
410 24 12

~I do not own DC/MK~
Requested by meitantei_shin
Thanks for the request ➷♡
.・゜-: ✧ :**•̩✩•̩*˚ ˚*•̩✩•̩*˚*
Note: They're 21 here~


The magician started, looking worried as he watched his friend chug down the rest of his beer.

"Don't you think you've had enough?"

He continued. Shinichi put down the empty beer can next to three other ones as he looked up at his magician friend, cheeks flushed red.

"I'm fine."

He grumbled.
The detective had four in total. It worried both Kaito and Saguru, who just sat there and watched their friend go through all four cans. They came to watch some movies together, read books, and solve Kaito's riddles, but the detective had gotten himself drunk half way through the fun.
Neither of the three liked drinking, so for Shinichi to actually get drunk was really worrying. Did something happen?
Saguru collected the four empty cans got up to throw them. Just when he was about to leave the room, he saw Shinichi trying to get up, probably to get another can.
The blond pushed the other detective down, causing him to fall back to where he was sitting on the floor.

"You're not getting any more, Kudo-kun. That's enough for today."

Saguru left to throw away the cans, hearing Shinichi groan and complain as he closed the door.
Kaito eyed his drunk friend with a frown.


He moved from his position across the other to sit right next to him.

"You know you can tell me if anything is bothering you."

Shinichi groaned, restraining himself from doing anything he might regret. Kaito was just so close and-
He sighed, not wanting to think about it too much.

"I know."

Kaito tilted his head as he smiled softly at his friend.

"Tell me then, what's bothering my Shin-chan?"

Shinichi's face flushed a darker red at the nickname.

'His Shin-chan?'

Thankfully, the magician didn't really seem to notice.
He looked down not wanting to meet the other's eyes.
He sighed again, feeling frustrated.

"It's him."

Kaito blinked in confusion, but then the confusion quickly turned into determination and a bit of anger. Indigos narrowed.

"Him? Who is he, Shin-chan?"

He was ready to teach whoever hurt his detective a lesson he'd never forget.
Shinichi seemed to hesitate a bit, Kaito reached out and gave his friend's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Tell me."

Shinichi looked up at Kaito for a second then down at the hand holding his. After a few seconds of consideration, he spoke.

"It's Hakuba-kun..."

Indigos widened.


What did his best friend do to Shinichi?!
He gave Shinichi's hand another squeeze.

"What did he do, Shinichi?"

Kaito's voice was firm and serious. He was going to have a long talk with Saguru once they left Shinichi's house.
Shinichi looked away, biting his lower lip.

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