Bad Mood

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Kaito was in a bad mood. It was 4 in the morning, he woke up with a really bad headache, he had to reorganize his desk after his doves had decided to mess it up for some reason, he found a hole in his school uniform and had to sew it back up, he wasn't the best at sewing so his poor fingers were covered in bandaids by the end of it, having his fingers all wrapped up in bandaids only meant that he wouldn't have able to preform some of his favorite tricks, and above all that, he found out that he ran out of chocolate to comfort him, no chocolate bars, no chocolate ice cream, and no chocolate pudding.
The grumpy magician flopped onto his bed, wanting to get some sleep to hopefully get rid of the headache before school. He shivered, really not looking forward to Aoko waking him up and chasing him around with her mop while yelling at him to get ready. He groaned while hugging his pillow tightly, the day was going to be a shitty day.
Kaito continued to lay down and groan loudly, wanting the world to know that he was in a bad mood. When he was in mid groan, something popped into his head. His face brightened up like the sun on a summer day as he quickly reached for his phone, eager to hear a certain someone's voice.
After three rings, the call was picked up.

"Why are you waking me up this early?"

Kaito giggled at his detective's sleepy, annoyed voice. His Shin-chan was so adorable.

"I'm sorry Shin-chan. I just wanted to hear your voice~"

Shinichi may have felt his heart melt at the response but he ignored it. The detective sighed as he shifted on his bed.

"Why are you awake at this time anyways?"

It wasn't time for school yet and it was unlike Kaito to wake up so early. The magician groaned, remembering why he'd called Shinichi in the first place.


Shinichi hummed in response, waiting for an answer.

"An hour ago, I woke up with a really, reeeeaaaally bad headache, Shin-chan..."

Kaito used his please pity me voice as he continued to fake cry to Shinichi about what happened. He knew he was being a baby, but he seriously loved it when Shinichi spoiled him, and that was one of the ways to get Shinichi to do it.

"And you know what the worst part is, Shin-chan? I ran out of chocolate!"

Shinichi groaned, Kaito's fuel was chocolate and chocolate alone, so no chocolate resulted in a very unhappy, grumpy Kaito, and that would result in the meanest pranks and tricks ever.
The detective sighed as he turned on his side and put his phone on speaker before setting it down on the bed next to him. His hand was starting to get tired from holding the phone up to his ear and it was much more comfy that way.

"You can talk to me until you fall asleep."

Kaito's eyes lit up.


Shinichi whispered a small "yes". He was tired, but if it made his beloved boyfriend happy, then he didn't mind staying awake a little longer.
He heard Kaito shift around in bed, seemingly getting into the same position he was in. Then they started sleepy talk, they talked and talked for about half an hour before Kaito's voice started to sound like Shinichi's, all sleepy and tired.


Shinichi blinked, Kaito wasn't using that pet name anymore.

"Yes, Kaito?"

Kaito felt his face heat up slightly.

"Can I tell you something?"

Kaito's eyelids were starting to become really heavy, but he still wanting to say one more thing to his detective before good night.

"What is it?"

Shinichi readied his ears for whatever Kaito wanted to say.

"I love you, so much."

Shinichi blushed deeply, but before he could say it back, Kaito started mumbling sweet nothings as he drifted off to sleep. Some were compliments,

"... You're the best detective ever..."

Some were reassurances,

"... I'll always be there for you..."

And some were just pure adoration.

"...I love you so, so much, Shinichi..."

Shinichi couldn't help but hold his phone close to his chest as Kaito continued to lull them both to sleep.
The detective felt his heart ache slightly as his eyes fluttered close, he wished Kaito was there in place of his phone...
Kaito woke up feelings so warm, his headache was long gone and he just felt amazing. A while later of enjoying his bed's warmth, he remembered something and immediately started panicking. School.
The magician sat up in bed and picked up up his phone to look at the time.
It was around lunch time.
Kaito groaned and threw his phone away, he wasn't really that annoyed and he didn't really care about going to school, the problem was in the fact that his headache was starting to return.
Suddenly, he felt a small tug on his sleeve. He looked down, only to see his detective smiling up at him.

"Come back."

Kaito blinked in confusion before laying back down and allowing Shinichi to pull his close. Ah, so that was why he felt so warm.
They laid there for a while, enjoying each other's warmth before Kaito's brain rudely decided to interrupt and demand an explanation.

"What happened, Shinichi?"

Shinichi smiled down at his magician before giving him a small peck on the forehead.

"I woke up around half an hour before school starts, I called Aoko and told her you're not going to school today because you're tired, then I snuck into your house, slipped into your bed, and that's all."

Kaito smiled up at his detective. He really did need some rest after what happened, and so did Shinichi so it was good that the other was here instead of being in school.

"Thank you, Shin-chan."

Shinichi gave the magician another peck on the cheek before pulling him closer.


"Yes, Shin-chan?"

"Can I tell you something?"

Shinichi smirked when he felt Kaito's body tense a little. Kaito already knew what he was about to say.

"What is it?"

"I love you too."

This is so cringyyyyy!
I hate myself so much =~=

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