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~I do not own DC/MK~
WARNING: Y'all read the title, right? •~•
Not much happened here, it's mainly part 2 but ya know •^•
Note: Kid doesn't know that Conan is Shinichi.

Kid wasn't exactly sure what to do anymore. With a long, sharp needle pointed directly at his favorite detective's neck, and knowing who held said needle in their black gloved hand, it seemed like he didn't have the upper hand anymore. He looked around, but there was nothing there to help him, and none of his silly tricks could do anything in this situation. What did he have? He had some sleeping gas, but he knew that the other came prepared with a gas mask, so that's a no. He had some smoke bombs, but he knew that the other was used to them by now and could move in the smoke with ease, another no. He had his card gun, but he ran out of cards, he'd used his last card as a weak attempt at stopping his enemy from knocking out his detective. He had his doves... No, just no. His doves were smart, but they could barely do anything against a serial killer.
The sound of a low chuckle pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Looks like you ran out of tricks."

The thief groaned. It was true. The chuckling turned into laughter, making the thief wish he could cover his ears, but his pokerface stopped him.

'Pokerface, pokerface!'

Soon enough, the man stopped laughing like a maniac and looked straight at his target, another little chuckle escaping his lips when he saw how Kid closed his eyes and looked away to avoid getting hypnotized.

"Listen, how about we make a deal?"

He offered, one hand tight around the child's neck while the other still held the needle firmly. Kid slowly opened his eyes and carefully looked back at the assassin.

"A deal?"

What type of deal? The assassin chuckled again, sending the not so good type of shivers down the thief's spine.

"Yes, a deal. You do whatever I say, and in return, I won't harm this child. He's your favorite, isn't he?"

That was right. Kid adored his little detective and would definitely never forgive himself if the little boy got hurt because of him, especially when he apparently had the choice to do something to stop it. He thought for a moment, whatever Spider says? That can't be anything good, but it really didn't seem like he had any other choice but to agree to the unfair deal. If he didn't, Conan would...
He shook his head hastily, wanting to get rid of the terrifying thought. He didn't want to lose his detective, he'd rather die than see his detective get hurt. Conan was his friend now, even if the detective didn't see him as one.
He looked down and tried to speak but no words would come out. Was he really about to do this...? He took a deep breath to try to calm his racing heart, yes, yes he was. He glanced up at his detective and bit his lip at how close the needle was to his little neck, he really had no other choice. The metallic taste of blood pulled him out of his thoughts, even though Spider seemed to be waiting patiently, he knew that he still had to say something soon.


Shit, he stuttered and his voice gave up on him. His eyes burned. Why does this have to happen?

"You what?"

He fell silent for a moment, rethinking his decision.


He gulped. Wait, what led him to think that Spider would really keep his part of the deal of not hurting his detective? The guy was a serial killer and should not be trusted. Serial killers are not known for keeping promises.

"Do you promise that you won't hurt him if I did whatever you say?"

His voice didn't give up on him this time, thankfully. The assassin laughed at the question. Of course what type of person would easily trust someone like him?

"I understand your concern. As I said before, you do what I say, I won't harm him. It's all up to you whether he gets hurt or not."

Indigos blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, not wanting to look weak in front of his worst enemy. He still didn't trust the assassin's words, not one bit, but if he agreed to the deal, and Conan did end up getting hurt, then at least he tried, right? It was better that not trying at all due to fear.
He looked up at the moon and wondered, what would his father have done if he was put in the same situation?

'What should I do, otosan?'

His father's voice ringed in his ears, it said a lot, but none of what it said gave him an answer, however, he also knew that his father wouldn't like it if he let fear defeat him and stop him from saving someone's life.
He blinked away his tears again and lowered his head to look down at the ground, avoiding Spider's strong gaze. At least the guy was being patient with him, heh.
His hands turned into fists, jaw clinched, he was not going to let fear defeat him. He should at least try. Just try. His father wouldn't have let the chance to save someone go.
He opened his mouth.


Spider smirked.

'Say it already.'

Kid looked up, gaze strong with determination, voice firm.

"I accept the deal."

He praised himself for not dropping down to his knees and crying right there. To his relief, the assassin tucked the needle away into his pocket. The thief mentally sighed in relief at some of the danger being taken away from his detective. He shouldn't get too comfortable though...

"Great. Now follow me."

Kid gulped as he watched Spider walk away with his detective before following, all while keeping a safe distance. Just close enough to be able to to see his detective.

'I won't let this bastard hurt you, Tantei-kun. I promise.'

So, y'all can probably guess what's gonna happen next ^~^
I warned y'all~
Part 2 is gonna be wooooooop!~
I'm not sorry btw

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