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~I do not own DC/MK~
They're little kids in this, except for the end~
Setting: Shinichi's kindergarten, nap time.

The little detective woke up, throat rough and dry.


He got up from his futon and looked around, blue eyes scanning the room, searching for his little bag. He found it laying right next to the door, along with his little yellow hat. Carefully as to not step on any little bodies because he didn't want to get in trouble because of something silly like stepping on or waking up one of the sleeping kids, he made his way over to his bag, already craving the taste and feeling of water running down his dry throat.
Just when he was about to open it up, his bag was snached out of his little fragile hands. Annoyed, he looked up with a deep frown, ready to confront whoever stole his bag, but instead froze in fear, color draining out of his face. His little frame shook slightly as he took in the appearance of the thief. It was a big shadowy black figure, with sharp claws for hands, white glowly dots for eyes, and what looked like horns sticking out of its head. It had no legs and seemed to just be floating in mid air. Shinichi gulped, he was scared, no, he was terrified, but he still had to get his bag back somehow, right? He puffed up his chest, trying to look strong, even though he knew it would do little to nothing in front of that thing.

"G-give me my bag back, you monster...!"

He seemed to be shrinking in on himself with each word he said. It all came out as a mere whisper, but the thing seemed to have heard it, since it shook its head and made its way to the door. The monster looking thing silently opened the door and looked back at Shinichi, as if expecting the little one to come along. Shinichi let out a small whimper, forget the water, he just wanted to go back to sleep and forget about this whole thing, maybe even discover that it was nothing but a nightmare, however, the thing didn't seem like it was going anywhere unless he followed it. He took a deep breath to calm himself down before nodding to himself.

'I can do this.'

He looked up at the monster, it didn't look that scary from afar, so he'll just try to keep his distance as much as he possibly could. The detective took small, slightly shaky steps towards the thing, watching for its reaction. It seemed to be satisfied. It floated out the door with his bag, and he followed it, wanting to get his bag back and at the same time curious as to where it was taking him.
Once they were successfully out of the building without anyone noticing, the monster started speeding up, and Shinichi had to run to catch up with it. They ended up in a small, nearby park. He followed it through the fuzzy bushes, until it suddenly disappeared in what looked like a puff of magical smoke, leaving his bag resting against an old tree. The little detective stared for a moment, wondering what just happened before taking small cautious steps towards his bag and picking it up. It felt cold where the monster held it, but luckily, there was no visible damage done by the monstrous claws, so he was safe from his mother's scolding. She definitely wouldn't believe him if he was to tell her what really happened. He did what he was supposed to do 15 minutes ago, open up his bag and take out his water bottle.
Feeling refreshed and satisfied after a few sips of his beloved water, he put his bottle back into his bag and closed it, getting ready to go back before people started looking for him, or worse, call his mom. Just when he was about to leave, he heard small whimpers coming from not so far away. Curiosity taking over him, he followed the sound.
The detective stood behind a tree and watched from afar. There was a kid, around the same age as him, sitting against a nearby tree, crying. The kid wasn't from his group, he wasn't wearing the blue uniform and didn't have the sakura name tag, the yellow hat was no where in sight either. Shinichi hesitated for a bit before walking over to the kid, it didn't feel right to just leave him there and he would probably end up feeling guilty if he did.
At the sound of footsteps, the little kid quickly wiped his tears away. He didn't want to seem weak in front of others.


Shinichi started once he was close enough. The kid looked up at him with blood shot eyes before looking away the next second, burying his face in his knees and pulling them tighter to his chest.

"Go away..."

Shinichi was annoyed by the reply, so he was going to annoy the other too.


The kid seemed to shrink.

"Please go away..."

Shinichi blinked in surprise, he didn't expect this sort of reply. Usually they'd get into a stupid fight. He sat down where he was standing, which was, again, not too far, but also not too close. He started working his brain, how could he get the other to tell him why he was crying?

"Kudo Shinichi."

The kid slowly looked at him, face still partially buried in his knees. At the kid's confused look, the detective explained.

"That's my name. Say, what's yours?"

The kid thought for a moment, he didn't want to say, but he felt obligated to. After a moment, he lifted his head up completely and gave a small smile, not wanting to seem unfriendly.

"Kuroba Kaito."

Shinichi felt his face heat up slightly. That smile...
He quickly looked away.

"Why were you crying?"

He slowly looked back at Kaito to see his reaction.

"Are you lost?"

The other shook his head. He knew where home was, but he wasn't planning on going back right now. His parents had left him alone again, so what was there to do if he went back?


He hesitated before deciding on just admitting it.

"I have no one to play with..."

He shrunk in embarrassment.

"I feel lonely..."

Shinichi blinked at the way the other seemed to be embarrassed. It was totally understandable to be sad and even cry when feeling lonely. He sighed, for some reason, he just didn't want the other to cry anymore...

"I'll play with you."

Kaito looked up at him in surprise.


Shinichi nodded as he looked away, why was his heart beating so fast?



Shinichi looked down at Kaito, who was laying in bed next to him.


What just happened...? Kaito gave him a worried look.

"You okay? Was it a nightmare?"

Shinichi blinked. Oh.

'It was just a dream then, huh?'

He snorted as he shook his head.

"It's nothing, go back to sleep."

Kaito hesitated for a moment before nodding and closing his eyes, almost instantly drifting back to sleep. He was really tired.
Shinichi stared at his magician's sleeping face for a bit before pulling him closer to his chest.

'Even that monster didn't want to see you cry.'

He lovingly planted a small kiss on his love's forehead.

'I don't ever want to see you cry again either.'

This was really really fun to write (❁´◡'❁)
I hope y'all liked it~
Fanarts of little Kaito and Shinichi are so adorable ≧﹏≦

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