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Skeleton requested by BerryBerryBlitz , flesh added by me :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
~I do not own DC/MK~

It was late at night, Saguru and Shinichi were heading back to their hotel room after finally solving a complex case they've been called for in London. Saguru was the one called for the case actually, but Shinichi, being a good friend, had decided to tag along to help.
The two detectives flopped onto their separate beds, completely and utterly exhausted. They didn't expect the case to be that complex, add to that that they had to chase the culprit around for a full hour until they finally cornered him in an alleyway.
Stupid criminals with no excuses.
Saguru glanced at Shinichi, the other detective had actualy been attacked by the culprit and now had a long, deep cut along his arm. The blond felt bad, but at the same time grateful. It's true Shinichi got hurt, but the case would have been so much harder to solve without the other's help. Saguru honestly doubted that he would've been able to throw the criminal behind bars without Shinichi's help.
He smiled as he sat up.

"Thank you for your help, Kudo-kun."

Shinichi smiled up at the blond, still too tired to sit up and God, his arm was hurting like hell.

"No problem. I was just trying to be a good friend."

Saguru nodded. Shinichi really was a good friend. The blond got up and grabbed a spare pair of pyjamas before heading to the bathroom. He was all sweaty and dirty, he really needed a shower. Before closing the door, the blond stopped.

"I'll pack your bags as a thank you."

Then the half-brit was gone. Shinichi chuckled, with his arm the way it was, he was going to have to ask for help anyways, so he was glad that the blond saved him the trouble.
While Saguru showered, Shinichi lay in bed, relaxing and listening to the pleasant sound of water droplets hitting the bathroom tiles. The two detectives were both lost in their own worlds, but they shared one mutual thought. Something was missing.
No, they both knew it was a someone.
It was the person who had formed their little friend group, Kaito.
Over two years ago, the magician had traveled to London to meet one of his father's contacts. Unfortunately on his way back to Japan, the plane crashed and he just.. disappeared. No one knew where he was and whether he was alive or not.
A small, sad smile made it's way to Shinichi's lips, tomorrow they were heading back to Japan, just like when Kaito was heading back that day. The detective thought for a moment about the possibility of their plan crashing too but quickly brushed it off. He was just thinking about the magician too much. He did that often, he'd kinda gotten attached to Kaito, after all, the magician was the one who'd been there for him to cheer him up after Ran had gotten mad at him about the whole Conan thing.
It wasn't Kaito at the time actually, it was Kid. Kid was the one who came in through his bedroom window at night when he was feeling the most hopeless and continued to give him riddles to solve and cheer him up all night long.
Shinichi smiled at the memories, especially giggling when he remembered how Kid would poof confetti out of his sleeves whenever he got the answer of a riddle right.
They'd grown closer and closer until Kuroba Kaito was introduced to him, then he met Saguru through Kaito and their little friend group was formed.
It was crushing to hear the news about Kaito's disappearance, but they had to deal with it and move on with their lives, even if they felt like something was missing at all times.


The next morning, Saguru packed his bags and Shinichi's bags, as he promised the night before, and they headed for the airport. While they waited to get on the plane, they talked and laughed about how they both thought of the same thing the night before. It was scary to think about their plane crashing, and sad because it reminded them of Kaito, but also kinda funny.
The two got onto the plane, their seats next to each other. A while passes and then there were screams. It took them a moment to realize, but their plane was crashing.
So it wasn't just a funny joke after all.


Golden brown eyes opened, but immediately closed again, blinded by the sun. Saguru brought his hand up to shield himself from the sun. Memories started flooding into his mind, oh right, their plane crashed.


His voice came out as a bare whisper, which wasn't really a surprise. He didn't know how long he was out for, it could've been days.
The blond shifted a little, his body hurt a lot, but it didn't seem like there were any broken bones. As he moved a bit more, the ground beneath him almost felt like it was moving? He was lying on something kinda soft and a bit warm from the sun. His hand played around with it, it was sand.
Slowly and with quite a bit of effort, the blond sat up and looked around. It was an island. He frowned, behind him, there were a few crude huts, and in front of him there was a mostly finished wooden boat as well as... Shinichi.


In a blink, Saguru was kneeling down next to the other detective, feeling for pulse. He sighed in relief when he felt a strong, steady rhythm.
Instead of shaking the other awake, he splashed some salty ocean water onto the other's face. Shaking would be too risky since there was a possibility of some sort of head injury or brain damage.
Shinichi woke up with a groan, he felt horrible. He saw a bit of light, but something was blocking it. He rubbed at his eyes to try and get them to focus, ah, it was Saguru.
With a bit of help from the blond, Shinichi sat up.
Fortunately, the two still had their phones so they could call for help.
After checking the time and discovering that they'd only been out for a day, they went on to explore, there surely were people here, right? The huts didn't look that old at all, neither did the wooden boat. There was even a pile of different types of fruits under one of the trees and none of the fruits went bad.
As they went deeper and deeper, leaving marks on the trees they passed by with a pocket knife that Saguru had as to not get lost, the sound of water splashing became louder and clearer.
They followed the sound and as they got closer, the sound of someone laughing confirmed the fact that there was at least one person living on the island.
A few minutes later, they were standing in front of a small river. They watched curiously as someone in clothes made of pelts jumped around in it and splashed water everywhere. They stepped closer to get a better look, the person heard them, stopped, and turned to face them.
They gasped and their jaws dropped to the ground.


I had so much fun writing this >~<
I thought it'd be too complex at first but it turned out just fine (ミዎ ﻌ ዎミ)
I hope y'all are excited for the next part~

~DC/MK One-Shots~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon