A Not So Pleasant Heist

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Kid giggled silently to himself. His heist was going smoothly so far and no one seemed to be able to figure out his diguise yet, not even his little Tantei-kun.
The thief went around setting up little traps and tricks, he couldn't wait till it was time for his heist to start, his very own beloved task force will be covered pink sparkly slime and fake feathers.
His little detective probably already noticed the traps and won't easily fall into them, sadly.. But that only added to the challenge! His heist was going to be super fun~
The thief almost jumped when he felt someone rest their heavy head on his shoulder and whisper in his ear.

"Come to my room, Azumi-chan."

Ah, it was the owner of the gem he wanted to steal. He gave a small nod and the old man walked away.
Kid frowned, something felt off. Azumi was the name of the made he was disguised as. It was kinda weird that the owner called his maid by her first name, but the thief brushed the feeling off. From what he knew about the lady he'd taken the identity of, she was never late.
The "young lady" hurried to the owner's room. Kid had the layout of the place well memorized.

'Third floor, second furthest room to the left.'

Green eyes eyed the door. He hesitated, something told him that he should just starts his heist early and run, run away. The thief took a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in."

The only man's voice rung in his ears, his heart started beating faster and his gloved hand shook ever so slightly as it twisted the door knob, causing the door to slide open smoothly.
The owner sat on a fancy red couch, drinking a glass of red wine. That was kinda weird but Kid just brushed it off, he was weird too.

"Come in and close the door, Azumi-chan."

Again with the first name thing. It made him really uncomfortable. Were they that close and no one knew?
The thief did as told and kept on his act.


The owner looked up from his wine and up at the disguised thief with a brow raised.

"You know what to do."

Kid just stood there, confused. What was he supposed to do? The sound of deep, rough chuckling echoed through the room and the thief chose to look down at his black shoes as the old man rose up from the couch and approached him.
The man circled around the thief and stood behind him, only to hold him by his waist.  Not having expected the action, Kid let out a small squeak. He mentally slapped himself for dropping his pokerface but was also thankful that the squeak came out in Azumi's voice and not his.
The man chuckled against his ear and pulled him closer by the waist. Kid's face flushed under the latex mask when he felt something hard pock his lower back.

'No no no no no no-'

Then a hand went down from his waist and snaked up under his back skirt to caressed his thigh. Kid grit his teeth. He could deal with this. At anytime he could just knock out the dirty old man with some sleeping gas and go to the task force still disguised as the maid to tell them what happened, then the man would be arrested.
He could do that, but Azumi?
A a hand roughly twisted his head and tilted it up then he was eye to eye with the man that was assaulting him.

"You know how much I hate it when you turn your attention away from me."

The man growled, then he said something that made Kid's blood boil.

"You don't want to be fired do you? You know well that no one else will hire you."

The thief looked down once the rough hand left his jaw only to go to his fake breasts. He felt a weak sense of accomplishment when the man didn't stop. It meant that the guy didn't realize that his breasts were fake, he really did a good job with the disguise.
Greedy hands continued to touch him all over, he didn't really feel it though. All he could think about was the poor maid that probably had to go through this on a daily basis. Now that Kid really thought about it, Azumi was always shy looking and cautious. From the time he'd spent sorta spying on her, he realized she apologized quite a lot for things that weren't her fault or that didn't even deserve an apology. Was she scared that everyone would start treating her like this old man did if she messed up? Kid's heart clentched at the thought.
A small hast escaped his lips when he felt the hand on his thigh slide up closer and closer to his crotch. Oh hell no.
Green eyes looked around for a clock and spotted one hanging on one of the walls. It was only a minute before his heist started, which meant perfect time to get himself out of this mess.
Sleeping gas filled the room as Kid quickly put on his gas mask and freed himself from the pervert's grasp. He turned around and kicked the guy in the balls, causing him to fall to the floor with a pained growl, then soon gave up to the magical gas.
Kid held up the heist target to the moon, nothing. A small sad sigh of disappointment escaped his lips. When will he ever find the damn gem?
The thief heard the door to the roof open and close. He smirked to himself, his detective came to play.

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