heavy enough to cause some serious damage. The thief took one last glance at his detective before coming down hard on his own hand. The table shook at the strong force, surprisingly not breaking. The sound of the hammer hitting his poor hand masked the sound of bones being crushed, and a little bit of the thief's scream.
The hammer fell to the floor loudly, the thief unable to continue holding it anymore. Why did he have to hit so hard? The damage done was probably permanent. Oh yeah, he was just that determined to save his detective...
His head fell onto to table, forehead pressed against it as he sobbed, feeling light headed, the pain was too much, too much...
Wait his other hand...
At the thought, within a second, the thief was shaking with sobs in a near corner, holding his good hand behind his back protectively. Spider laughed, enjoying every second of the magician's suffering, and taking in the delicious fearful look on his face. He walked over to the thief and knealt down in front of him before reaching his hand out. Kid closed his eyes and looked away, more tears running down his cheeks at the thought of being hit. His body shook as he waited for the pain to come, but it never did. He froze when he felt a hand gently caress his cheek. Indigos opened slowly, looking up at the assassin, fear still lingering within them. Spider was smiling at him, it wasn't a kind smile, no, it was one that sent shivers down his spine, but at least it didn't seem like the other was planning on hurting him. The hand went down his cheek, to his shoulder, and down his arm, until it reached his mangled hand, tracing slow, soothing circles on it.

"Don't worry. I'll let you keep your other hand since you'll need it later."

The thief gulped and nodded, a sense of relief washing over him as he let his good hand come into view.

"Thank you..."

He looked down, something wasn't right.

"I'm.. I'm sorry..."

Spider smirked.

"So you know what you did wasn't right. Why did you do it then?"

Kid's eyes watered, he couldn't help it, it just happened.. He was-

"I-I was scared..."

The assassin took his chin between his gloved fingers and forced him to look up at him.

"Of what?"

The thief averted his eyes, even though the other's eyes we're masked, it didn't weaken his deathly gaze.


He gulped, was he allowed to say it? But he knew he couldn't lie either so...

"Of y-you..."

Spider let go of him, a content looking smile tugging at his lips.

"That's understandable. But."

He paused.

"I still have to punish you for it."

Kid shook, he knew he messed up. If everything else wasn't considered as a "punishment", then what would the real punishment be like? He really didn't want to know...
With whatever energy he had left, he positioned himself on his knees, head hanging low, almost in shame.

"Please do as you see fit with me..."

Spider smirked as he continued to listen.

"Do whatever you please..."

Kid seemed to shrink with every word.

"B-but.. I beg you..."

His tears fell to the floor.

"I beg you, please..."

He repeated, hoping to satisfy the other with his pleading.

"Don't hurt him..."

He said, voice weak and just loud enough for the assassin to hear.
Spider chuckled, once again forcing the other to look up at him.

"I'll accept your request, since you asked so nicely."

Kid almost smiled, but then he saw the familiar red glow he despised so much.

This took a while to put together •^•
That's why, y'all better enjoy it, or else-
Am I the only one who like banana flavored stuff?
I really don't get the hate ( ∵ )

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