Comfort (9)

210 12 14

~I do not own DC/MK~

Shinichi really couldn't believe what he just heard from Saguru. He knew Kid wasn't a bad person, he knew Kid wasn't a real criminal, but he didn't know his reasons, and could've never predicted them to be like this, this dangerous.
Kid- no, Kuroba Kaito was in danger, and it'll do no good if things stay that way. He needed to do something, he had to.
He knew what it was like to have to lie everyday to the people he loved and cared about just to keep them safe, and yet they still end up in danger.
He knew what it was like to feel that pain in the neck after looking countless times over his shoulder to make sure no one suspicious was following him.
He knew what it was like to have to keep his eyes open even while sleeping to make sure no one comes in uninvited.
He knew what it was like to have to convince himself every morning and night that everything will go back to normal one day when their was no proof of that.
He knew the feeling of wanting to give up.
He knew the feeling of wanting to just end it all.
He knew it all, and he didn't want neither him nor Kaito to continue like this. It had to be stopped.

"I know what you're thinking, but I highly doubt Kuroba will cooperate with you right now, we need to get him out of the state he's in first."

Shinichi nodded at Saguru's words.

"Do you know how we should start?"

Saguru was Kaito's best friend, he surely knew a lot more about the magician than Shinichi did. The detective didn't take his eyes of the blond as the other sat there in thought for moment before turning to face him, seeming to have come up with something that might potentially help.

"I think we should take him out on a date."

Shinichi blinked. The blonde looked oddly serious about this.


Saguru sighed, Shinichi will never get it right now, but he'll try his best to explain.

"Not an actual date, but if we call it that, it'll make him feel all giddy and stuff. Kaito craves attention more than anything else, calling it a date will make him feel like he has all the attention from his two favorite detectives, which is sure to make a difference."

Shinichi's brow rose. It did make since, Kid was always someone who loved all the attention he got from his little shows, maybe that's why they were so falshy? Probably.
Now he needed to know one other thing.

"Where are we taking him then?"

It didn't take long for Saguru to come up with an answer.

"Somewhere expensive that has a lot of chocolate desserts. The expensive factor will make him feel like he's getting even more attention from us, and the chocolate because.. Well, it's Kaito. I swear to God he once finished an entire chocolate cake in one minute, 40 seconds, and 26 milliseconds."

Shinichi's eyes widened slightly.

"That must be a world record."

Saguru shrugged. One thing he never understood about Kaito was how the hell he wasn't even close to getting diabetes.
"... You two are taking me out on a date?"

Kaito blinked at the two detectives, he didn't expect to wake up to hearing such news, however, that doesn't mean the news are bad, they were some really good ones.
Saguru sighed at the way the magician seemed to get more and more excited as each second passed by. Seeing Kaito this excited usually meant that he's about to do something stupid, but now, in their current situation and the magician's current state, it was a relief to see.

"You know it's not really a date, Kuroba..."

The biggest, widest grin spread across Kaito's pale face, and a faint blush appeared with it.

"But I'll still consider it as one~"

Shinichi stood there dumbfounded, he couldn't understand how something as simple as taking the magician out on a "date" could make so much difference. He wasn't about to complain though, this is the first time he saw Kid smile a real smile. In a big poof of pink smoke, the magician was already dressed and ready to go. The two detectives watched Kaito hoped out of bed and turned to them.

"Where are we- Ah..!"

Since Saguru was pretty close, he was quick to catch Kaito before he fell and hit the floor. A small sigh of relief escaped the blond's lips, it looked like it was going to be a pretty hard hit. He gently helped the magician to his feet, careful not to move too quick, the other probably fell because he moved too fast after lying down still for almost three days. The detectives didn't need to explain anything to the magician, it looked like he already knew what he did wrong and was definitely annoyed.
To forget about what happened, Kaito looked up from his feet and at his detectives.

"Where are we going?"

Saguru was just about to provide his best friend with an answer when muffled laughter echoed through the room. Shinichi was there, his hand covering his mouth, the other one on his stomach, trying to stop himself from laughing.
The two best friends stared at the detective, one pouting and the other confused.
When Shinichi was finally able to stop, he turned to Kaito, ready to explain himself.

"I've never met someone who can change moods so easily like that. You're one hell of a kid, Kid."

For a second, Kaito was about about to freak out, but Saguru's reassuring magic hand squeezed his good shoulder lightly, and he calmed down, it was okay, it was okay for Shinichi to know, Shinichi was okay, everything was fine.
The magician walked to the blue eyed detective and made grabby hands at him.

"Carry me."

Shinichi's eye brow rose, then he felt Kaito's arms wrap around his neck.

"My ankle hurts."

Shinichi's eyes met Saguru's and the other just shrugged and walked out the door.

"I'll be waiting you two at the door."

Shinichi sighed and picked the magician up. Saguru had left him in this alone. The other didn't feel like he weighed anything so it didn't ake much effort, he was suddenly glad about the fact that they were taking him out to eat.
Kaito giggled, he didn't lie, his ankle really did hurt, and this was the best way to punish Shinichi for laughing at him and almost causing his poor heart to stop.
Shinichi was annoyed now and decided to put the other in his place.

"Before the date, we're taking you to get a sling for your shoulder."

Kaito gasped.


"Shush you."

And then it happened again, emitting a small laugh from Shinichi, another mood switch.

This will NOT turn into romance!
It will remain as very strong bromance!
Only one more part to go~
Y'all are probably happy that it's finally ending XD

~DC/MK One-Shots~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora