Fragile (2)

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~I do not own DC/MK~
Haha, I didn't plan for this to have a part 2 but runaxmeow and AngieJolie10 wanted it so here it is.

He was running, running away from his captor. He wanted it all to end, it hurt so much. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole so that the assassin wouldn't be able to get to him. He ran and ran in the darkness, hoping to find a safe spot were he could hide forever, but it seemed like he was just running around in circles. Everything was dark, black, he didn't know where he was going and the fear of  accidentally bumping into his captor shook him. A pained wince escaped his chapped lips when he ran into a wall. Kaito's eyes widened, it sounded like he hit metal. Fuck, he was still in the same room, probably blindly running in circles like an idiot. The teen's knees gave up and he swayed a bit before falling, unable to hold himself up anymore. He curled up into a little trembling ball. He was scared, so scared, and his fear intensified when he heard the sound of painfully familiar footsteps coming his way. For a split second, Kaito had hope, maybe it was someone coming to rescue him. He opened the one eye he had left and peeked through his lashes. All hope was lost and the fear returned once again when he saw the familiar red glow moving in the darkness, coming closer and closer towards him. Tears streamed down his cheek, he was so tired and just wanted it all to end. Why couldn't Spider just kill him already? Wasn't that his mission? To kill the Kaito Kid? So why...

"Please stop..."

Whatever, he'll just beg for mercy. When he heard the footsteps stop, he continued to beg silently. That really was all he could do, Spider had the upper hand this time, he was at the assassin's mercy.
Through his blurry vision, he saw the assassin crouch down next to him, the red glow growing stronger. He shut his eye tightly, not wanting to be hypnotized, and continued to beg for whatever mercy Spider had.
He felt a gloved hand caress his cheek. Even though the touch was gentle, so gentle, it felt like pure fire, it burned. Whatever illegal drugs Spider's been giving him lately must've casted their evil spell on him. He resisted the urge to flinch away from the touch, not wanting to anger the assassin.

"Poor thing."

He bit his lip as he continued to just beg and sob silently, trying so hard to ignore whatever Spider was saying, but he knew he couldn't.

"Don't break, our little game didn't end yet."

Then he woke up in cold sweat, breathing heavily, wanting to get as much oxygen into his lungs as possible. Through his blurry vision, he could see someone hovering over him, pinning him down. He couldn't quite identify who it was, but it surely wasn't Spider. He heard what sounded like a heart monitor going crazy. A heart monitor? Hold on a second, where the hell was he?
As he calmed down, the grip on his wrists loosened up a bit and the person spoke in a familiar voice.

"You okay now?"

His one eye blinked and he frowned slightly.


When the sound of the heart monitor calmed down, the hands holding him down completely let go and the detective sat back on a chair next to the bed he was lying on. Oh wait, now that Kaito was able to see a bit better... He was in a hospital room.
He looked up at his detective, confused. To his surprise, Shinichi looked just as confused as he was.
After a moment of uncomfortable silence, the detective spoke up.

"You tell me your part of the story, I tell you mine."

Kaito nodded, he trusted his detective a lot and didn't even give a shit or care one bit about the fact that his face was uncovered and as clear as daylight to his detective.
Before starting his part of the story, Kaito paused, staring at Shinichi. The detective gave off a weird sense of.. safety. Kaito wanted that.
With what little energy he had, the magician tried to scoot closer to his detective but ended up failing. A pained whimpered escaped his lips, God, it hurt so much.
Shinichi frowned.

"Don't move too much, you might hurt yourself."

The danger of a punctured lung was no longer there, but still, they should be careful.
When the magician was seemingly having a nightmare, he had to pin him down, Kaito was thrashing around too much.
Shinichi frowned at the disappointed, sad look present on Kaito's face.

"What do you need?"

Kaito hesitated for a bit before answering.


At Shinichi's confused face, he explained.

"I feel safe next to you..."

Shinichi sighed, gaze softening as he got up and sat down on the magician's bed.


Kaito nodded, grateful for the detective's actions. Now he had to explain his part of the story. Taking in a deep breath, he started, explaining everything from beginning to end, or at least all of what he remembered. He remembered being hit of the head and passing out, then he woke up in that horrible small metal room and there Spider was threatening him that if he dared to try to escape, he'd select and kill one of his loved ones. He had no choice but to endure the pain. He really shouldn't have let his guard down that night...
Shinichi took it upon himself to wipe away the tears that fell down the magician's cheek as he told the story. God, it was fucking awful.
Once Kaito was done, Shinichi waited for the magician to stop crying before starting his story.
Kaito whimpered in both pain and fear once Shinichi was done. That only meant that Spider was still planning on capturing him and torturing him again after his recovery. He'll have to go through it over and over and over again...
Shinichi's heart clenched, he had to do something. He couldn't just leave Kaito- Kid, the very person who saved his life multiple times and even risked his own life to help him when they took down the black organization, to suffer alone through this. No, now it was time to return the favor.

"From now on, as long as I'm alive, he won't lay a finger on you."

Kaito's eye widened.

"N-no, he'll kill you...!"

Shinichi sighed.

"That would've been true if I didn't have the FBI and the whole of Japan's police on my side."

Kaito's heart calmed down a bit, remembering that they took down a whole organization consisting of dangerous criminals with the help of the FBI and Japan's police. The magician sighed, he won't be able to stop Shinichi, but even if he could, it'd be a wrong move. They really needed to get assassin arrested.
The magician's muscles untensed, his eye fluttering close as he whispered something so little, but yet meant so much.

"Thank you."

Happy ending~
Didn't wanna make this too painful XP
I hope y'all enjoyed this unplanned part ^~^

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